Trala’s Tent

I hope you have better luck than me when it comes to flowering!

I was thinkng about finding a red light when i go to flower... Once i have the autos i dont think it'll matter.
Shaggyyyyyyyyy ;)

Thank you so much! They are a picture of good health.

Oh me too! Willies at this point would 100% ruin everything!
Now where have I heard that before ? . Think it was my wedding night !!. Lol
Sunday Summary

10 weeks - Day 15 Post Flip

OMG I have literally been awake since 6am yesterday! Fuck you very much night shift! Worst part, I’m back tomorrow at 8am for another 10hr spin.

So it’s raining and freezing here, so I have left my non binary crew inside in the tent. I am very obviously doing something wrong. I did the 14 hours of darkness last night expecting something. Yeah yeah nah, nothing. So I don’t know :(

So I’ve fed them, burped them, told them they’re pretty and I guess I just need to continue waiting. On the upside, they really are a picture of health. Beautiful deep green foliage. So there’s that to be thankful of I guess.

Hope you’re all having a splendid Sunday, coz so far mine has sucked balls.


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Minxie Grand

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Trixie Grand

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:love: :love: :love:

RIGHT LET'S SETTLE THIS FUCKER NOW. !!! IN ALL MY YEARS GROWING AND SEEING LADIES SEX PARTS , I WILL CONFIRM THESE ARE LADIES !!! I know this as I am dribbling a little while closely looking at those pics from above !!!!!!!. Lol Wow I sounded so macho then. Heehee. That nice looking star shape that has appeared looking from above , is a female starting her display. Starfish is when I usually know the st3etch is nearly over too. They look good T. Don't panic at all. Enjoy the floral display and relax and trust the plant to do what she is designed for.
I was thinkng about finding a red light when i go to flower... Once i have the autos i dont think it'll matter.
Red is useless. Green is the safest colour to use and you can buy filters for torches amd even some grownshops sell head lamps for purpose. Very handy.
There is definitely, without doubt a female pre-flower in the circle. The pistils are a tad green looking in the pic but the middle node, on the right side of the circle has a female pre flower next to the main stem. The pistils curve up and to the right.

Are you using a timer yet? That might be why your plants are slow to flower. If youre a few minutes off in manually turning on or off lights that can mess up your photoperiod.
Hi :)

Do you really think so? They just look the same to me. But hopefully you’re right. My plants are complete mongrels too, theyre not like fancy seeds that you see in here. Would that make a difference?

I have been manually timering because, well I can’t work out how to use the timer and it resets when I put them outside, I have set 2 alarms 12 hours apart, which literally scared the fuck out of me twice a day but thats another story.. lol For the last 2 days they have had 14 hours of night. I have been exactly on time and I haven’t gone near them while sleeping.

The weather here is almost identical to my tent, beautiful 24 degree days. I hate the thought of locking them away with an artificial sun, when I have the real thing. I usually put them back in the tent at 3pm to finish them off.
RIGHT LET'S SETTLE THIS FUCKER NOW. !!! IN ALL MY YEARS GROWING AND SEEING LADIES SEX PARTS , I WILL CONFIRM THESE ARE LADIES !!! I know this as I am dribbling a little while closely looking at those pics from above !!!!!!!. Lol Wow I sounded so macho then. Heehee. That nice looking star shape that has appeared looking from above , is a female starting her display. Starfish is when I usually know the st3etch is nearly over too. They look good T. Don't panic at all. Enjoy the floral display and relax and trust the plant to do what she is designed for.
You 100%?

What exactly is this “don’t panic” state when it comes to growing indoor plants you speak of?

I‘m not familiar with this emotional response.

Sorry Tra about night shift & lack of great daytime sleep.

Damn it B.B. & Ganja... you had to spill the beans! I was hoping we could ride sweet TraLa’s backside for a few more weeks about hermie or snipe hunting or a left handed screwdriver. See if we don’t keep her riled up & in panic mode then we are in deep shit and she will learn to grow hooch without us.

Now for the translations....I think Midwest meant a far red light for enhancing flower. GGD is talking about a green flashlight, headlamp or green lens cover for safely observing plants during lights out.

Me, well I’m talking about this... :passitleft: Your girls look exceptional
Get a manual timer if you cant figure out the digital. Pins up OFF, pins down ON.

Id also double check your tent for light leaks.

As for your female preflower I wish I could draw an outline around it for you. Its there, no doubt.
Well this is embarrassing. It is a manual timer.

I am 100% sure there is no light leaks. I made mistakes early on. I thought you couldn’t interrupt them during light time, so when they were vegging, I was waiting until their dark time to water, tie down, and generally peep at.

Since finding out that this is the worst thing you could do to plants I have taken dark time to the extreme. To the point I was shutting the door in the garage to maintain darkness when turning off the lights, then nearly breaking my neck on the way out coz it’s so dark! They get maybe 15 seconds of side door light after lights out just so I can safely get out.
All males by the looks of it.
I'm so sorry Tra,
Better luck next time tho ;)
Are you sure?

I’ll get some better pics when I get home.

They smell like girls!

Are you sure?

I’ll get some better pics when I get home.

They smell like girls!

Yes please. They look like happily vegging plants. Which I dont understand. We need to see their crotch to be sure. seriously tho. We need clear node pics. At least of the 2 we arent sure about.

How long have they been on a roughly 12 12 schedule? Did i read somewhere you let them go 14 or 15 hrs sometimes?
I won't even ask on your opinion on how girls should smell ;)

I'd say they have been pretty young ladies all along.:green_heart:
I think you prolly know better than anyone!


Oh thank God! I felt so sad!
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