Trala’s Tent

Emilya is right @burdok420
If youre sucking up humid air that filter won't last long, TraLa had a problem with the humidity going into the tent to start with so more extraction won't make much difference.
Neat looking scrog there buddy :thumb:
That’s interesting charcoal reducing smell weed wise.

Hey I wonder if you could chuck it on the BBQ, mmm weed burgers :)
Every day I’m faced with buying yet another bloody thing!

These plants will end up producing nothing and costing me a grand!
Most expensive free weed ever:headbanger:
We put a prefilter over our metal carbon filters just to capture moisture so it doesnt get into the filter housing and the charcoal.
Hi @Emilya i have one of these socks on my filter. Should I be drying this out occasionally? I don’t really understand humidity control. I thought I was using an extraction fan to exhaust the very humid air caused by transpiration and evaporation from our growing medium and replacing it with less humid air from outside the tent
Most expensive free weed ever:headbanger:

Hi @Emilya i have one of these socks on my filter. Should I be drying this out occasionally? I don’t really understand humidity control. I thought I was using an extraction fan to exhaust the very humid air caused by transpiration and evaporation from our growing medium and replacing it with less humid air from outside the tent
yes, that is the purpose of that sock, and it should be cleaned and dried occasionally so it can do its job. It is there because we do run high humidity for portions of our grows and the filters need to be able to exist in that environment, extracting the smell from the air as you exchange it several times an hour... but my point was if you are using the filter/fan combo with the idea in mind to use the filter to reduce the RH, you are not quite using your technology correctly. If RH is a problem that is not able to be managed with at least 5x an hour air exchange, you need a dehumidifier processing your intake air, more air exchange or more fan action in the grow area, but not necessarily a bigger charcoal filter.
Sunday Summary

Week 8


OMG I’m flipping tonight. I’m so super nervous! I just feel like they’re only babies and they’re too little for this next stage. Lights out at 3pm, back on at 6am, does that sound okay?

I really don’t think I’ll be able to fit all 3 in soon, I’ve watered and I’ve got my bloom nutrients to add to my mix. Fingers crossed I can take them to the next stage.

Thank you all for your advice and support. As you have all witnessed first hand, I seriously had no idea when it came to growing indoors and this forum has been a gift. Xo

Minxie Grand :love:

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Trixie Grand :love:

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The struggle is real! Lolling

Hey, I’m actually becoming quite good at the tying them down. Does this continue into flower?

I also seriously want to thank you all for not publicly ridiculing me when I went through my hang heavy metal objects off them phase, like OMGGGG what was I thinking?! Ummm yeah the reason no one does it Tra, is coz it’s a really shit idea...

So embarrassing! I literally make myself cringe!
OMG I’m flipping tonight. I’m so super nervous! I just feel like they’re only babies and they’re too little for this next stage. Lights out at 3pm, back on at 6am, does that sound okay?

So excited for you:ganjamon:

Are you going for 12 hours on 12 hours off? I’d check your on/off times if so;)
So excited for you:ganjamon:

Are you going for 12 hours on 12 hours off? I’d check your on/off times if so;)
I’m literally McShitting myself!

And yes, they will have a bit more than 12 hours of night tonight because, well, I’m a moron. Then tomorrow 12 on 12 off!

I‘m manually doing. So if you see me happily posting at 6:10, remind me to turn on the lights ;)
Was that Frank or Billy saying flip just flip already.
I’m so nervous, I get butterflies when I think about it!

So the plan, lights off at 9pm?

That‘s Billy, I think he said “just flip them and stop bothering people online you needy cow..”

Yeah, he’s getting euthanised tomorrow.
Sorry to be so pathetically needy....

I got some video of my girls, are you sure they’re ready?

I feel you. My girls are also short and big boned. I think I’m going to flip within the next few days but really don’t think they’re ready. Apparently they could double in height after the flip??? Hope so
I feel you. My girls are also short and big boned. I think I’m going to flip within the next few days but really don’t think they’re ready. Apparently they could double in height after the flip??? Hope so
Faak! (that‘s what Bill hears when we say fuck. At first I was like WTFaak? Then realised it totally is how the bogan demographic say it. FYI I’m totes bogan dem if you’re wondering)

Is it an Aussie thang?

How old are yours?
Hahaha. I identify as bogan but my mates are waaaaay more bogan than me. Did you see the Bogan Hunters show by the Fat Pizza guys a few years back? They found some champion bogans

Mine are about 8 weeks old from seed. I just went to check on them but I stepped in dog shit on the way and dragged it into the shed... I’ll pop back out to give them some love and post an update later. I reckon they’ll be flipped within the week. I’m becoming impatient
In hindsight, the “herm” I thought went to seed was a female that had been pollinated, I have no idea by who. So my seeds are from a female plant who was bowchikawowwowed with a male.
A "hermie" is a female that, due to stress, produces pollen sacs (like a male) and can self-pollinate it's own buds. Because both sets of chromosomes come from the "female", the seeds will also be female. However, if they were produced by a hermie that wasn't intentionally stressed using something like STS, Gibberillic Acid, Colloidal Silver etc. (this is how to produce feminized seeds...reverse a female and pollinate another female) and is prone to hermie, the seeds will likely be prone to hermie, also, and I'd avoid them.

What is RH?

I have this friend, he’s kind of like a dooms day prepper and he’s starting to freak me out because my humidity has been high in my tent - like 88%.

You may have already figured this out, but RH = "Relative Humidity" so your RH was 88%
Hey, I’m actually becoming quite good at the tying them down. Does this continue into flower?
If it's needed for space which, I'm betting it will be cuz' you've got some very Sativa looking girls there and they like to stretch. I'd expect them to close to triple in height in the first two weeks post flip! ;)
Hahaha. I identify as bogan but my mates are waaaaay more bogan than me. Did you see the Bogan Hunters show by the Fat Pizza guys a few years back? They found some champion bogans

Mine are about 8 weeks old from seed. I just went to check on them but I stepped in dog shit on the way and dragged it into the shed... I’ll pop back out to give them some love and post an update later. I reckon they’ll be flipped within the week. I’m becoming impatient
I am less bogan now if I’m honest. But I can still speak it fluently :D

Yep and loved it coz I once lived it.

Our kids are the same age :)

Gotta hate stepping in dog shit, particularly in runners. About a month ago I was walking my dogs, and one did like the shit that killed Elvis, it was rank, so I pretended to pick it up, but didn’t, I was in fact holding a tied off empty dog shit bag. So I keep walking, proud that I pulled off a dog poo scam. Maybe 5 minutes after it starts to really rain, so I quickly turn around to walk back home and stepped in my own abandoned wet dog shit.

Some people would call that karma.
A "hermie" is a female that, due to stress, produces pollen sacs (like a male) and can self-pollinate it's own buds. Because both sets of chromosomes come from the "female", the seeds will also be female. However, if they were produced by a hermie that wasn't intentionally stressed using something like STS, Gibberillic Acid, Colloidal Silver etc. (this is how to produce feminized seeds...reverse a female and pollinate another female) and is prone to hermie, the seeds will likely be prone to hermie, also, and I'd avoid them.

You may have already figured this out, but RH = "Relative Humidity" so your RH was 88%

If it's needed for space which, I'm betting it will be cuz' you've got some very Sativa looking girls there and they like to stretch. I'd expect them to close to triple in height in the first two weeks post flip! ;)
Thanks for your feedback :)

Sorry to hit you with a huge wall of words, but I‘d love your opinion if you have time to read it.

I have come to realise I wouldn’t be able to correctly guess weed genitalia if they were slapping me in the face.

This is my experience so far, first plant was given to me 2019, it looked 100% female to me, (I’m sorry I’m so shit at the correct terminology) it had the early buds with the white hairs, which got bigger and smelled lovely, by March they were looking good, so I decided to try it because it looked so nice. When I dried it, there was seed all through it. I decided it must have been a herm because I was so sure it was a girl. I based this on a gut feeling - now keep in mind when it comes to gut feelings, I get it wrong 50%.

I kept maybe 50-80 seeds. From those seeds I grew 3 plants in Sept 2019. 2 were 100% female and went to bud, zero seeds, picked too early but that’s another failure story all together. Halfway through the grow, I moved the 3rd plant to a sunnier position in my yard, my gut feeling was it was female. While the other two were at that white haired phase, the third plant had little green balls like I have seen in here when it comes to boy plants, because I thought males had seeds, I decided they were seeds, there were no white haired early bud on it either, they looked wrong. Because the other two were going so well I didn’t want to take any chances so I pulled it, and decided it was herm too because I caused stress by moving her.

They weren’t stressed by any chemical I intentionally gave them. Based on this, do they sound Hermie because I have zero idea?

The two seedlings are at the moment 100% female. When would I see sign of herm?

OMG really? I think my tent will definitely be too small for 3, so there will be another eviction.
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