Trala’s Tent

Funny thing Trala, my hydro store will do the same with me (an old dude) if I don't take things in my own hands. They call me sugar tits once and that's it though! ;) Happy potting up day! They all look great from here!
Good morning:)

Omg everything has gone to shit.

I think I did the wrong thing buying that soil. When I think about it. Hydro dude knows I grow weed. Like it’s unsaid, but he knows. Nursery dude thinks I’m growing plants in pots. He doesn’t realise I have added daily nutrients. So he’s recommending the soil mix they grow outdoor plants in.

Should I go by hydro dudes soil and reuppot them into the hydro soil, or do you think they will be okay in this soil and maybe I feed lighter and less? I’m so impulsive and when left to my own thoughts. I can make the WORST fucking choices.

And another thing. The two flowering plants have nits. I have been checking them for herm signs coz I left the light on last week. And I noticed that tell tall pin prick leaf bleaching.

And I need to defol and I have zero idea how far I should go up. I just feel like every other grow I have done I’m going to mess up flower.

So my biggest questions
1. can I use Tega Brop with this new soil
2. Do I take 30% off the petticoat when defolling

@Carcass @013 @Emilya and anyone else who might know.
So my biggest questions
1. can I use Tega Brop with this new soil
2. Do I take 30% off the petticoat when defolling
Yes, although the soil you bought has time release nutes in it, so you may need a lower dose of MC than with "plain" soil....
and yes, if you mean defoliating the bottom 1/3 of the plant...

She is approx 95cm wide and approx 95cm tall.

Here’s her 3 sides and I’m so shit at fractions and percentages. I want to do an exact line.

Does the pink line look okay?


Halle is fatter approx 100cm tall and 100cm wide. She’s basically like her mum ;) A sweet smelling ball of sugar leaves. Tbh WillE smells like yaks piss.

Here’s her 3 sides and my guesstimating defol line.

Im so nervous. I get so Edward Scissorhands when it comes to hair cuts.

Carcass OMG that little monster. She’s a fucking boss.

I will get pics later.

Good morning. Is it good tho? IS IT?

I am so worried about the two plants I recently uppoted. We aren’t yet acquainted. Let me tell you a bit about me. I have two moods.

Mood 1: I have a idea. With zero research or advice I’m doing it. YEAH BOIIIIIII!
Mood 2: What the fuck did I just do and why? Just whyyyyyyyyy?

OMG I am determined to drive my grow in the bin.

Honestly this is exactly why Mum said I can’t have nice things.
Do you think everything off below that line?
Yes- unless it's a pretty good size branch- all the skinny little branches that
will never amount to much can go,along with all the fan leaves (just the ones below the line, not all of the fan leaves :)
Yes- unless it's a pretty good size branch- all the skinny little branches that
will never amount to much can go,along with all the fan leaves (just the ones below the line, not all of the fan leaves :)
Copy that Ghostrider

Stay below line ✔️
All skinny branches ✔️
All fan leaves ✔️
(just below the line, not all the fan leaves)

I‘ll report back later with pics :)

I’m so nexcited! (Nervous excited)

PS The fact you know me well enough to know to clarify fan leaf removal makes my heart sing :kiss:
PPS Do you think I should go buy terra or leave those two clones in my brain explosion soil?
Do you think I should go buy terra or leave those two clones in my brain explosion soil?
The stuff you bought might be ok, but you never know what the time release nutes are going to do when you add MC to the mix- If they're strong nutes, they may not play well with the MC.
I prefer soil with no nutes added, so you can control exactly what the plant gets fed...
Although...I did just buy a bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest, which has time release nutes in it, but I think they're pretty mild in FFOF. I should have read that label before I bought it... although it was recommended by my son, so I'm pretty sure it'll work just fine.
You could try the soil you bought, and transplant out of it later, if problems start to develop... just maybe go a little weaker with the MC until you see how the plants respond.
sounds kinda hot cuz it’s got nutes built in plus it was tweaked up with bone & blood meal…. but I don’t have much experience with MC so with that said I’m game to hear what the carcass-meister and Miss Em have to say about it - think I might try plain water and skip the MC for a session or two and go easy when you do start back
I think there is some confusion between fox farm ocean forest and miracle grow, the latter that actually has time release nutrient bombs in it. FFOF does not have this junk in it... it just has a lot of good organic material that given a good microbial environment, can be turned into nutrition, but FFOF is not as hot as some people online make it out to be... it is simply a rich organic soil and it does not come preloaded with nutrients per se, certainly not in a time release form.

I ran MC in an old supersoil/foxfarm ocean forest/foxfarm happy frog mix. My supersoil still had lots of good stuff in it and it is in the compost bin being rejuvenated at this very moment. The point is, I definitely had hot soil with lots of oomph still in it, and I ran MC on top of it. Guess what... the soil did not hurt a thing. MC worked as it was advertised. Vegan nutrient systems take over the nutrition of your plant, sending everything up through the water that the plant needs. The plant has no need to use or be affected by the nutes in the soil, or any microbes that might have been in there... Veganic nutes take over.

So I agree with the above advice to go slow and see how much MC you need, but I don't believe it will be any different in there than it would be in a tub of perlite.

Regarding trimming, after stretch I try not to touch my plants. While you are in veg, feel free to chop and trim and shape your plant into whatever you want it to be. The vegging plant will simply shrug it off and adapt to whatever you do. Once bloom starts, that all changes. A Blooming plant will react to what you do, instead of adapt. I don't like hermies... so I leave blooming plants alone for the most part.
Thanks for setting me straight on the FFOF @Emilya !
This (my next grow) will be my first time using it, so this is great to know in advance.
The stuff you bought might be ok, but you never know what the time release nutes are going to do when you add MC to the mix- If they're strong nutes, they may not play well with the MC.
I prefer soil with no nutes added, so you can control exactly what the plant gets fed...
Although...I did just buy a bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest, which has time release nutes in it, but I think they're pretty mild in FFOF. I should have read that label before I bought it... although it was recommended by my son, so I'm pretty sure it'll work just fine.
You could try the soil you bought, and transplant out of it later, if problems start to develop... just maybe go a little weaker with the MC until you see how the plants respond.
So far so good.

My clones look soooo much better for the uppot. I hate droopy plants. They clinically depress me.

I went and got shafted and lectured at the same time from hydro dude so I have some back up Terra Pro. The minute they look like they are suffering I will switcharoo.

I think it will be a good learning curve for me ie reading my plants to get that green that makes me wanna sing. I’ll start at 1g/2L of Tega Brop, or do you think fuck it and go 1.5G/2L? No guts no glory mate. Lol

C Star I think you’re gonna be happy with me. I didn’t guesstimate one bit. I made a measuring stick that was EXACTLY 1/3 or 0.33 or 33.333% of my plant. And I only defolled to that point.

I love defolling so much. I really should have been a hairdresser. I think they look so fresh and pretty.

Get ready for an awesome picture show.
sounds kinda hot cuz it’s got nutes built in plus it was tweaked up with bone & blood meal…. but I don’t have much experience with MC so with that said I’m game to hear what the carcass-meister and Miss Em have to say about it - think I might try plain water and skip the MC for a session or two and go easy when you do start back
Thanks anyway 013
I think there is some confusion between fox farm ocean forest and miracle grow, the latter that actually has time release nutrient bombs in it. FFOF does not have this junk in it... it just has a lot of good organic material that given a good microbial environment, can be turned into nutrition, but FFOF is not as hot as some people online make it out to be... it is simply a rich organic soil and it does not come preloaded with nutrients per se, certainly not in a time release form.

I ran MC in an old supersoil/foxfarm ocean forest/foxfarm happy frog mix. My supersoil still had lots of good stuff in it and it is in the compost bin being rejuvenated at this very moment. The point is, I definitely had hot soil with lots of oomph still in it, and I ran MC on top of it. Guess what... the soil did not hurt a thing. MC worked as it was advertised. Vegan nutrient systems take over the nutrition of your plant, sending everything up through the water that the plant needs. The plant has no need to use or be affected by the nutes in the soil, or any microbes that might have been in there... Veganic nutes take over.

So I agree with the above advice to go slow and see how much MC you need, but I don't believe it will be any different in there than it would be in a tub of perlite.

Regarding trimming, after stretch I try not to touch my plants. While you are in veg, feel free to chop and trim and shape your plant into whatever you want it to be. The vegging plant will simply shrug it off and adapt to whatever you do. Once bloom starts, that all changes. A Blooming plant will react to what you do, instead of adapt. I don't like hermies... so I leave blooming plants alone for the most part.
Hello ladybird :)

Hmmm. Okay.

Do you think start at 1g/2L or 1.5g?

See that’s where we differ prettyface. I like my girls trimmed and neat and I like to see a good hint of naked leg as I pass them by ;) Tho that said I don’t like my girls to have balls, so I guess I’m back on herm watch FML


Personally I love defolling. I love doing it, and I love the way it freshens them up. They look how we feel after a good cut and colour. Sassy AF.
Tralala u got this! they loook soooo good especially kimbee jeeeezz, Also dont be worried to clear out the crap at the bottom the top half of the plant will love ya!. Also the soil situation! Soil is the secret! get the dr greenthumb soil one day in the future xxx
Gidday mateeeeeee.

Strap yourself in and get your Pom Pom‘s ready bloke! Coz have I got a picture show for you!

Kimee = fucking boss and more hands and fingers than Harvey Weinstein at a starlet convention.

:) :) :)
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