Trala’s Tent: Lucky Edition

No doubt in my mind that you'll do just fine, Trala...
I'll leave myself a note on the mirror in the bathroom- Burp the jars!- because I have forgotten a few times, since they're "out of sight, out of mind"most of the time...

I have made a huge error. Having them outside for the dark time has had me neglect them. We have had off and on rain here for the last 2 weeks, like heavy rain. I thought they’ll be fine, they plants, they weeds. Huge error. They are soaked and starving at the same time. They had arms everywhere drooped down low and sad, I have been looking at them without actually seeing how sick they are.

A lot of the leaves are yellow dying and hepatitisy. Granted that’s more the Tangie. They are full of nits, and just when I thought things were as fucked as you get, I have a couple of coca colas who have rot.

I have just spent the last hour staking and trying to fix them. They are way too late to turn around now. I just need to salvage what I can and learn for next time.

So dirty at myself.

Carla 3 :love: :love: :love:

Not all is lost tho. They stickier than a kid with a bag of fairy floss and they smell beautiful.

And that purple tinge is a bit cute.

Carla 6 :love: :love: :love:


The familam :love::love::love:

(even my dog is side eyeing me in disgust)

Had a grower whisper in my ear that I needed to make a concentrated nute drink for my super wet plants.

I listened and I think I see an improvement.

Might be just my eyes playing tricks tho.

Carla 6 :love: :love: :love:


Carla 3 :love::love::love:

OMG I am such a fucking idiot.

I could smack myself so hard.

Me: hello experts, I know nothing on the subject. Is it okay to touch this hot plate when it’s on?
Experts in unison: NO! It will burn you!
Also me: The experts said no, but I wonder if I touch it here... oww! Ok but I wonder if I touch it with my other hand...OWW! Hmm I wonder if I touch it with my foot OWWWW!

I‘m just so infuriating. I’ve always done this too. Like always. I am about to do a take two fucktard post in Trala’s Tent if you enjoy reading my level of stupid.

So I have literally ruined these plants having them in full flower and in torrential rain/humidity/rain/humidoty. I noticed they looked rotty last week, but had a “she‘ll be right it’s a plant this is their habitat” approach, despite being told by expert growers that It was no good.

It is really warm and humid atm. The wet coupled with the rain has rotted many Coca-Cola’s. Well I’m being a bit Tramatic. I should say I can see the start of mould EVERYWHERE! And when I sob everywhere I mean at least 30% of each plant. Look I guessing at 30%; but it feels ALOT.

My wingman told me last week to get em in the dark room and into low humidity but of course being the idiotic burns victim I am I thought I knew better.

I threw the browning buds out and I trimmed the ones showing slight damage best I could to try and salvage it. I have learned a lot this grow. Main thing I’ve learned is I need to listen. Particularly when it’s advice I have asked for.

The rot



Sorry about the rot - you're not alone though- I think every outdoor grower has had to deal with it at one time or another- it can happen to anyone, so it's not anything you did or didn't do...sometimes shit just happens!
Sorry about the rot - you're not alone though- I think every outdoor grower has had to deal with it at one time or another- it can happen to anyone, so it's not anything you did or didn't do...sometimes shit just happens!
Omg you are such a sweet person. We are so so different. I will explain how.

This is basically a conversation we had weeks ago

Me: I leave my plants in the pouring rain
You: Be careful, as the bud gets heavy the extra water can cause rot

fast forward a few weeks...

Me: I have rot, I think it’s from the rain.
You: Sorry about the rot - you're not alone though- I think every outdoor grower has had to deal with it at one time or another- it can happen to anyone, so it's not anything you did or didn't do...sometimes shit just happens!

Ok C Meister now I’m going to show you what would have happened if the roles were reversed

You: I leave my plants in the pouring rain
Me: Be careful, as the bud gets heavy the extra water can case rot

fast forward a few weeks...

You: I have rot, I think it’s from the rain.
Me: scroll back you fucking moron, I told you this would happen

fast forward every single week of your life until you die

Me: Oiii C Dog remember that time I told you if you left your plants in the rain the bud would rot, and they did. Yeah you really should have listened to me aye.
Bud rot happens to the best of plants! Dont let this one phase you! Those were some pretty looking plants all the way through @Trala
Hi Johnny :)

The problem is I was warned and didn’t listen.

I have dropped the ball at the end of every single grow so far. Lucky was perfect till I fell into her pissed. I haven’t pulled off one no drama plant yet.
I would keep an extremely close eye on what you keep and cure as that mold could very easily spread especially in your jars. I’ve been there and done it.
Good morning Nev :)

I don’t think it’s mould. I know I called it that but it looks more dead than mouldy. I’m going to tidy them up today. They look awful.
Go easy on yourself, Trala! You won't let that happen again, so you learned from it.
And, at least in my case, "the hard way" is the best way to learn!
Ok so one day I’m going to do a grow that is without fuck ups from start to finish. It ain’t gonna be this grow mind... but one day...

At this point I’m just trying to salvage what I can. I had to take off a few browning buds yesterday. I am just closely monitoring and cutting as need be.

I restaked them today. They look awful.

:( :( :(

Carla 6 :love: :love: :love:



Carla 3

this is brilliant to watch T. you have gained so much confidence in your abilities finally. lol.
you are on it like a bonnet now with lots going on too. I deal with budrot with milk. 20% milk to water in a spray bottle and get it right into the stem too. .it starts in the stem next to the buds mainly and works outwards which is why we see it so late but the milk fucks the reproduction up using enzymes and kills it very quickly. the milk doesn't have time to sour or cause any issues at all so works with the plant really well. I swear by this for a resolve . it can also be done as a precaution as the buds build . milk is a very understated tool for growing. I am looking forward to the excess beast milk already. Mrs GG thinks inam very amorous at present but I am calculating how many plants each boob could feed !!!!. Baby might need a powdered supplement .heehee
Keep up the great work. going with more autos once I harvest this one finally. That lemon mimosa is a nightmare to trim and only half done. trim-jail sentence commuted to life in piss smelling ,sticky tiny leaved , awkward bitch....
Thanks G Tube.

True story I'm actually sat in front of a sleeping lady who keeps ripping her fucking g tube out. Yeah nah. Not on my watch lady!

I still fuck up flower. I'm 3 grows in and I still stumble at the end.

I've just popped a couple of beans so hopefully it will be 4th times a charm.
I’m actually super embarrassed to share this part of my third grow.

Short version: I am an over confident fucktard who needs to listen.

Long Version: I have been a member here for just on a year, and while I’ve learned so much I always had this gut feeling that the nutes and the special dirt side of forum growing was bullshit. I always felt in my gut that all a plant needs is water, sun and dirt, any kind of dirt.

I have a wingman, and many times he tried to debunk my theory of knowing better than seasoned experienced growers coz I have 2 slightly below average grows under my belt. And take this thread for confirmation of my grow brilliance, look at how I revived that dead seedling on page 1? I’m a natural.

So I started to believe my own bullshit, that I knew better. Every time my wingman tried to explain horticulture I’d listen while mentally making wank gestures in my mind.

So I got spoon fed by carcass and I was able to produce these two beautiful plants to the point of flower, they were beautiful, green and healthy. Then I decided to test my theory. Tbh I basically stopped feeding because I was so sure. I then left them in the rain to further prove my theory. Coz in nature all a plant needs is to feel Gods tears of joy in the form of rain, the sun and the seasons.

I was so looking forward to coming in blowing my trumpet that all you need to grow good weed is a seed, a sun and some dirt. How fucking wrong I was. The outdoors has absolutely fucking ravaged them.

These plants are so sick. So so sick. If they were human you’d start them on a Nikki and gather their loved ones.

If this was Mythbusters the myth that Mother Nature grows better plants than a manmade scientific grow, my grow would have officially debunked it ... but you all knew that already ;)

Carla 3 :love: :love: :love:


Carla 6 :love::love::love:

I am getting my trimmer and harvesting on the weekend, whether they are ready or not. I can’t look at them for another week.

I feel so bad I let him down and just hope he doesn’t run out of smoke. On the upside, the bud smells so good.

My next grow I am 100% going to listen more. Look maybe not 100%, but defs 56%.
There is one thing- @Sierra Natural Science SNS-217 Spider Mite control can be sprayed right up to harvest, but even if you ordered it today it'd get to you too late to do any good...tbh, I'm not even sure if they ship to Australia.
FYI, Spinosad is an organic bacteria that works for Spider Mites and a bunch of other pests and can be used up till the day before harvest. There are a bunch of different Spinosad products. I like Captain Jack's Deadbug and I'm sure there's something easily available in Australia. ;)

That being said, it only works on pests and not mold, so I'm not sure the point is still relevant! :hmmmm:
Tra! I don't know what to say, so I'm just gonna sit here and cry for a few minutes! :eek:

All soil has some limited amount of nutrients. The smaller the container and the bigger the plant (more roots), the quicker they will exhaust the nutrients available in the container. All plants will eventually use up the available nutrients if left long enough.

Also, you can grow a plant with N-P-K but, we don't just want to grow plants. We want our plants to be the healthiest, most "nutritious" they can be, so we try to add something like another 70+ trace minerals to help improve vigor, production, terpenes, PEST RESISTANCE, etc.

I've spent very little time managing my current grow. I just make sure they're in a good environment and keep them fed and watered. If you do those three things, nature will take care of the rest!

That being said, growing outdoors is always much more of a challenge since you have to try to create that good environment while dealing with weather & pests. Even the best growers lose outdoor crops to these factors, so don't be too hard on yourself! :high-five:
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