Trala’s Tent: Lucky Edition

Carla 6 :love::love::love:

Both clones look so much happier today :)

I hope I am doing it correctly. Please point out any areas I’m not doing right or if I have them too squashed down.


Carla Three :love::love::love:

Hi, Trala!
Those are the branches that will make up the canopy, but they're going to want to grow straight up now, so you'll have to tie them down too -try and keep them at the same level as the other branches...

There will probably be a few of them that don't grow as fast as the others, so you may not have to tie those down- just kind of "steer" them into an open space in the canopy- basically, picture in your mind how you want the plant to look in a month or so, and start making it look that way, a little at a time...

Sorry I'm so late getting here today- spent most of the day checking my mother in law into a dementia facility...she didn't want to go, so that complicated things a little...the fact that she's a mean old hag didn't help either.... :)
Hi, Trala!
Those are the branches that will make up the canopy, but they're going to want to grow straight up now, so you'll have to tie them down too -try and keep them at the same level as the other branches...

There will probably be a few of them that don't grow as fast as the others, so you may not have to tie those down- just kind of "steer" them into an open space in the canopy- basically, picture in your mind how you want the plant to look in a month or so, and start making it look that way, a little at a time...

Sorry I'm so late getting here today- spent most of the day checking my mother in law into a dementia facility...she didn't want to go, so that complicated things a little...the fact that she's a mean old hag didn't help either.... :)
Hmmm I don’t think canopy means what I think it means.

I can visualise how I want my plants to look end result - like yours, but I can’t for the life of me picture in my mind how what I’m doing now is going to get them there. I am however really enjoying this process. Those hooks on skewers are a game changer imo.

You never have to apologise to me, I’m just so thankful you can take the time to teach me.

So mother in law in the dementia facility, it will take the old hag two to three weeks to adjust. Our top geriatric consultant always charts 3 lines of defence when it comes to managing the symptoms when patient behaviours escalate. My advice not that you asked, if they haven’t already, make sure they get PRN meds written up. Like I’m sure they have, but here if I had a dollar for every time I had a new admit with no PRN meds when I worked nursing homes I‘d have a whole lot of dollars.

We had one poor man whose behaviours escalated to the point he was a raging fucking bull. We literally had to call the police and ambos and he was taken down like a screaming wild animal, 8 of us on him and it was awful, upsetting and completely unnecessary. If the meds had have been charted he would never have got to that point.

I‘m off to find what I think a canopy is lolllling
I‘m off to find what I think a canopy is lolllling

Good Morning, Trala!
Here's a few pics to clear the canopy thing up...
You want to keep the top of the plant as flat as you can while you're training it...mainly to have an even field when the plant starts to stretch...chances are, it won't stay flat once the stretch begins though.
Indoors, a flat canopy is important- it assures that all growth tips are getting the same intensity of light-
Outdoors, it's not as important, because it doesn't matter that some tips are 4 or 5 inches farther from the sun....but it's still a good idea to keep the canopy as flat as you can, especially if you're trying to grow a somewhat short,wide, bushy plant.

canopy 1.jpg

This second pic shows what we're trying to end up with- the red circles are the main branches that were initially tied down, and the blue is all the secondary branches that fill in the center of canopy- they don't naturally grow evenly distributed throughout the canopy, so you have to "steer" them to where you want them to end up- there's usually a lot of them, so the training will get a little intense for a week or two.
(This plant has 7 mains instead of 6, because when I topped it- the top grew back...that doesn't usually happen)

canopy 2.jpg

So there ya go- hopefully I cleared up a few questions- Mrs.C. says I suck at explaining stuff,so if you look at this and say "What the Faaaak are you talking about?!", I'll give it another shot! :)

There's usually a little leaf pruning involved with this training, but since we're working with clones, I'm not sure they're going to need it- they appear to be doing fine without it so far!
So mother in law in the dementia facility, it will take the old hag two to three weeks to adjust.
To make matters worse, she's a smoker, and she's in a non smoking facility (as all dementia care facilities are, I hope)- she almost got the boot yesterday when she lit up a cigarette in her room, so today Mrs.C. is taking her some nicotine patches and a Chantix prescription....we thought we confiscated all her smokes yesterday, but, as crazy as she is, she still managed to stash a pack somewhere...

Have a great day, Trala!
Good Morning, Trala!
Here's a few pics to clear the canopy thing up...
You want to keep the top of the plant as flat as you can while you're training it...mainly to have an even field when the plant starts to stretch...chances are, it won't stay flat once the stretch begins though.
Indoors, a flat canopy is important- it assures that all growth tips are getting the same intensity of light-
Outdoors, it's not as important, because it doesn't matter that some tips are 4 or 5 inches farther from the sun....but it's still a good idea to keep the canopy as flat as you can, especially if you're trying to grow a somewhat short,wide, bushy plant.

This second pic shows what we're trying to end up with- the red circles are the main branches that were initially tied down, and the blue is all the secondary branches that fill in the center of canopy- they don't naturally grow evenly distributed throughout the canopy, so you have to "steer" them to where you want them to end up- there's usually a lot of them, so the training will get a little intense for a week or two.
(This plant has 7 mains instead of 6, because when I topped it- the top grew back...that doesn't usually happen)

So there ya go- hopefully I cleared up a few questions- Mrs.C. says I suck at explaining stuff,so if you look at this and say "What the Faaaak are you talking about?!", I'll give it another shot! :)

There's usually a little leaf pruning involved with this training, but since we're working with clones, I'm not sure they're going to need it- they appear to be doing fine without it so far!

To make matters worse, she's a smoker, and she's in a non smoking facility (as all dementia care facilities are, I hope)- she almost got the boot yesterday when she lit up a cigarette in her room, so today Mrs.C. is taking her some nicotine patches and a Chantix prescription....we thought we confiscated all her smokes yesterday, but, as crazy as she is, she still managed to stash a pack somewhere...

Have a great day, Trala!
oh so the Coca-Cola’s on the outside are actually the Coca-Cola’s in the middle of my usual grow?

So clever!

Im not going to lie, I don’t see how the plant will grow up while it’s being pulled down. But I happy to wait and see. I just popped them out and both carlas are fighting against their restraints. Each day I have to move the hooks down a bit.

Are my pots okay? They are 30cm 14Litre pot. Oh and OMG I LOVE pruning leaves so bring that part on like Donkey Kong! Lollllinggg.

This smoking thing sticks in my throat. We chant “patient centred care” then refuse patients their rights. If I was the old hags nurse I’d be advocating her right to be taken somewhere safe a few times each shift to smoke. About 80% of people who have been admitted to lock up mental health facilities smoke. And yet they are denied their right to do it, which in turn causes rage and violence. I think we need to either find middle ground which allows them to smoke or make it illegal for everyone. It seems unfair to me that those who are involuntarily detained lose all rights. I am an ex smoker and of all of the addictions I have kicked smoking cigarettes was 100% the hardest. I have such empathy for those who can’t find the mental strength needed to quit.
Im not going to lie, I don’t see how the plant will grow up while it’s being pulled down.
Pretty soon they'll get to the point where you just let them go (while still holding the branches down)-then they'll go straight up- so the stuff you're doing now is creating the framework for that- I know it's as clear as mud right now, but in a couple of weeks I think you'll see it.
As I said before- They'll get real ugly before they start to get pretty :)
I’d be advocating her right to be taken somewhere safe a few times each shift to smoke.
Yeah- the assholes at "the home" said they'd do that, then yesterday they decided they couldn't...
(after they got the check,of course)-it was actually pretty funny when she lit up a smoke yesterday-
they called us, and I swear, they almost shit themselves when she did that...serves them right!

Are my pots okay? They are 30cm 14Litre pot.
They're fine- I grow everything in 3 gallon pots, which I think are apx. the same size as your 14 litre pots...
Pretty soon they'll get to the point where you just let them go (while still holding the branches down)-then they'll go straight up- so the stuff you're doing now is creating the framework for that- I know it's as clear as mud right now, but in a couple of weeks I think you'll see it.
As I said before- They'll get real ugly before they start to get pretty :)

Yeah- the assholes at "the home" said they'd do that, then yesterday they decided they couldn't...
(after they got the check,of course)-it was actually pretty funny when she lit up a smoke yesterday-
they called us, and I swear, they almost shit themselves when she did that...serves them right!

They're fine- I grow everything in 3 gallon pots, which I think are apx. the same size as your 14 litre pots...
Good morning Carcass :)

You are right, it’s clear as mud at the moment.

So pinch and a punch for the first of the month! Downside to day 1 of March I‘ve got a 10hr night shift tonight, upside it allows me a day off today to have a proper fiddle with my plants, I’m going to give the carlas a nit treatment. I worked a 10hr day shift yesterday and my partner had one job, bring Lucky in if it rained. I had a patients family member come in to the area I was working to pick up their loved one and she commented it was “pouring”, I quickly rang my partner and Lucky was still outside. I haven’t yet seen the damage as Lucky was in bed by the time I got home. Fingers crossed she’s okay and I don’t have to cut my partners throat while he sleeps.
Lucky Love :love: :love: :love:

Day 42 Flower

Glitter shots:-

1. I am the worst close up glitter photo person taker ever!

2. I have zero idea if she is cooked.

Oh and she defs has nits, a mild infestation but a infestation none the less.



I think she is so lovely, popcorn buds and all. She doesn’t have one bad angle.


I really need advice regarding her chop window.
She's a sweet looking lady, Trala!
In those trichome pics, I see mostly cloudy and some clear, but not a speck of amber yet...
I'd say at least another week ...unless the guy you grow for likes his buzz a little bit "peppy", then you could harvest any time, IMO
My SSH is about at the same point right now- lots of cloudy, but I can't find even a single amber trichome on her- she may get harvested real soon regardless...
Well you've been a busy bee
Oh hello Mid!

So nice to see you :)

I miss you, you’re not here as much. I do hope you are living your best life.

And I have, I am totally addicted to growing. Now I know I can kind of grow, I am really interested in cultivating beautiful plants.
She's a sweet looking lady, Trala!
In those trichome pics, I see mostly cloudy and some clear, but not a speck of amber yet...
I'd say at least another week ...unless the guy you grow for likes his buzz a little bit "peppy", then you could harvest any time, IMO
My SSH is about at the same point right now- lots of cloudy, but I can't find even a single amber trichome on her- she may get harvested real soon regardless...
I hate this part. I’m in no rush to cut her, I want to get the window right. She has a few lice, it is definitely a very mild infestation thankfully. I gave her a good nit spray on Saturday. The guy I grow for will get what he’s given lolllll.

I guess it’s good to have different choices when it comes to jars and stone options.
I hate this part. I’m in no rush to cut her, I want to get the window right. She has a few lice, it is definitely a very mild infestation thankfully. I gave her a good nit spray on Saturday. The guy I grow for will get what he’s given lolllll.

I guess it’s good to have different choices when it comes to jars and stone options.
Beautiful garden you have there. Lucky is the girl I assume your asking about.
By looking at pics its hard to confirm her heritage. There are so many pheno types of every strain buds can look completely different. I think I pulled my gg at 66 days but she was still flowering. I just needed the real-estate. She could have used another week easily. GG seeds are available to purchase through our seed sponsors. I got mine years ago from a company I won't mention as they no longer sponsor our site. Do you use any root growth helper. I use Roots Excelurator Gold. Once a week . Also do you use any silicate. Helps build cell walls and makes you girls stronger and temp resistant. Not sure if that helps you, if you have any more specific questions just let me know. Happy growing.
Beautiful garden you have there. Lucky is the girl I assume your asking about.
By looking at pics its hard to confirm her heritage. There are so many pheno types of every strain buds can look completely different. I think I pulled my gg at 66 days but she was still flowering. I just needed the real-estate. She could have used another week easily. GG seeds are available to purchase through our seed sponsors. I got mine years ago from a company I won't mention as they no longer sponsor our site. Do you use any root growth helper. I use Roots Excelurator Gold. Once a week . Also do you use any silicate. Helps build cell walls and makes you girls stronger and temp resistant. Not sure if that helps you, if you have any more specific questions just let me know. Happy growing.
I’m not sure where the seed was originally purchased tbh. I wouldn‘t know a GG if it jumped up and bit me, they all look very similar to me. In fact I couldn’t tell my three clones apart, one was a tangerine dream and the other two were gg clones. Hydro dude seemed certain it wasn’t. Not that it matters really.

I have a product called root roids but I didn‘t use it on her. It was given to me by the hydro dude. I used it on my first grow, but I just forgot about it this grow tbh. I don’t know what silicate is. When you say temp resistant do you mean high temps?

So I’m still 3 weeks out. That’s good because I was starting to think the buds weren’t swelling.
I’m not sure where the seed was originally purchased tbh. I wouldn‘t know a GG if it jumped up and bit me, they all look very similar to me. In fact I couldn’t tell my three clones apart, one was a tangerine dream and the other two were gg clones. Hydro dude seemed certain it wasn’t. Not that it matters really.

I have a product called root roids but I didn‘t use it on her. It was given to me by the hydro dude. I used it on my first grow, but I just forgot about it this grow tbh. I don’t know what silicate is. When you say temp resistant do you mean high temps?

So I’m still 3 weeks out. That’s good because I was starting to think the buds weren’t swelling.
Your roots are very important don't neglect them . But your girls look fantastic. Silicate should be available at your hydro store. Its just one small piece of the puzzle that will help in the health of your babies. Let your gg keep going, she will fill and make you happy. In the meantime check out our seed sponsors if you want some solid genetics. Get one you like and keep her as your own mom. Unlimited clones. If you have a look at my clone thread, the procedure is foolproof for new growers. All in all thought I think your doing terrific. :thumb:
I'll do an update tomorrow.

I'm so fucking dirty on myself. I was going (like I do) at a 100 miles an hour moving the hooks. LSTing the ends.

My ability: slow down you fool

My confidence: go harder

My ability: stop you're going to break something

My confidence: Nothing can hurt my green dragons!!!!!!!!

Then I hear the crack!

My ability: (all gloaty) Told ya!

My confidence quickly leaves me and my ability to clean up its mess.


I tried to put her back together with electricians tape but the stem is wet coz they've been in the rain.

I am so fucking annoyed at myself because she was just starting to look promising.

My confidence is so annoying sometimes. I hate to say it but its way of thinking literally borders on skull fuckery.

I'll get pics and a proper update tomorrow. Hopefully she will look better then. And of course it had to be C3 - the pretty one, not C6 my bag of leafy bones.
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