Toydollz's Amnesia Haze Autoflower From Rocket Seeds' Crop King Seeds Grow Diary

Good evening! The girls are looking good. I will feed them a very light dose of their first Remo Nutrients in the morning.

Okay so by Tuesday I should have a tent. Right now, my 6 plants (2 + 4) are in my husband's grow tent. So I wanted to update this description thing.
Strain: Amnesia Haze
Genetic Makeup: 70% Sativa, 20% Indica, 10% Ruderalis

Pot/Bucket Size: 4 new plants are in a super small container; 2 older plants are in ginormous buckets. Waiting for 10 vivosun grow bags to come in the mail.

Tent Size: Grow Tent 3x3 S336, 2-4 Plants Use, Large Front Door, 36″ x 36″ x 72″

Grow Space: 36″ x 36″ x 72″

How many plants: 6

Environment: Indoor

Stage: Vegetative

Medium: fox family soil

Lights: AeroLight A150SE Full Spectrum LED Grow Light 150W, with Integrated Circulation Fan, Compatible with APP, 4 x 2 Ft. Coverage

Nutrients: Tomorrow morning I am starting them on nutrients. Will do half of what's recommended. 1) Remo's Grow, 2) Remo's Micro, 3) Remo VeloKelp, 4) Remo MagNifiCal.

Room/Temperature: Don't know (My plants are visiting my husband's tent. And it's wayyy in the other room. I'll know what's going on at all times when my plants are in my own tent. :) )

Relative Humidity: See above

Media/Res PH: Non-applicable [This is something I need to figure out.]

Pests: none

Watering: I don't know how to describe my watering methods. I will constantly be journaling everything in a Sunnyside book called Highdeas. And here, too, of course. I'll keep track of time/day, temperature, humidity, I need to get a pH meter... All that stuff.

Photos soon!
Good morning
I didn't add Remo yet. Worried about doing that because I don't think my plants need to be watered until tonight or tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning, I will be at work. Hm. Turns out that the tent will arrive when I am at work tomorrow. My five 5-gallon grow bags arrive on Tuesday. So that's another thing that makes me hesitant about adding Remo nutrients yet. I badly (I see lots of roots through the small containers!) need to transport my small ones (4 of them) into the 5 gallon grow bags once I receive the grow bags that I will receive on Tuesday. So that will already shock the plants to be transported, right? And then having given them nutrients for the first time just a few days before will be a shock, too? Maybe I will just give my biggest one, which is the only one that I wom't tranport into a grow bag, some Remo Nutrients. Anyhow. Hm.
How did that final one with the stubborn helmet head make out? Did we lose her?
The rest of the plants are looking mahvelous!
Yup, lost her. I may have been impatient but she was a runt, anyway. So I have 2 out of 5 on my first batch and 4 out of 5 on my second batch.
About to give some nutrients. They just had lights off for 6 hours and will have lights on for the next 18 hours. Wish me luck. I am worried about providing nutrients for some reason.
Okay so I gave all 6 of them nutrients. Grow twnt arrives tomorrow so mine are crowding out hubby's grow then right now! Good night!






Been a long day. Finally home from work. Tent arrived! Have vivosun hub and light too.
All 6 girls are in the tent. The grow bags arrived but LOL only enough soil for ONE (well, two -- one for my husband and one for me). So I had to choose. I chose Dolly to get the 5 gallon grow bag. The other 3 (Wendy, Johnette, and Chaka Khan) will be in the little container for (eek!) 9 more days. Bates and Sister Bobbie are doing okay I guess. The 4 little ones were very green since I gave them nutrients. I wondered if I should water my plants with the nutrient water or just plain water. And then how much. Etc. Like they say to drench everything then let it dry out mostly and etc. That scares me to do that. But I guess I should. On my thermometer app, I am watching the humidity and temperature. Keeping temperature between 70 and 85 and humidity between 45 and 55. I have "natural wind" going on vivosun light. The light is 21.5 inches above the plants. I took these photos right before watering a second time with nutrients.



Still at the seedling stage until they get 7 nodes. My plants have weird colors. I didn't realize the Fox Farm already has enough nutrients for the first 30 days. I have a lot to learn! Slowly but surely. ❤️
Still at the seedling stage until they get 7 nodes. My plants have weird colors. I didn't realize the Fox Farm already has enough nutrients for the first 30 days. I have a lot to learn! Slowly but surely. ❤️

If you could be so kind, @toydollz, please share the backstory behind the name "Wendy Orlean." 😁
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