Topping Auto LED Adventure

When's the last time your ph pen was calibrated?

I calibrate the pen and truncheon before each use.My bet is that it's root bound,my 12L pots are good for 70-80 day auto's but 80 day days of veg would be really pushing it.Im seriously thinking of finishing the grow if things don't improve fast as its getting to late even if things get saughted and temps will become a real issue in another few weeks to a month.
How often are you watering at the moment, 2-3 times a week? I'd start doing it daily, just a little bit of new going in each and every day, just enough for her to use that day...not soaking or anywhere near runoff...if you don't want to up pot her.,
How often are you watering at the moment, 2-3 times a week? I'd start doing it daily, just a little bit of new going in each and every day, just enough for her to use that day...not soaking or anywhere near runoff...if you don't want to up pot her.,

I've gone to watering every second day for the last 7-10 days,the biggest issue is with the ph being so low that even the light feeds she gets is burning the tips from the nutes being so solvent but at the same time it is locking out what it needs to go into flower.I will see how it responded to yesterday's flush but if it's not looking any better I recon this will be its last week.Plan B is to sprout my remaining auto beans and try outside soil grow to see how that goes.Next year will be regs and soil will Deffinatley be picking your brains for tips:)
Just checked after lights on and it's actually looking better than yesterday so that's a start but looks to be still veging and growing taller.Ive dropped the timer back to 12/12 to try and kick start flowering as a last ditch effort,will chuck up a pic shortly


That was quick:) all branches have staged nodes now and cut off some of the most affected fans before pic.Cheers
That's great... Hope the light kicks her into flowering mode.. :high-five:
Awesome news bro :thumb: Light down to 12/12 will defo help, maybe the seedbank messed up and sent a photo thc, might have been just showing some preflowers earlier on ;) She is defo big enough to finish up under 12/12 :)

That's been my Thaught over the last couple weeks:) The pistols are at every need but not like flowering pistols just hairs. If it is a photo the stretch is going to be massive with the way it's been veging
Just checked after lights on and it's actually looking better than yesterday so that's a start but looks to be still veging and growing taller.Ive dropped the timer back to 12/12 to try and kick start flowering as a last ditch effort,will chuck up a pic shortly


That was quick:) all branches have staged nodes now and cut off some of the most affected fans before pic.Cheers
Awesome black thumbs, knew she couldn't beat you..
I think you are spot on there mate, probably taking the little nitrogen available in the flower nutes and leaving mostly everything else and screwing with the PH, also would explain the EC not dropping off much :thumb: Should be all sweet now :)

Thanks bud,at least I've learned something :)
Just watered/fed with EC.8 bloom nutes at 6.1ph and run off was EC.8 and 5ph,still not perfect but looks like it's eating everything now(probably could go with more but need to get ph up a bit more) and ph is slowly on the rise.Still looking happy and growing heaps but still no forming of flowers.Ill try and get it out tomorrow to get a pic.Cheers
Got a couple pics after lights on,new growth looks nice and healthy while old growth has signs of burns/deff's.Still no sign of flowers forming and the under growth of this thing has gotten thick,I've had to raise my light again.Temps are still good ATM but this will change over the next few weeks so hopefully things hurry up a bit.Here she is


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