Topping Auto LED Adventure

No pic update,I've just fed/watered THC with EC.8 ph'ed at 6.2 and run off was EC1.4 at 5.2ph
It's still looking pretty good but if this ph nose dive keeps continuing its going to get mighty yellow in there fast.Next water will be a straight water ph'd at 6.5 but I'm thinking it maybe be getting root bound to cause the drop and if it is I'm stuffed:(
Will chuck up a pic tomorrow to show its progress so far
Ok got a couple pics,it's looking pretty healthy and still growing for now:) I've opened her up as much as I dare but still so bushy that a lot of nodes still arn't getting the light,still no pistol froth in flower form yet but they are all over so can't be long now even though I'm close to 70 days.O well here some pics :)


Have you dropped lighting hours down?
Have you dropped lighting hours down?

No I didn't once it was showing all the pistils to prove it was an auto:) It's only under 200real Watts so not to worried about the time but if the pistol growth doesn't start into the top in the next 5-7 days I might just try it.

Feral yea it's taking to long so even if it switches tomorrow it will be still another 35-40 days.If I wasn't so short of my goal I'd give up but it's to late to start again and with the amount of bud sites I'll be expecting good weight with this one
Give her time mate strip all bottom growth then will bud quicker.and u could switch to bloom nutes.worked on my 2 auto ladies there now flowering.i didnt change the light of luck mate she is a big beauty.gna bud well.;)
Give her time mate strip all bottom growth then will bud quicker.and u could switch to bloom nutes.worked on my 2 auto ladies there now flowering.i didnt change the light of luck mate she is a big beauty.gna bud well.;)

Cheers mate,I switched to bloom nutes 2 feeds ago which Deffinatley got more pistol growth and yea I Deffinatley need to clean some growth up but been holding off in case it slows it down even more:)
Quick note,I checked on THC after lights on and it's looking like it in stretch mode but while there is some staggering of nodes it's not on all branches and all branches are growing some decent branches off them.This is one really weird growing auto.Its looking pretty healthy except for the leaves with the cal/mag def and slight tip burn.At least it's so much easier dealing with 1 pain plant than a tent full of pain plants:laughtwo:
Another update,gave THC a straight water ph'd to 6.4 and run off was EC of 1 and ph of 5.It wasn't really affecting her with the low ph but today she Deffinatley not as perky as she should be and the burn of the tips seem worse.Not sure on the reason why run off ph is so low but now it looks like it affecting her for sure.I should be getting ready to harvest her right now but it's still not gone into flower and now it might not even make it there from ph lock out:(
Not sure if this helps or not but what i notice in my hydro grows is PHing water doesnt do much, will only take a drop or two compared to a lot more if im PHing a nute mix, if i add water at any PH to my res it will not change the overall PH to the res at all due to the buffers that were added to begin with. I kinda feel like this is what is happening to you in soil where the PHd water just doesnt have enough buffer to alter the PH in soil, for me i just add more buffers to the res and im good to go but in soil i would probably use a light PH'd nute mix and use more of it kinda like a flush, just till you start seeing some better numbers on the runoff. Dont quote me on that though, been quite a while since i have actually had a decent soil girl :rofl: Someone else might have a better opinion ;)
Another update,gave THC a straight water ph'd to 6.4 and run off was EC of 1 and ph of 5.It wasn't really affecting her with the low ph but today she Deffinatley not as perky as she should be and the burn of the tips seem worse.Not sure on the reason why run off ph is so low but now it looks like it affecting her for sure.I should be getting ready to harvest her right now but it's still not gone into flower and now it might not even make it there from ph lock out:(
So you make a great point. Runoff water is loaded with salts and PH will be pushed lower then what your soil is at which is why it's garbage. You had your plant locked out as I believe I stated above (if not, sorry.) Now that soil is in range, all nutes are available to roots and with a few feeding in the soil already it will be very hot for a while. Flushing will also pull nutes out of plant and harm them as well. You are on right track with low nutes and feed till 30% runoff. That will get you on track. Moving forward keep PH in soil range and feed about 1/2 strength till plants show def's or you feel comfortable upping dose. Def's are small spots or rust colored undergrowth out of direct light.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Not sure if this helps or not but what i notice in my hydro grows is PHing water doesnt do much, will only take a drop or two compared to a lot more if im PHing a nute mix, if i add water at any PH to my res it will not change the overall PH to the res at all due to the buffers that were added to begin with. I kinda feel like this is what is happening to you in soil where the PHd water just doesnt have enough buffer to alter the PH in soil, for me i just add more buffers to the res and im good to go but in soil i would probably use a light PH'd nute mix and use more of it kinda like a flush, just till you start seeing some better numbers on the runoff. Dont quote me on that though, been quite a while since i have actually had a decent soil girl :rofl: Someone else might have a better opinion ;)

I'll do a heavier water next one with light nutes but so far out of all my canna grows I have never seem to raise the soil ph no matter how much I flush,it seems to keep at a higher ph for maybe 1 feed and just drop out again.The thing I don't get is 2 weeks ago the run off was 5.9-6ph and only have had a few light nute feeds since then.
To test your soil watch a youtube vid, lots out there. Soil probe with small sample (mix soil and PH 7 water (Fuji)), then test water after soil is removed from it. That is correct way to check soil PH

Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
So you make a great point. Runoff water is loaded with salts and PH will be pushed lower then what your soil is at which is why it's garbage. You had your plant locked out as I believe I stated above (if not, sorry.) Now that soil is in range, all nutes are available to roots and with a few feeding in the soil already it will be very hot for a while. Flushing will also pull nutes out of plant and harm them as well. You are on right track with low nutes and feed till 30% runoff. That will get you on track. Moving forward keep PH in soil range and feed about 1/2 strength till plants show def's or you feel comfortable upping dose. Def's are small spots or rust colored undergrowth out of direct light.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420

Cheers mate,I've always kep my water/feed ph at 6.2 ph and run off has been pretty stable,something has happened over the last 2 weeks to make it fall out and I water to 25% run off. Canna pro suggests a feed/water ph between 5.5-6.2 . There is allready def signs showing on older growth but so far have had so many dramas with this new bag I used. Hopefull next water/feed will perk her back up:)
Ok bud, 2 things I've noticed about pH. 1. To alter the pH of your soul you have to make sure the water going in has a high Ppm. I was trying to raise soil pH and was giving 7.0 water, but because the ppm was only 70, it didn't do a lick of good. The "parts" in the water are what ultimately effect the pH. And 2. When you add pH up/ down to adjust the pH, make sure you use very small increments and check pH 2-5 min after adding the drops, before making any more adjustments. Kind of let it all settle. Could be that once what you've added gets dispersed throughout, it's much less of a change than it let you to believe.
Ok bud, 2 things I've noticed about pH. 1. To alter the pH of your soul you have to make sure the water going in has a high Ppm. I was trying to raise soil pH and was giving 7.0 water, but because the ppm was only 70, it didn't do a lick of good. The "parts" in the water are what ultimately effect the pH. And 2. When you add pH up/ down to adjust the pH, make sure you use very small increments and check pH 2-5 min after adding the drops, before making any more adjustments. Kind of let it all settle. Could be that once what you've added gets dispersed throughout, it's much less of a change than it let you to believe.

Cheers mate,I'll put through 10L today with .8EC and ph'ed to 6.2
I've always waited an hour after I've mixed my nutes and adjusted the ph and then test both before giving it to them again.Hopefully it perks back up after getting the mini flush.Maybe it just isn't liking the switch from hps to LED but I've done this before while still in veg in my first grow and they didn't miss a beat and it's going to be to hot to finish under hps even with the cool hood
Ok 10L of .8EC ph'ed to 6.2 went in today and I collected the first 500ml run off to test and was EC1.4(don't no how this can climb from 1EC last run off reading) and ph was 4.3 which is a .7 drop from 2 days ago.I also ran another 750ml at the end of flush to test and was .8EC but ph was still low at 4.5.I must have ran over a black cat this year with what's going on and ATM looks like another that I'll have to pull if it doesn't pull its shit together
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