Toneking’s First Grow In Soil 2020: Multiple Hybrids

Better late than never, I suppose. Life has been hectic lately, but I wanted to document and update. I’m going to flip to flower this weekend, after 6 weeks of veg.

The ladies are doing quite well considering it’s my first grow. I’ve made a few bonehead mistakes, and I’ve definitely learned what I’ll do differently the next go-round.

First, let me introduce the rutabaga. She’s really turned it around since I went to full strength nutrients two out of three waterings.

Next we have an Amnesia. Note the slender sativa leaves. This strain started slowly but has really turned out to be decent.

I’m really starting to get anxious about seeing some buds start on these lovelies.

Last but not least, the Alaskan Purple that I thought I had ruined with a too-vigorous defoliation. She’s now the tallest lady in the tent.

Is there anything special I should do prior to changing the timer?

Happy growing!
Looking good. I don’t do anything special when I flip the lights. I do like to slowly transition them down

I go 2 weeks at 14/10 then go to 11/13 but to each their own. Just like you to know your options.

Positive vibes :Namaste:
Some people leave their plants in complete darkness for 24-36 hours before 12/12, I’ve tried it, but witnessed no real reason to keep doing it. I actually kinda thought they took longer to flip to flower then normal. It’s completely up to you man! I just change the timer to 12/12 and watch the show! :thumb:
Seven days after flipping to 12/12. Still no buds started, but it’s looking like it should be soon. The two biggest have grown probably 4 or 5 inches in the last few days. I’ve raised the lights twice, trying to keep that 18”.
This anticipation is really getting strong. I’m surprised how much I want to see flowers.
The tent is nice and full. I’m glad I didn’t kill off the rutabaga - she’s as nice as her tent sisters at this point. Temperature holding steady at 79f. 40% humidity. Lots of air moving. All we need now is some frost!
I decided to wait until next time around to use the screen. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around the notion of how I would water effectively if I couldn’t move my plants around. I’m still very much a novice and I definitely feel that.

On a brighter note, things are definitely changing in the tent. I’m watering every third day or so, and they’re drinking about a gallon each. I’m adding full strength nutrients for two waterings, then just water for the third. Three fans running during the light period, just the 4” filtered fan during darkness. Temps are running 72-80 and humidity 40-55. It’s starting to smell very nice in there.

Tomorrow will make three weeks since I flipped the lights, and things are getting interesting in the tent for sure. One Amnesia and the Alaskan Purple have sky-rocketed. They’re both about a foot taller than the other four, and look like they each want to make a few massive colas. The other four are much more compact looking, with multiple flowers blooming.
They’re drinking a bit over a gallon each, every three days or so. Using full nutrient doses two out of three waterings. I added FF Tiger Bloom to the mix this time, so we’ll see what happens. I’m really enjoying this part, watching the buds form, seeing the stretch, the aroma getting stronger day by day.
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