Toneking’s First Grow In Soil 2020: Multiple Hybrids

TK, not that experienced myself did one grow a few years back and did fine.
I tend toward thinking that if you have room for two in a 48 x 48 you probably have room for 4.
I wouldn't be chucking anything until I see how the space is working out after you flip and see how the space is going you can then decide what stays and what goes with a bit more to go on,, that's my gut feeling anyway!
Welcome. Four will definitely fit, but there are six in there now
Your plants will double in size usually possibly triple depending on the genetics. I prefer laying some trellis down on them and moving tops to the empty squares. Show a pic of all 6 in the tent when you can. You can fit a lot of plants in a small space depending on how long you veg for and the structures of the plant. Usually you could put more clones in the space cause they are more uniform and ready to flower after you root them. Usually would want at least 10-14 days of veg before flipping. Then you could have one per sq ft or so. Seeds are much different
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Welcome. Four will definitely fit, but there are six in there now
What about keeping the eye out on Craigslist for a second tent if it was slightly larger you could get them all in and have two tents for more dynamic adventures at a later date.
Or if your climate is acquitted and in a legal state chuck two out and see how they go!
I do intend to add another space. Ideally a tent to veg and another to flower.
One thing I’ve already learned is that patience is a necessity here. I figure I’ll add things as I go, perhaps perpetually lol.
The next addition shall be a screen
That's the thing its a hobby that can grow with you,,, pardon the pun.
I was just looking at tents and while it's not problem getting another tent and I could manage a light from what I got and a filter and a fan,, I just can't decide on size every one I look at is either to big or to small,, yet I don't have an exact aplication or placement in mind I just know I will need another tent as it will make the hobby more enjoyable.
I was having a close look at the kids tonight and the thing I noticed is they are starting to get there own little personalities,, each one is slightly different.
I can actually see the second set of leaves clearly now with out a magnifying glass.
Can anyone tell me if I can take a clone from the tops if I top them later?
I envisage a hole in the foliage with one that died and I don't like the thought a hole in my foliage!
I was having a close look at the kids tonight and the thing I noticed is they are starting to get there own little personalities,, each one is slightly different.
I can actually see the second set of leaves clearly now with out a magnifying glass.
Can anyone tell me if I can take a clone from the tops if I top them later?
I envisage a hole in the foliage with one that died and I don't like the thought a hole in my foliage!

Yes you can take the top as a clone. Taking the tops gives you a much more vigorous clone imo. Before you take the clones remove it from the light. This reduces the transpiration in the plant and will help the clone from falling over after taking the cuts. Tops are a little trickier to root much more susceptible to damping off or rotting of the stem or growing tips
I trimmed out some undergrowth this weekend, and probably took too much on a couple. I’m sure they’ll recover, but I probably added a week or two of veg time.

I also realized I definitely need to plumb the 4” inline exhaust fan/carbon filter this week - probably tomorrow evening after work. Up to this point there hasn’t been much of an aroma, but the trim job changed all that. You can definitely smell pot now. It isn’t all dank and skunky yet, but it will be eventually and I might as well get it done.
Also planning to purchase materials for my screen tomorrow. I’ve decided on a 3’x3’ grid, strung with twine to make 4” openings. That’ll leave me a foot of space open down two sides, to accommodate my tower fan and humidifier/dehumidifier and make watering access a bit easier. The exhaust fan will hang in the rafters of the tent.
Happy growing!

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