Tom Smith's First Indoor Grow With Autos 2017

Royal Queen's Sour Diesel photo was a very nice plant. One of the nicer plants I've grown. If there auto version of it is close, you'll be happy with it.

You can tell how much i opened Dorothy up so light can penetrate better in the puc here under hps when i had her out working on her, she is also very wide now, if i would have had the room in the tent to open her up like this from the beginning of flower she would have yielded even more when she finishes imo, hopefully it will help her in final weeks of flowering dence up a little better down in lower canopy were fluffy stuff is. She is still swelling and throwing alot of white pistils, i believe she will go over 100 days so will Blanche.. .
Very nice buddy...i say you will end up close to 5oz off that.
Thanks IndyRacerNick, that would be my nice number to get, its amazing what these autos can produce, they have come so far with genetics, after i grow these auto seeds i have i want to get me a few good photo strains with good genetics to keep for mothers and run clones off of them for a bit.. .
B e a utiful mate not been on ran out of data posting on this bloody site Il be posting pics on Sunday on mine buddy.....
P.s Dorothy won't let me down
Thanks Robbo, ive not been getting on here much either, i been very busy and im going to start doing some work to my grow house soon also. Dorothy is getting alot better light penetration now that i spread her out more, i been smoking on Rose the thc bomb i harvested, i got her curing now but i keep sneaking in the jars to get a bud to smoke lol, its starting to smell really good, like kinda citrus or lemon like, its got a good kick also.. .
Thanks Robbo, ive not been getting on here much either, i been very busy and im going to start doing some work to my grow house soon also. Dorothy is getting alot better light penetration now that i spread her out more, i been smoking on Rose the thc bomb i harvested, i got her curing now but i keep sneaking in the jars to get a bud to smoke lol, its starting to smell really good, like kinda citrus or lemon like, its got a good kick also.. .

Am glad the salvaged is good lad wait till them other ones come out they'll be dank had people wanting to view my flat this morning so baracaded my self in and gorilla taped the lock so it couldn't turn until they went nipped to see my mum bout 3 hours after just hoping they don't have a key and am just being paranoid only got 5 week left max surely..
Yea Jaimie (the one that was trying to start bud rot) is still hanging, i believe she may be ready for jars by Monday, it has took her a little longer to dry with those thick buds, im excited to try a sample of her. Ive not fast dried any from her im just going to wait till she ready for hars and then try some lol.. .
Yea Jaimie (the one that was trying to start bud rot) is still hanging, i believe she may be ready for jars by Monday, it has took her a little longer to dry with those thick buds, im excited to try a sample of her. Ive not fast dried any from her im just going to wait till she ready for hars and then try some lol.. .

I'd be too tempted .I know il be fast drying a bit of each to try had a premature sample of sourD and hot high off it and it can't be placebo cause I didn't think I'd get high I was just curious to the taste and it's already good can't wait for the final product off all of them
I'd be too tempted .I know il be fast drying a bit of each to try had a premature sample of sourD and hot high off it and it can't be placebo cause I didn't think I'd get high I was just curious to the taste and it's already good can't wait for the final product off all of them
Yea if i didnt already have some thc bomb dry i would have already cut me a sample lol.. .
You seen them cannabis oil tablets people are making apparently very potent il post the thread if you ain't seen em it's a good write up on instructions
I have heard a few people talking about it on here, im wanting to try to make some butter soon, it seems like it would be fairly easy. You never hear of any edibles here were im from but im wanting to try some, i will mix up a good batch after i learn how to do it pretty good, i have a recipe that Jay give me here in my journal a while back, its for 20 grams, the better quality bud the better it will be, you can just use trim and leafs to make it also it just won't be as strong, i want to do some good quality bud when i can afford to and keep for personal, it would last me a pretty good while.. .
Well Jaimie come down today, i noticed yesterday at top of one cola was looking like bud rot but i wasn't sure yet but it was confirmed this morning, i was hoping to get to flush her longer but i went ahead and took her, ive had to deal with bud rot on a few of my outdoor plants and it can spread pretty fast, i caught it on her early and they was only the one bud, right on top of it and came about a inch down, the first pic shows the bud, look real good and you can see were it is starting. Her wet weight was 462 grams after trim and i left 3 or 4 small branches under the hps to see if they will dence up any, they wasent very much fluffy stuff at all, she was very dence. Hoping to get 4 oz dry but we will see. After i trimmed her i looked at her trics real good and she has 5 or 10% amber so she should cure nicely.. .

Nice one Tom well done mate. You made it to the fun end of things, cracking job done there buddy. Time to enjoy .
Thanks KushGod, its definitely nice to be doing some harvesting lol.. .

Those colas look great by the way. I'd imagine your yield will be very respectable and the big buds look solid so you should definitely give yourself a massive pat on the back pal. This is the first grow I've subbed up to on here I've seen finished and harvested so it's a moment to be enjoyed by the followers to this thread but especially by you mate.
Those colas look great by the way. I'd imagine your yield will be very respectable and the big buds look solid so you should definitely give yourself a massive pat on the back pal. This is the first grow I've subbed up to on here I've seen finished and harvested so it's a moment to be enjoyed by the followers to this thread but especially by you mate.
Thanks man, Jaimie the ww i harvested weighed in at 462 grams wet after i trimmed her and i left 4 small branches of bottom fluffier stuff so it would dence up a little better, i believe i will get close to 4oz dry not counting the small branch left to dence up so im definitely proud of her, its nice to harvest the bud that you create, i will be harvesting another ww in about a week or ten days, i am flushing her now. Then the two thc bombs left in tent are going to take longer to finish looks like but i believe they will yield good. I have alot of harvesting coming up, i got a ww auto and 7 blueberry photos under hps that should be done in another 4 or 5 weeks so hopefully i will have plenty of bud to last till next run lol.. .
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