Tok Decides To Drop Alien Moon Rock And Black Jack In Some Soil

Thank you for stopping by and your kind words @Preston9mm

How have you been?
Did you ever start mushrooms?

Doing great! Hope you're doing well brother.

Haven't had time to start Mushies yet... Work has been brutal for the last few months. I'm just trying to keep my canna plants alive right now. LoL

I plan on starting something soon; just been procrastinating.
Here comes another update; this time on Alien Moon Rocks (AMR) and Black Jack.

Start with Alien Moon Rocks. AMR started out a little on the slow side, but she is coming around nicely. I am hoping the smoke is as good as she looks. This strain often starts out slow and once she gets a good footing she takes off. I need to start her training soon.

Currently they are both in my 3x3 tent under two @ViparSpectra XS1500 PRO at 40% percent and being fed @Remo Nutrients for one more week and then i will be switching to @Prescription Blend nutrient. As I said early in this journal I am trying to use up all my excess nutrients.

Black Jack is doing well also, and starting to a little size to her. Not to big but a good size for starting the veg stage. I started her training the other day, so hopefully big things to come.

One thing I do in my training is to defoliate. I don't FEM like most growers; I find and believe that defoliation cause more branch's to form and in turn more bud sites are produced. So now you know how I get so many bud sites.
Try it you'll like it.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Wow Tok, I feel like I've missed so much already! I'm all caught up and they look fantastic. Can't wait to see the Black Jack finish out.
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