Toast's 2016 Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

Whats funny is that right after I posted that, I went to Home Depot to get a replacement intake fan for my grow room and by the time I got back it was raining. It was a warm rain I had shorts on all day. Tarheel I remember when I couldn't go 4 hours with out checking on them. You find out over time that there just plants and they do just fine with out you for a few days. The temperature of my grow room dictates how long I can go with out checking them. Right now if I soaked them I could safely go 4 days before they would start to wilt. Besides the less you go in and out of your room the less chance of critters getting in.
Today it was Clear Blue Skys, and 74 degrees. Absolutely Perfect. In the next couple days I will be taking clones from these plants:
and that should at least double the number of plants I have. Toast
ITS CLONING DAY. Here is what I use to propagate my clones:
Then I get a plant I want to clone:
I then count down at least 6 internodes and cut:
and trim up the bottom 3 internodes. This is what you would get if you bought clones from the clubs in California:
Then after I trim the bottom 3 internodes I make my slant cut with a brand new razor blade:
I try to find 2 internodes close together. Then I dip it in Dip & Grow for 5 secs:
and then I push into the Rockwool:
Then I dip it back in the Clonex:
and then on to the rack:
Who's clones do you think you have a better chance of reaching maturity Mine or the Club's. After I finish taking the number of clones that I want of a particular strain, ( I only clone one strain at a time as not to get them mixed up ). I put them in produce bags, blow them up and seal with a twist tie:
Here's the outdoor grow room with 28 new plants waiting to root:
and here's the indoor grow room with the plants I cloned:
While I could of doubled my number of plants there were plants I didn't want any more of, so I just cut those plants back to try and create an even canopy for flowering. Well folks that's it for today. TOAST

Man! That's a lot of plants. :laughtwo:
Kingston, welcome. I use Overdrive Energy Saving Lamps, their 500 watt output using only 105 watts of power. My indoor grow room is 8X8 and if the rooms full I use 4 rows of 3 lights for Veg, and I take them out side as often as possible. For flowering I use 2 600 watt HPS's in the top center, and place the CFL's thru out the room at the hight of the top of the containers. I hope that answers your question. Also the CFL's are full spectrum 5000k cool, and they last 9 years. TOAST
Kingston, welcome. I use Overdrive Energy Saving Lamps, their 500 watt output using only 105 watts of power. My indoor grow room is 8X8 and if the rooms full I use 4 rows of 3 lights for Veg, and I take them out side as often as possible. For flowering I use 2 600 watt HPS's in the top center, and place the CFL's thru out the room at the hight of the top of the containers. I hope that answers your question. Also the CFL's are full spectrum 5000k cool, and they last 9 years. TOAST

Am I reading it correctly that you supplement your HPS with CFLs pointing sideways at the top of the containers (at the soil level) ?
Tarheel, I get those at BUY LIGHTING . COM. Radogast, I don't know about side ways, but I hang them straight up and down at the under side of the plants. The HPS's for minimal streach and CFL's for inside and under growth. I have 2 20 amp circuits, each 100 watts is an Amp so, I could run up to 4000 watts if I wanted. 1 Amp = 100 watts that's a quick and easy way to figure out how much light you can run with out blowing a fuse.
Every 3 or 4 days, depending on the temperature, you have to open the bagged clones and add a few drops of Clonex solution.
I open the bag, add the solution, blow the bag full of air, twist tie it closed, and your done. On the next watering, you should start watching for roots. 28 ain't nothing. Try having over a hundred. When put to the test, I can do 4 bags a minute. TOAST
Explain "depending on the temperature" please. What difference does the temperature make to the clonex addition?
Well the warmer the ambient temperature the faster the rockwool dries out. Right now at my house I can go 4 days easy without even giving them a look. I hope that's what you wanted to know.

Must give this bag thing a try. I found out last summer that I couldn't miss a day with 10 seedlings in a propagator.

For my hydro ones leaving a pump running seems to work, and I seem to have got past the flow rate issues, but now that's not going to work for the ones I want to do in soil. Baggies it is then :)

How long do you like to veg stuff for as a minimum Lem? Some strains longer than others?
Kushtie, first off, I have owned 2 different propagators and both of them were taking 15-21 days to propagate and the ones that are in there own little Green Houses, (the produce bags), will root in some cases, in 3 days, a lot in 5 days, and most at 7 days. When I was in full swing, I could get 5 crops a year, 4 inside and 1 out side. But getting to old to deal with that many plants any more. The dispensaries here in Calif. have driven the price so low, its not worth my time or effort to mess around with that number of plants. As far as lenth of VEG time, indoors its all about keeping them under 7 feet tall, so I start the indoor ones when there between 3 and 4 feet tall and the outdoor stuff doesn't matter. The only thing is if your seedling are more then 2 months old and your other plants are propagated, and you put them outdoors before May 1, the light is not right yet, so they have a tendency to start to Flower and then go back into Veg and you can lose 4 weeks of growth while the plant is figuring out what to do. Some strains don't clone as easy, but it seems that this method works on all the different Kush strains. Any high bread strains, with any Kush genetics in them, tend to propagate faster then the other strains that I have worked with. Back in the day, I used to plant 5 seeds in each container, wait until there was one plant doing better than the rest, then I would cut the other 4 plants off at the base and Hope for the best. We've come a long way baby. Well I hope that helps you, and if not, ask a way. TTYL
Well the warmer the ambient temperature the faster the rockwool dries out. Right now at my house I can go 4 days easy without even giving them a look. I hope that's what you wanted to know.

I understand, and yes, that's exactly what I was asking. Thanks TOAST.
It's Transplant the larger plants in the small bags, into larger bags Day. First off I get my supplies ready, which consist's of the plants I want to transplant, bags with holes cut in bottom, a marker, a razor blade, and a 5 gal bucket of water with Quick Start.
I then get the plant I want to transplant and trim the bottom of the plant
Then I mark the new bag with the strain
I then fill the bag half full of soil
Then I add water
Next I cut the bottom out of the bag with the razor blade
Then I drop that sucker into the new bag, no problems at all
Then finish filling it full of soil, water and your done.
and here's the finished product
The The The That's All Folk's. TOAST
A few weeks back when I started the seeds for this new year, I started 2 of the 4 SLH seeds I had left from Green House. I germinated 1 seed 3 years a go and have been growing and cloning that plant ever sense. The plant I keep for a mother of that original plant died so I had to start a new this year. Of the 2 I started this year 1 didn't go and I killed the other one by forgetting to water it. I started the last 2 seeds I had and now I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the 2016 SLH Crop and future of my staple.
Well you must admit, for just a couple days out of the soil, they are LOOKING GOOD. At this point I am feeling very optimistic with these 2 plants and the 1 SSH that's all ready going, I should be able two take enough clones to meet my needs. Until Next Time TOAST
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