Toast's 2016 Indoor/Outdoor Grow Journal

WOW! I am so medicated right now you wouldn't believe. I took that WW and made this
(it's 3:10 am) I tweeked the recipe by spreading the extract over a white Corning Ware dinner plate, then covering it with a thin card board Add I got in the mail, and then setting it in the hot sun all day. It's absolutely the best, after the initial bubble I popped them and stirred the extract then put it in the sun. Crashed out for a while, that was from 12:30 to 6:00 pm, woke up, for got completely about the wax. Remembered about 11:00, went running out side, fearing the worst, and finding a perfect slab of golden, not 1 single bubble and no debris. SCORE And now I am medicated to the point of it is now 3:43 am. So it took me a 1/2 an hour to type this. That should give you a clear idea how good this Shit is ROTFL TOAST Just a side note: The fresher the better. You can only get that color the first three or four days, so chop it up, spread it out for a quick dry and go for it.
Beautiful wax, by the way. Absolutely stunning color. I'm glad it cooperated. That would've been tragic to lose.

Congrats on finding budwashing. Can't believe you didn't try it earlier can you?
Could be also labrador puppy :laugh:
So I went to hit my plants with a big dose of FoxFarms Grow Big before they kick into flowering, which is any time now, and to do my daily watering. I started on the Hill. when I got there I found this
The El Fuego Bush has out grown its hole and is requiring three watering's a day now. I want to give them a good shot of grow, so the leaves don't immediately turn yellow and fall off. So I put 10 caps full to 4 gals of water and then give each plant 2 of that cup you see full and water.
This is the El Fuego just as I was coming down
She snaps back in minutes. Here's pix of the only plant I have left indoors
it's a JD, yet nothing like Lesters. His all ways look so beautiful and mine look like crap. But then Lester's are truly O.G. lol Later TOAST
Some thing new I learned. I was told by good authority that the Wax comes out even better if you don't dry the material at all. So there you have it. FYI TOAST

So fresh harvested is best? I'll trust you on judging the authoritative nature of the messenger. Great advice. Reps+ for that. :hug:
Thanks Sue and KelticBlue. Make a rhyme every time. These plants never cease to amaze me. All though it happens quite frequently I was not expecting this when I went to water this all most 4 day old clone. Look at this scrawny UDXPR I had to take from the inside bottom of the plant, instead of the top where I prefer to get them from.
Then flip that sucker over and BAM!!!
80% of the clones are showing some roots but not like this one. Pretty interesting these plants. TOAST
It's F1 vigor I'd say, but I'm not much of a cloner. Bud is great though, it took much of a sativa quality. It's in the region of AK-47 or AK-48.
Here's some thing I found interesting, while pulling dead and yellow leaves off the plants in Planter#2. The two in between plants are UD X Jarillo De Sanola. Both these plants are clones I took off the Mother that I flowered out and smoked. But both plants came from the same source. Look how much further along the one to the left is
versus the one on the right
and the El Fuego hasn't even begun to show signs of flowering
and here's me showing how tall the center EF is Just right at 10 ft
You all have a wonderful Sunday. TOAST
Mighty impressive TOAST. You have a wonderful Sunday yourself. You've certainly earned it. :hug: :love:
One minute the weather man is telling me we are going to have Thunder Storm's in the High Dessert and the next minute we are not. So just to be on the safe side I staked up the plants in Planter #2 so what happened last year wont happen this year. I don't need half the branches laying on the ground after it rains hard:

You are growing them tall this year :)
Hey Lem, top of the day to you :ciao::ciao:

I turn the pots every 5 days or so to make sure all bud sites get an equal dose of sunlight. So yesterday turned the UDC pot and found that one of the branches and the woody stalk appeared to be dead/dying wood. The leaves and the emerging flowers on the branch looked normal yesterday, but when I went to check this afternoon the whole branch was wilted/dying.......



I have chopped off the affected branch. I can't see any signs of insect activity - leaves are clean and whatever it is must be happening in the root zone.....any idea what is wrong and will it spread to the rest of the plant!?......

Hope your week has started well, your girls are looking bitchen :bravo: :high-five:
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