Full Update: There's some good stuff in this one, so check it out. The Hill:
This is a UD X PR
This is a EF
The next 4 are JD's, the first two plants started to bud and are revegging, the next pic is a close up the reveg, the next pic is two more JD's that didn't start flowering so they didn't have to reveg and the next is a close up
Now here's another JD that started to flower and had to change back into veg
check out how these two branches revegged into three tops
Now Here's PK in different stages. This first one kinda started to flower
and the close up
the one right below it started to flower and had to reveg
and the close up
Here are the four in the plot
they vegged from the get go. and close up
Now remember all those plants were all clones that were the same size and the same age. Its interesting how some were affected by the out side light not being close enough to the indoor 18/6. Ok on to the back yard:
Planter #1
This is SLH
This is UD X JDS
The two plants in this pic are JD the close one and EF behind
This was the mother JD
another UD X JDS
and another EF
Here are the remaining last batch of clones
Planter #2
This is a UD X JDS
and this is an EF
and last but not least the 48 clones in my living room cause its way to HOT!!!!! out side.
Well there you have it. Hope every body's grooving. Later TOAST