Tkbluedream Strain Royal Dwarf #3 & #1 Blue Dream'matic, Soil FFoF, 05-21-2019

Here's lonely gal she got huge
Have a question my one dwarf she is almost 90 percent red hairs I have to go by this because i don't have a loop and doesn't seem to have some anything in a week beside the 2 branches that are popping up with small small popcorn bud on them would it be ready this early the most grows I see they are done from a wide range of times some 8 weeks some 13 weeks lol any advice on this is really needed
The pistils all turning color and pulling back is a good clue, as is whether you still have any white pistils at the top that have not yet turned. It is all about the trichomes however. Each plant and each strain are going to be a little different in how long they go before being "ready." I put ready in quotes because that point is highly subjective... and once all the trichomes are cloudy and even just a few have started to turn amber, it is perfectly ok to harvest from that point forward. The more amber, the more intense the body high, is the general rule, but again, each strain is different and most people need to experiment to see at which point they like the high best. So, you have a very wide harvest window.
People have been growing pot without loupes for centuries. A loupe is a great tool and it certainly makes it easier to see what is going on, but it is NOT mandatory. My 60 year old father with his cataracts and near sighted eyes can get right in there, whips OFF his glasses, and he can see the trichomes well enough to gauge their color. He is known for this ability around here, and if he says pull, we pull. I don't know your age, but your profile says you are a laborer, so I am assuming that you are not as old as my Dad and most likely have better eyes. I bet you can see what you need to see if you just get in there and stare at them really hard. I know I can.
I know it sounds dumb but I never even thought to try cause they're so small lol. But I'll try it has maybe a couple white pistils on lower buds but the top top ones all red then I got 2 be that shot up a week ago that are a few weeks from being ready but the rest look ready and I like a not so couch lock high want the body and a little couch lock I'm one of those that get really stomed off the couch lock strong types n im done for the day if it puts me in thw duhhhh zone lmao I love that for night time smoke but day time i like the up n energetic but smooth chill relaxed feeling
I know it sounds dumb but I never even thought to try cause they're so small lol. But I'll try it has maybe a couple white pistils on lower buds but the top top ones all red then I got 2 be that shot up a week ago that are a few weeks from being ready but the rest look ready and I like a not so couch lock high want the body and a little couch lock I'm one of those that get really stomed off the couch lock strong types n im done for the day if it puts me in thw duhhhh zone lmao I love that for night time smoke but day time i like the up n energetic but smooth chill relaxed feeling
Me too they're so tiny. Vision is incredible so there's a way to do it if Em's dad and she can. I can try at least.
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