Tkbluedream Strain Royal Dwarf #3 & #1 Blue Dream'matic, Soil FFoF, 05-21-2019

Indoor girls are looking good.
That was from 2 days ago i forgot to post been busy no everything but i got them outside and hid good and 2 days of outdoors they seem ok they don't seem shocked or anything thankfully lol but I'll get some pics when i go out and check em tonight I hate not being able to go and check em like i want think I'm having issues more than they are lol
Today i moved my girls round to better life and they've stretched a ton like 6 inches on one and 5 on another but blue I can't tell in her and my budding dwarf is getting far fat I got to check on the buds and they are doubled what they was and stunk oh man she stinks so beautiful and my blue she absolute has a strong strong skunk from 5 feet away and when rubbed a leaf i cut she gives off strong blueberry smell like a blueberry muffin never ever smelled anything like her from a plant I'm very happy I'll get pics tomorrow
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