Tims First Hydro Grow- Tons of Pics! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, PPP

Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

Yea well dep on what you're transplanting into it sounds like the rooted ones are ready for transplanting - leave the dome on for the un rooted ones and transplant them once ready.

Roots = Transplant
No Roots = Leave in Dome


What about the ones that barely have roots. Some of them are growing roots like crazy and others only have a few that I can see. Maybe leave those in the dome until they grow more roots??
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

you need to slowly let them adjust to the lower RH by leaving the lid on but tilted off slightly and do it more and more or they will go into shock and die. you could keep the ones that are growing roots slower but IMO they will always be slow
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

So today I transplanted all of my clones that are rooted except for 3 (ran out of hydrotron rocks). About 5 of them didnt make it. I'm assuming that it was because of humidity being too low. The top wasnt on right for 2 days and the RH dropped pretty low.

Other than that, everything looks to be doing well. Here's some pics I took this morning.

My seedling/clone room


Here's some of my flowering room. I'm just coming out of the first week of flowering. I'm about to change out the nutes today.

Added a little flash to this pic.

Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

Very nice plants are looking great. I could be wrong but the only reason for the humidity dome is to feed the leaves cause there is not roots to do it. Once the plants start to root there is no need for the dome cause the plants are starting to get fed from the roots. I think and its just my opinion is if you leave the dome on too long it slows up the root growth cause the plants spends more energy on the leaves. I think I read that somewhere. I take my dome off between 2 to 5 days after I put my clones in. I clone in dirt so it may be different for you. Just some food for thought. Looks like the clones are on there way... Great job..
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

All the advice and tips given so far on cloning have been correct, and your gut was correct. I know I like to hear it summed up and said sometimes, so let me see if I can do it for you:

1 - The point of the dome is to keep the plants from transpiring after being cut. They have no roots to bring up water. This is also why you cut the bigger leaves. You do not want to leave the dome on seedlings or rooted plants simply because of all the reasons you wouldn't want your whole room at 90% humidity and 80 degrees.

2 - The guideline for when to transplant is when you see a few roots and/or new growth A subjective measure, but as soon as I see enough roots that I feel like the plant could survive I get it into the next medium and on its way. Every day it stays in the dome won't hurt it necessarily, but its not getting all the juice the next level up gets. But make sure you see roots, cause if there aren't roots - the plant will shrivel and die in a day outside the dome. I had this happen recently - 1 out of 30 so far. It was green and nice under the dome,one day out and I did not catch it that day, and by the next morning was dry as a bone.

3 - Newly vegging straight out of clone plants are peachy. If they have the roots - give them your regular healthy starting veg formula and let them go. They are healthy plants ready for love. I've only had 3 cycles of clones, but every single one has liked the move from dome to veg - they take off. 1 in 30 casualty ratio.

All that to tell you what you already knew.
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

well said WP. the idea of growing medijuana is to get it going and have it go fast! so like you said as soon as roots burst through the other side of your medium, transplant and begin feeding!
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

Very nice plants are looking great. I could be wrong but the only reason for the humidity dome is to feed the leaves cause there is not roots to do it. Once the plants start to root there is no need for the dome cause the plants are starting to get fed from the roots. I think and its just my opinion is if you leave the dome on too long it slows up the root growth cause the plants spends more energy on the leaves. I think I read that somewhere. I take my dome off between 2 to 5 days after I put my clones in. I clone in dirt so it may be different for you. Just some food for thought. Looks like the clones are on there way... Great job..

Wow, that makes a lot of sense, I never looked at the dome like that before. I'll have to work that one out, thanks for the tip man!
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

well put Whiskey Papa + rep
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

All the advice and tips given so far on cloning have been correct, and your gut was correct. I know I like to hear it summed up and said sometimes, so let me see if I can do it for you:

1 - The point of the dome is to keep the plants from transpiring after being cut. They have no roots to bring up water. This is also why you cut the bigger leaves. You do not want to leave the dome on seedlings or rooted plants simply because of all the reasons you wouldn't want your whole room at 90% humidity and 80 degrees.

2 - The guideline for when to transplant is when you see a few roots and/or new growth A subjective measure, but as soon as I see enough roots that I feel like the plant could survive I get it into the next medium and on its way. Every day it stays in the dome won't hurt it necessarily, but its not getting all the juice the next level up gets. But make sure you see roots, cause if there aren't roots - the plant will shrivel and die in a day outside the dome. I had this happen recently - 1 out of 30 so far. It was green and nice under the dome,one day out and I did not catch it that day, and by the next morning was dry as a bone.

3 - Newly vegging straight out of clone plants are peachy. If they have the roots - give them your regular healthy starting veg formula and let them go. They are healthy plants ready for love. I've only had 3 cycles of clones, but every single one has liked the move from dome to veg - they take off. 1 in 30 casualty ratio.

All that to tell you what you already knew.

Lol. The last sentence is funny, but true. Thanks for the info though. I do appreciate everyone help and suggestions. I guess the question should have been, How much root mass does it take to support whats above it. I waited until I saw a little jungle of roots down there.

So far they're all looking good. The clones that only have a root or 2 showing or no roots at all are still in the dome. I'm thinking about just tossing them in the trash though. I have enough clones for this cycle already and dont really want any stragglers. I guess I'll take the dome off and see if they survive or not.

My PPM is around 400 and my PH is up and down between 5.5 and 6.0. Not sure what the temps and RH is at in there, but it feels about right temp wise. I need to get another gauge to stick in there so I can see where the RH is at. I have a humidifier going in there, plus its a small room (3x6), so I think the environment should be okay. We'll see how it goes. I'm not a big fan of small plants. They seem so sensitive and I'm afraid that any little wrong move I make, there going to shrivel up and die on me.
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

I am the opposite the little ones seem to take care of themselves, pretty much anyways, its when they get bigger they seem to go though all sort of little fires I have to put out. Thats just my deal though. Great job...
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

Very nice plants are looking great. I could be wrong but the only reason for the humidity dome is to feed the leaves cause there is not roots to do it. Once the plants start to root there is no need for the dome cause the plants are starting to get fed from the roots. I think and its just my opinion is if you leave the dome on too long it slows up the root growth cause the plants spends more energy on the leaves. I think I read that somewhere. I take my dome off between 2 to 5 days after I put my clones in. I clone in dirt so it may be different for you. Just some food for thought. Looks like the clones are on there way... Great job..

The reason I asked was because I didnt put my dome lid on right and the humidity dropped to around 50% and my plants started wilting like crazy. Most of them already had roots. Not many, but some. So at that point I was scared to take the dome off. I waited a few more days and today transplanted them. There looking fine.

What I learned were that leaves transpire. If the light is intense, they transpire more. If the humidity is too low or if they are being hit by wind, they will transpire more and if they get to hot, the will transpire more. So a dome is perfect. No wind, high humidity, a lot of light is blocked out, and theres a decent stable temperature. The more a plant transpires, the more nutes and water it needs to absorb to stay alive. If there are no roots and the plant has a high transpiration rate, your plant is more than likely not going to make it. Cutting the leaves eliminates half of the area that the plant has to transpire from, therefor slowing it down. Anti-Wilt spray keeps the leaves from transpiring, without suffocating the plant of carbon dioxide. Great stuff for clones. While I was using it, I didnt get one wilted leaf.

So I guess I know the basics. I read and watch everything that I can get my hands on, but its always the small details that are left out and left up to the grower to learn through experience or by asking another grower. Thats why I love this site. Everyone with the same passion to grow, all here in the same place. I wonder if people get this passionate about growing tomatoes or peppers, or if its just marijuana growers.
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

I am the opposite the little ones seem to take care of themselves, pretty much anyways, its when they get bigger they seem to go though all sort of little fires I have to put out. Thats just my deal though. Great job...

lol. My big plants are just cruising along. My small ones get little deformities, burns, yellowing, stunted growth... I can keep going, but my bigger ones get a dead leafs at the bottom here and there, but for the most part, as long as I keep that PH between 5.5 and 6.0, my plants seem to just cruise along. I do have one plant giving me a hard time, but I gave up on making her happy. Everyone else is happy getting fed the same exact thing. Maybe I'll get some super strong buds from it for stressing it out so much. lol. Who knows.

Maybe its because you grow in soil that you dont have any issues until later down the road.
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

Hey man nice posts. The only problem with a humidome is if it is the 7" one like you, and I, have it can very easily cause a lot of stretching in seedlings, and so they sell 1" or 2" tall humidomes as well. Try to keep my pH at 5.8 to 6.5.

How often do you flood your hydro stones?
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

Hey man nice posts. The only problem with a humidome is if it is the 7" one like you, and I, have it can very easily cause a lot of stretching in seedlings, and so they sell 1" or 2" tall humidomes as well. Try to keep my pH at 5.8 to 6.5.

How often do you flood your hydro stones?

The last time I just barely went over 6.2 I got a deficiency. Hydro and soil have different PH ranges, so just to be on the safe side I let it wonder around between 5.5 and 6.0. Evey once and a while it will hit 6.1 or 6.2 if I dont get to it in time, but I try to make sure it never gets past that.

I also have a 2 inch dome. That one I do use to start my seedling. You are right. I threw a couple bagseed seeds in the 7 inch dome and they stretched like crazy in one day. I had to take them out and get them closer to the light.

I flood only when the lights are on. So for my 12/12 cycle, I flood 3 times. 18/6 cycle, I flood 4 times. 24/0 cycle, every 4 hours.

So it pretty much comes down to once every 4 hours for all light cycles, with the first one flooding when the lights turn on and the last one flooding a little before the lights go off.
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

I grow tomatoes and peppers among other veg. and fruits. But no I get emotionally attached to my MJ plants, I stress when something is wrong, I get excited when all is going well. My veg and fruit plants, I just let them go. I should not say that, I do treat them well but not to the extent I do with my MJ plants...
Re: Tims First Hydro Grow- TONS OF PICS! -Need Help OG Kush, Lm Skunk, GWS, Church, P

I grow tomatoes and peppers among other veg. and fruits. But no I get emotionally attached to my MJ plants, I stress when something is wrong, I get excited when all is going well. My veg and fruit plants, I just let them go. I should not say that, I do treat them well but not to the extent I do with my MJ plants...

So do I. I have Tomatoes, a few different kinds of peppers and strawberries. I tend to forget about them though. And I get happy when it rains because that means I dont have to water them. lol. Complete opposite with the MJ plants. I'm the same way.. stressed when there's something wrong and happy when there healthy. I throw my used hydro nutes in my fruit plants and thats how they get feed. Sad... but I actually dont even plan on eating any of it. Maybe I'll give the fruits to my landlord as a gift. I dont like him much.
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