Just to let you know, when consuming cannabis in any other way than vape, or smoke, it must be Decarboxylated first in order to get high. Otherwise it is strictly for medicinal use without the high.
To decarb THCa to THC, it must be in as near airtight a container as possible and heated. This releases the THC from its carboxyl prison to be free to effect your mind at will.
When marijuana is harvested, the THC molecule is bound to a carboxyl group (COOH) that is, one atom each of carbon and hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen. With a carboxyl group attached, THC is not active.
Heating dried marijuana makes the carboxyl group convert into water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). When marijuana is smoked, the burning eliminates the carboxyl group. There are several ways to decarboxylate marijuana for use in extracts. A layer of marijuana buds or leaf can be placed in an oven at 150 degrees for 15 minutes. This is far below the boiling point of THC yet warm enough to evaporate the carboxyl group. Another method of releasing the COOH is by placing a bowl of buds in the microwave for 2 minutes (NOT RECOMMENDED, but you can give it a try with a lot of bud). The waves will boil away the water. The boiling point of marijuana's active cannabinoids ranges from 260-392 degrees F.