TheNuttyProfessor Has Lost His Pebbles - Trying Organic DWC - Attempt One

We live and learn mate. Straight dwc is very demanding. How about sticking your girl in soil and be done with it.

That photo of your girl looks like she has got eyes in the pot lol.


please delete this Journal lol

shes is some really good soil SOIL ohhhhhh i love SOIL :circle-of-love:

Sad face was loving the madness but with my research I seen that it is not easy to do not even a little bit so i thank you very much i would give u ++reps if i knew how just for trying now I'm looking into the kiss method I'm not sure if you've heard of it in the D but it sounds like it's right up your alley it is a very cheap all in one that you can use in hydro soilless and soil maybe you look into it and do it in the DWC should be a lot more stable
The Method

MaxiBloom is a little known additive from GenHydro. However with further inspection, this 'additive' has everything the plant needs. Nothing more in your water than:

1 TEAspoon MaxiBloom
pH Calibration***
Per US gal. tap water

***(This varies depending on region, test pH amounts for YOURSELF! 1/2 Tsp pH UP works for me!)
best of luck on the Black Sugar Rose Bud can't wait to see her all full an full of bud
thanks my friend , ill stick to what i enjoy , ad i do like making some mad soils , the soil she is in now is one of a kind , its got all racing pigeon minerals in it that have been cooking for ages, it was also drenched with my good and bad bacteria tea , had meal worms and all sorts in there plus lots of crab and shells , she will be grand
thanks my friend , ill stick to what i enjoy , ad i do like making some mad soils , the soil she is in now is one of a kind , its got all racing pigeon minerals in it that have been cooking for ages, it was also drenched with my good and bad bacteria tea , had meal worms and all sorts in there plus lots of crab and shells , she will be grand

Soil sound amazing and on of a kind for sure I know she will love it:goodjob::bravo:
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