Themaddabber's Hempy Bucket Bathtub Grow 2017

Be awhile until your ready, can usually get 4 nodes anyway.
Cool wasn't sure if it was just out other the rim or what. I'm hoping to let them fill up nice first :)
With that Led that you have... you can drop it down quite a bit I would say... I'm not sure if the wattage but I have 3-300w leds... and they are shining on 5 ladies... two of which are about week ahead of yours... my lights are maybe 2' above them and about 16" above the taller girls...
They've been under the LED now for 2 hours and seem to be loving it. So there they will stay for now. I'll definitely drop the light down tomorrow and a little more the next day
With that Led that you have... you can drop it down quite a bit I would say... I'm not sure if the wattage but I have 3-300w leds... and they are shining on 5 ladies... two of which are about week ahead of yours... my lights are maybe 2' above them and about 16" above the taller girls...
Are they 300 wall watts or "output"?
I have always wondered how you measure wall-watts if you don't have one of those plug in watt meters and don't want to strip the insulation to get to the one hot wire to put through the multi-meter prongs. Don't mean to derail Thems thread but if someone could give me another method I'd like to try it on my CFLs.
Hey shed,
I'm a little confused what you mean. So if you are using cfl lighting, your watts are what they say they are. For instance I have a few cfls 2 20watt and 1 45watt. That is the actual wattage they consume, however some company's will say 100watt equivalent. The equivalent is to a incondecent bulb, which your rarely see anymore because the light they give off per watt of energy used is very poor. Also they don't last for shit.

LED wattage is similar in the fact that many companies will say a panel is 300 watts, because there are 60 5 watt led. This is misleasding however because no led runs like that, often the 5 watt LED only runs at 2 or 2.5 watts, and because of that registers a lot lower at the actual outlet. So my light is really a 130watt light but for marketing and whatever dumb reason cheaper lights don't use the wall wattage in the name.

And the meter you are referring to is a kill o watt meter I believe.

Hope this cleared up some of your question and or confusion
Hey shed,
I'm a little confused what you mean. So if you are using cfl lighting, your watts are what they say they are. For instance I have a few cfls 2 20watt and 1 45watt. That is the actual wattage they consume, however some company's will say 100watt equivalent. The equivalent is to a incondecent bulb, which your rarely see anymore because the light they give off per watt of energy used is very poor. Also they don't last for shit.

LED wattage is similar in the fact that many companies will say a panel is 300 watts, because there are 60 5 watt led. This is misleasding however because no led runs like that, often the 5 watt LED only runs at 2 or 2.5 watts, and because of that registers a lot lower at the actual outlet. So my light is really a 130watt light but for marketing and whatever dumb reason cheaper lights don't use the wall wattage in the name. And the meter you are referring to is a kill o watt meter I believe. Hope this cleared up some of your question and or confusion

Yes, kill o watt is what I was thinking of. I guess I keep reading about wall watts and it never occurred to me that this would only apply to LED panels. As an outdoor grower with just CFLs to keep some light on them at night I know very little about indoor grows obv! I just wondered whether I should judge how much wattage my plants get by using the watt rating of the bulb (23) or the equivalent watts (100).
My lights are 30" just got reference dabb. Might lift I'd up today a bit tho to see if my shriveled up one will straighten out. Lights on in about 40 mins. Don't wanna disturb them yet
Nice! Good stuff. Your unit is quite a bit more powerful too right? I think I'll go to 3 feet tomorrow and let it ride a couple days.... idk If I'm crazy, but I swear they are really taking off under it!
Nice! Good stuff. Your unit is quite a bit more powerful too right? I think I'll go to 3 feet tomorrow and let it ride a couple days.... idk If I'm crazy, but I swear they are really taking off under it!
It's a 220w. Pulls 165 watts from the wall I think I read.
Morning update.

Lights are still off, but the girls are looking strong
Gloria's next set of leaves have begun to form :)
The Bag seed is doing well think she had too much nitrogen early on, but growth is picking up again after her poisoning. I flushed her out last night just to be 100% there is no longer toxic levels of n in her coco...

Hoping they get some reenergizing sleep so they can fatten up nice when lights come on.

They are Mars 300w units... so not out of the wall but what they say...
Do they have a veg and bloom switch? Of so they both on?
Well I've been doing some morning reading and found what seems to be some quality info on coco.
Basically the dude was saying coco naturally buffers the Ph of water used so long as the base water, aka staring water, is between 100 and 150 ppm. So of using distilled or RO base water needs cal mag added to prevent Ph from having a run away effect on the acidic direction. Also that too hard of water will create the opposite effect and Ph will slowly rise causing lockout. They went on to say checking TDS of runoff is critical because coco builds up excess salts easily and your run off should always be lower than nute solution. When the TDS reads higher it's time to flush.
In conclusion Ph is very important but so long as the base water is in the right range of ppm the medium will always remain within the desired Ph range.

Seemed to be pretty well informed, but if anyone knows this to be true and can confirm it, it would be appreciated ✌

Or at least that's how I think it is!
Cool ok yeah not all units have the switches. They're nice when you don't need to use 100% power and no dimmer is offered.
Cool ok yeah not all units have the switches. They're nice when you don't need to use 100% power and no dimmer is offered.

My next ones will be upgrades for sure... I'm still trying to be as cheap as possible until I get some payback... once I am consuming only what I grow, I can look at upgrades! These discussions are so valuable that way... real life reviews with someone that has the same interest as me making the review!
My next ones will be upgrades for sure... I'm still trying to be as cheap as possible until I get some payback... once I am consuming only what I grow, I can look at upgrades! These discussions are so valuable that way... real life reviews with someone that has the same interest as me making the review!
Totally true!! I'm doing the same honestly. Looking to upgrade add at least another light by flower at the latest... ideally 1 every cpl months :)
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