The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Lol I kno me to I will start new nutes Monday or the following week waiting on my air pump n water pump to come in for my rdwc really can’t wait so gives me time to start building a scrog for my bk room were my autos are in its goin to b really fun if things go as planed
Gonna say you yield 659 grams Jack
Wow that opened my eyes wide lol I’ll b very happy ur plants are goin to b great yeilders also under that qb power ecg get ready imbrase urself lol
Jack looks really good in there buddy. I envy an individual that has to push his plants in before closing the door. On the other note. I’m sitting under my mega Bush. Enjoying the view. And a heavenly citrus essence wafting throughout the lower canopy. I put my face up in there and omg instantly fell in love. This is going to b a delicacy Of a bud.
We are on Day 66 for these 2 BSA


I put up a tarp because these B’s are stinking up the back alley and are more obvious looking if you peak through the cracks of the fence. Took my dogs for a walk this am and as I neared my house, got a familiar wif of sweet fruity skunk fuel:eek:


And NS also day 66

And Brooke Day 51

Found a worker bee on my sunflowers
I still have 4 seeds to experiment with next I’m going to do the expert nutrients lineup and see how she differs. It may be bigger. Or it may b to much idk but we will see
Thanks man I kno that smell n yess wen I close the door I have to shove things in a tad lol hahahah but I’m really really happy with my girls n everyone else’s also
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