The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

Holy!! I’m all caught up:)

I’m hoping my stuff gets here tomorrow! I’d be happy to hear your favourite best germ method?? I plan to soak in distilled room temp water for 24 hours and then damp paper towel in a zip between 2 plates?

Just planning;) my germ methods and could use some mentoring! I’m not new to soil but I’m new to cannabis in soil! I usually use full coco inside. Im an outside gardener for years and thought why not a couple weed plants too! :D Nice to meet y’all

STRAIN: Brooklyn Sunrise bred by Dutch Passion
MEDIUM: Coco coir in 10 gallon 24/7 Fabric Pots
NUTRIENTS: Alaska Line Grow.Bloom,Micronutrients.Cal Mag
LIGHTS: 3 300 Watt optical lens epistar/bridgelux series. 1 600 Watt same
TRAINING: 1 will be topped and 1 will be fimmed. With what I believe will be a slightly longer veg time I want to see how the plant responds to fimming.
AIR: 2 6 inch inlines and LOTS of fans
WATERING: Be handwatering til i figure out a more automated system
I dropped the first bean in a bowl of distilled water on Friday afternoon after the standard roughing up in the matchbox of sandpaper. Nothing happening yet so I dropped a second one this afternoon. I don't plant in peat puck until I see a tap coming out. I did, however, wear the t-shirt to do all the gardening this weekend!
Lol since were still not legal thats the only time i get to wear mine. So i do every chance i get lol
I signed up last night thinking it was probably too late, but got e-mail I'm in. How long does it take to get seeds and how many of f each? Now I've got to up my computer skills In order to start a thread, etc
Great days ahead!
I signed up last night thinking it was probably too late, but got e-mail I'm in. How long does it take to get seeds and how many of f each? Now I've got to up my computer skills In order to start a thread, etc
Great days ahead!
Sweet as a nut. You get 5 of each!. Be good to see you put up a journal
Holy!! I’m all caught up:) I’m hoping my stuff gets here tomorrow! I’d be happy to hear your favourite best germ method?? I plan to soak in distilled room temp water for 24 hours and then damp paper towel in a zip between 2 plates? Just planning;) my germ methods and could use some mentoring! I’m not new to soil but I’m new to cannabis in soil! I usually use full coco inside. Im an outside gardener for years and thought why not a couple weed plants too! :D Nice to meet y’all

I soak in (well) water for 12 hours, put in soil...

Key is to keep the soil temps between 70-80F until they pop...

The girls are rolling

QB lights
DWC with GH Flora series, hydroguard, z7, calmag, rhino Skin

In water on Friday, in paper towels on Saturday, and into rapid rooters on Sunday, and we have life today on the Dream'matic

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