The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

It was a big paranoia we would get pot sprayed with it
Can't say anyone ever did though
I think that's the only reason I ever heard of it back in NY. They were going to be spraying the "marijuana" plants with it and we were gonna smoke it and die!

Compare Derby's trained plant on day 33 and mine on day 28:

I found a lower shoot hiding under the main stem so I pulled the middle open and threaded it through. One more productive bud site!

I want to know, since Derby and Penny both topped theirs, if they would have looked like salad untopped as well.

Not sure I'll be able to contain the growth in this's outta control! (Maybe I'll get to eat my words :)):
So, Day 1 I guess:). These little buggers are coming up fast, so I moved them under the LEDs. I feel like I get thicker more stout starts under LED compared to the last couple grows I did under HID. Too hot for HID in the summer with out AC, so gonna start to finish under LED. My LEDs are mix and match from Mars, Growant and Ebay, lol. Here are the babies with their heads up, I’ll move them into their hydro homes hopefully tomorrow, or at the latest on Tuesday morning.

See you soon for shots in their forever homes:)

Ok let’s see you nail these autos, remember they don’t like high humidity and they can take some serious nutes once they’re established. They also love the light so keep them growing fast!
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