Beautiful bud shots! :drool:
Hey everybody!
Day 14, 13 and 9 for our all stars from @Weedseedsexpress. Speaking of which, have you been by their site lately? Click here for their current bean sales. Did you know that Weedseedsexpress ships free to most countries? Yes that includes us Canadians!

Fast and free worldwide shipping
We provide the fastest international delivery as possible. After receiving your payment we ship your order within 8 hours to your destination. Depending on your country delivery takes place between the 5th and 15th business day (max 21 business days if there is a delay in transit).

For most countries we offer free delivery worldwide without any charge. You can also add the track & trace option with your shipment so you can track your order along the way.

OK enough of the shameless plug but it's the least I could do for one of our sponsor's here. Now on to the baby pics. Getting some good growth on the Lithium OG Kush's and the Goos are happy putting out fat fingers.

Pinkman Goo's on the right side.

Hey everybody!
Day 14, 13 and 9 for our all stars from @Weedseedsexpress. Speaking of which, have you been by their site lately? Click here for their current bean sales. Did you know that Weedseedsexpress ships free to most countries? Yes that includes us Canadians!

Fast and free worldwide shipping
We provide the fastest international delivery as possible. After receiving your payment we ship your order within 8 hours to your destination. Depending on your country delivery takes place between the 5th and 15th business day (max 21 business days if there is a delay in transit).

For most countries we offer free delivery worldwide without any charge. You can also add the track & trace option with your shipment so you can track your order along the way.

OK enough of the shameless plug but it's the least I could do for one of our sponsor's here. Now on to the baby pics. Getting some good growth on the Lithium OG Kush's and the Goos are happy putting out fat fingers.

Your Weedseedsexpress babies are off to a great start! :thumb:
Thanks Beez. :passitleft:
Any Covid in that drool?
Sorry, I'll put my mask back on. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Nice frosty sugar leaves Mr. S. :goodjob: Can't think of anything funny to say; I don't think I am witty enough for your journal. :p
I love my cast iron pan btw. Bacon apparently you start with a cold pan. Who knew!
I got rid of all my calphalon several years ago and switched to all cast iron and I'll never go back. I do have a stainless steel set, also, I use for soups, sauces, etc., but the cast iron is the "go-to" for most everything. I love it so much, I also swapped my grill for an outdoor griddle (which is basically just a big cast iron top) and I'd put my cast iron up against anyone's "non-stick" pan in terms of food not sticking. The only negative, IMHO, is the weight. Those suckers are heavy, especially the bigger pans & casserole's! :rofl:

FYI, there are two methods of cooking bacon in cast iron (hot pan and cold pan). When you want to use a hot pan, it's just recommended you add some extra fat (oil) before adding the bacon, to make sure it doesn't stick. When you heat from a cold pan, you don't need to add any extra oil. :Namaste:
The only negative, IMHO, is the weight. Those suckers are heavy, especially the bigger pans & casserole's! :rofl:
Heavy is right. Something I had to get used to but the flavor is amazing. I did pork chops the other night after brining for a couple of hours and talk about delicious. I was never a big fan of chops but this may have changed my mind :)
If you want perfect bacon, the oven is second to none.
I can only imagine the mess of the oven :) My wife does not like me cooking.
Heavy is right. Something I had to get used to but the flavor is amazing. I did pork chops the other night after brining for a couple of hours and talk about delicious. I was never a big fan of chops but this may have changed my mind :)

I can only imagine the mess of the oven :) My wife does not like me cooking.
The oven method doesn't create a mess. You put on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and because it's baking and not frying, there's minimal splatter. Cleanup is actually easier than the pan since you not only have to clean the cast iron, you also have to clean about a three foot radius of splattered grease around the stovetop! :rofl:

Nothing beats steaks & chops on the cast iron, IMHO! Even hotdogs come out great! :drool:
If you want perfect bacon, the oven is second to none.
The oven method doesn't create a mess. You put on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and because it's baking and not frying, there's minimal splatter. Cleanup is actually easier than the pan since you not only have to clean the cast iron, you also have to clean about a three foot radius of splattered grease around the stovetop! :rofl:
So parchment likes no more than 425F. What are you guys bacon the bacon at?
So parchment likes no more than 425F. What are you guys bacon the bacon at?
400*F for about 15-20 min's, depending on desired doneness. Good idea to rotate the tray about half through so they cook more evenly. ;)
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