The Quest For Midnight Sunshine: Dabber Begins Breeding Bodacious Botanicals

So I'm kinda ashamed to admit I've never really understood smoking CBD weeds but I think I'm addicted... a good 1 to 1 strain mixed with a high thc strain is just about my favorite right now.
So I'm kinda ashamed to admit I've never really understood smoking CBD weeds but I think I'm addicted... a good 1 to 1 strain mixed with a high thc strain is just about my favorite right now.

My girlfriend and I just took down 4 CBDreams that are a 1:1 to ratio. I think half will go to massage products for my girlfriend and the other half will be jarred up. I'm excited to use it for a mid day smoke or one to use while I work.
Why ya think most my crosses are with CBD strains

Silly Rabbit, Trix arnt just for kids!!!!!

I'm a little slow to catch on.... but I'm there now. I think I'll drop that amnesia cbd I have here soon! Oh and payday today... there are a few beans I've been looking at. I really like the "snow moon" from ace. Also been looking at some exotic gear... the regs are very reasonably priced. I mean for that gear anyways. Uh the strain is "the cube" × OG blueberry cut. And lastly I was looking for some starfighter... its retired (not that I could afford alien gear anyways). Well I stumbled upon some gold. La Plata has some alien blues and alien bubba Bx3s for under 50 a pack.... so I want to grab those. And hopefully that exotic cross and make some babies....
So I'm kinda ashamed to admit I've never really understood smoking CBD weeds but I think I'm addicted... a good 1 to 1 strain mixed with a high thc strain is just about my favorite right now.
No shame there TMD. When the shit hits the fan that's how I spell relief. Learning all the time. Oh right. Sweet journal dude. Colas as long as my legs
But don't spend a ten spot for a teenage flashback ;).
It only counts if she knows I spent it! No I'm going to save up my tips and use those
And now!!!!

(That's my drum roll)

The pics from todayyyyyy


Wow what a haul, they look absolutely stunning! Great job on them beautys.:bravo:
Come in here dear boy, have a cigar. You're gonna go far!
No shame there TMD. When the shit hits the fan that's how I spell relief. Learning all the time. Oh right. Sweet journal dude. Colas as long as my legs

Thanks stoned otter! Yeah never stop learning. Amazing how many ways the plant can help us!
Nice looking rosin, how did it Smoke?

Oh wow. Like cotton candy mixed with fruity pebbles!
Come in here dear boy, have a cigar. You're gonna go far!

Right? The whole thing is kinda a trip to me. Pretty neat.
We got another squeezer. Nice looking. How did it smoke and what kind of dabb ring do you have?
I have 2. 1 I got from for motm

The other is a bee nails onyx rig and ceramic enail. But it doenst fit right and I just need to email them already...



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Ok so got the cookies bagged. I think I'll finally seal it and drop a hygrometer tomorrow.

Bagged the untopped stankberry. I leave them open a few days then seal.

WW will get bagged tomorrow (late) and probably sealed too.

Topped stank should be ready the following day or so.

I have seeds. So far looks to be a decent amount. I will need to find a productive way for harvesting them. For today it was a-- pick the ones I could see as i trimmed buds off stalks and large stems-- sorta a thing.

Heres some pics....


They have me packaging in the lab tomorrow so time to make moves....


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