The pH Or Not To pH Grow Journal

I'd love to try this experiment, but I have a well and my water was so acidic that it was eating my copper pipes. I had a whole house pH buffering machine put in, but we can't get the pH dialed in. Right now it has gone too far the other way and it sits at 9.7! I bet the plants wouldn't like that!
Wow, that's the highest pH I've heard yet. Yeah, I doubt the plants wouldn't like that. I'm just wondering how much the nutes would change that pH.
I've had tents with pinholes & never had an issue from it. Mostly through the crappy zippers. But light going into the tent is more of an issue then light coming out of the tent. The lights are off to make it dark so you don't want light coming in. I really don't understand how pinholes of light can cause a plant to hermie. It's kind of like the stars & moon in the night sky. Why don't they make plants hermie. I have a theory that it's because the plant sees the same type of light night after night .... just like it would pin holes. Now if you were to turn on a light in the tent during the dark period that wouldn't be something that happens night after night & could shock the plant into a hermie. This is just my theory & nothing scientific about it.
I've had tents with pinholes & never had an issue from it. Mostly through the crappy zippers. But light going into the tent is more of an issue then light coming out of the tent. The lights are off to make it dark so you don't want light coming in. I really don't understand how pinholes of light can cause a plant to hermie. It's kind of like the stars & moon in the night sky. Why don't they make plants hermie. I have a theory that it's because the plant sees the same type of light night after night .... just like it would pin holes. Now if you were to turn on a light in the tent during the dark period that wouldn't be something that happens night after night & could shock the plant into a hermie. This is just my theory & nothing scientific about it.
I agree with the pinholes. Have 1000 of
Just dont open the tent during dark hours for no reason. Do you like it when people wake you up? lol..
I'm a novice, so take this with a grain of salt. I remain skeptical that a few tiny pinholes in a tent are going to cause your plant to hermie or reveg. Plants in nature have lots of light at night. I would say that you should get in your tent with whatever lighting there might be in the room when your grow light is off. If you have holes that are lighting up the tent then I would try to cover them. My guess is that you won't have even a fraction of the kind of light that the moon and stars give. JMHO.
Thank you so much I will try and see what's up and keep yall posted
Update on my babies


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Been trying to figure out how to upload the Water Report. It's a pdf file on my computer now but haven't been able to figure out how to post it. I'm not good at computers.

Anyway, I noticed something today & I'm wondering why the difference.
If I fill a gallon jug out of the sink it's pH 7.6.
If I fill it outside through the hose it's pH 9.0.
I thought I had to be wrong. But did it twice with same result.
Weird Chit Man !
Been trying to figure out how to upload the Water Report. It's a pdf file on my computer now but haven't been able to figure out how to post it. I'm not good at computers.
If you know how to store it on a google drive then you can get a link for it and set the access permissions to"anyone with link can view" and sneak the link in somewhere you want it, the forum does not allow the upload of such files locally that I have seen
Maybe the rubber or something in the hose is raising the pH
That's what I was thinking but not sure if that's why. Now I know why my pH was so high when I mixed nutes the other day though. Unfortunately, it's making DWC a real PITA. Now I have to carry 5 gallon water jugs across the yard for the whole world to see 2 - 3 times per week to Top off & do bucket changes. This is way too obvious for me. I can't wait til the DWC is over so I can take that shit down. I'll stick to soil.
You can get a food grade hose like for a RV there usually white I use one in my basement. Not really for the plants I got it for wine making.
Any chance you do your wine making using the homemade co2 bucket where you supply co2 to your plants & make wine at the same time ? Someone I know does that. Pretty cool how that works.
Wow, that's the highest pH I've heard yet. Yeah, I doubt the plants wouldn't like that. I'm just wondering how much the nutes would change that pH.

Not sure, but I may have to find out. Local stores about out of RO water with this storm heading straight for us. I have an RO unit under the kitchen sink, but it doesn't do anything about pH. I am guessing I will have to add some citric acid crystals to get the final pH in the 6'ish region.
Not sure, but I may have to find out. Local stores about out of RO water with this storm heading straight for us. I have an RO unit under the kitchen sink, but it doesn't do anything about pH. I am guessing I will have to add some citric acid crystals to get the final pH in the 6'ish region.
Trying to adjust a soil down to the low 6's is the same as shooting yourself in the foot. If the soil is better at 6'ish, why in heaven's name didn't all of the soil manufacturers, or even some of them, manufacture their soil in that range in the first place???

There is a very good reason that soil's base pH is set up around 6.8 pH. It is purposely set that high so that you can water at 6.3 pH and then enjoy an upwards drift toward the base pH as the soil dries out, effectively moving the pH of your soil through the entire usable range of 6.2-6.8 pH, picking up each nutrient in turn as it becomes the most mobile.
Trying to adjust a soil down to the low 6's is the same as shooting yourself in the foot. If the soil is better at 6'ish, why in heaven's name didn't all of the soil manufacturers, or even some of them, manufacture their soil in that range in the first place???

There is a very good reason that soil's base pH is set up around 6.8 pH. It is purposely set that high so that you can water at 6.3 pH and then enjoy an upwards drift toward the base pH as the soil dries out, effectively moving the pH of your soil through the entire usable range of 6.2-6.8 pH, picking up each nutrient in turn as it becomes the most mobile.

No, I'm not trying to mess with soil pH. I just have insanely alkaline well water at 9.7, so I will have to adjust my nutrient mix to get it back into the 6ish range (eg 6.3). I have not found pH to be a big issue with megacrop, but I'm not going to push it by pouring in a mixture that will still be nearly pH of 9 after adding a couple of grams of megacrop.
No, I'm not trying to mess with soil pH. I just have insanely alkaline well water at 9.7, so I will have to adjust my nutrient mix to get it back into the 6ish range (eg 6.3). I have not found pH to be a big issue with megacrop, but I'm not going to push it by pouring in a mixture that will still be nearly pH of 9 after adding a couple of grams of megacrop.
oh, i understand now...sorry. Yeah, even the most forgiving study I have seen says that vegan (amino chelated) nutrients fall off on availability above 7.5, although response does stay fairly flat up to that point.
Hmmm, I see a pretty large whitish patch on a single leaf on the No pH plant. Not sure if it's from nutes getting it wet or a def. yet. I'll take a pic when I feed tonight. These girls are getting big fast.
Come on DWC plants .... Finish ! I want to start flowering the others ... lol.
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