I’d like to initiate a community conversation on personal regimens. I’ve been studying the endocannabinoid system and how cannabis therapeutics can enhance a life for a few years now and it occurs to me that the clinical data coming out about cannabis dosing may not be reflective of real-world use in our community.
I keep wondering how honest people are about reporting their true level of consumption to their doctors.
The clinical data I’ve noticed doesn’t come anywhere near my own usage, and I suspect many of you could say the same. As an example, Mara Gordon, one of the respected voices on cannabis dosing, has said that an average patient in her dispensary takes around 50 mg of total cannabinoids a day.
I take more than 50 mg of THC for breakfast. How about you? That’s what I thought.
This suggests that we’ve come up with creative ways to enjoy our euphoria as we treat the many physical concerns that sent us down the path of cannabis cultivation. For one thing, we have access to more cannabis than the average consumer, or at least that’s the goal of our collective obsession. For another, we aren’t afraid of euphoria.
I’d like to take a look at those adaptations you’ve made and see what we have in common. I’d also like to see if we can find ways to help each other get better results. Maybe by putting our heads together we can tweak the process here and there and come away richer for the experience and healthier to boot.
I have some questions to get you started. You share your answers and I’ll share mine. Together we’ll advance the knowledge on the many ways cannabis can bring relief, from our unique perspective.
The Questions
Be as detailed as you can, as wordy as you feel the need. If you use cannabis for recreation only then share that. The questions apply to everyone.
* Why do you personally use cannabis?
* How long have you been using cannabis?
* List any medications you’ve reduced or discontinued with cannabis use.
* If you use cannabis to treat chronic pain, how would you rate the level of relief you’re getting?
* What administration methods have you tried?
* What administration method/s work best for you?
* What chemovar/s work for you? What makes them favorites?
* What chemovars don’t work for you? What experience caused you to discard them as an option?
* Describe in detail your personal regimen. Walk me through a typical day of cannabis use. I’m hoping for the fine details, when you take your first dose, how much you dose, what you eat before or after a dose, how cannabis use augments fitness and movement, dose cannabinoid values and ratios if you know them.....all of it.
Also, if you don’t mind this last question:
Do you work a full time job outside the home? and if so How do you commute to work?
You can’t be too detailed in your answers.
There’s no timeline on this little project. It’s more a centralized data bank in the end than anything else, and eventually what we learn here will find its way to more specialized threads. Let’s have fun with it.