- Thread starter
- #6,781
ive been reading up on your expertise sweetsue, thanks i joined up here because of you and your great information.
My expertise. Lol! You're too kind, but thank you. I'm a humble lab rat with the rest of them, learning as we go. I simply have no fear of sharing what I learn.
Are you growing? Considering a journal? Have any pictures to share? You've caught me in the best possible moods. I'm turning 63 tomorrow and the universe celebrates with me. How sweet to have a new neighbor.
Make yourself comfortable and get to know the crew. A friendlier lot you'd be hard-pressed to find, until you stroll into the next yard. Quite a neighborhood we have here. Glad to meet you. I have to run. My walking buddies are waiting.
I love you all. I'll be back later.
to my joyful journal Anthocyanin. Your tag says you just signed up, so a hearty welcome to the neighborhood as well.