The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

weeeeeeee mommie's homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Good Morning everyone. :love:

Slept straight through the night. Ahhhhhh............ I'm going to take it easy today. I'm low in sleep hours and dehydrated from traveling. OMG!!! My bed feels so comfortable and "just right". :laughtwo: That cold that's been chasing me is making a serious attempt to catch me today - again, a challenge brought on from sleep-deprived traveling. The throat is raw this morning, so there's no telling.

I've already had my morning brownie. After this it's shower and head for my favorite restaurant for breakfast before I replenish my food stores. Everything in the fridge looks like a scary science experiment! LOL!

It's so good to be home. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Hi sue I'm relatively new here on 420 just wanted to congatulate you on your win very well deserved 'keep it green! Cheers

Why thank you doctor green, and welcome to my journal. :hug: Please make yourself at home. I'm a bit bedraggled this morning, but the Carnival in that brownie I just had should do the trick any minute here. I had to laugh that I woke up feeling like hell to be greeted by a new doctor. :laughtwo: I look forward to watching you blossom on our forum pages as you get to be more comfortable with us. :battingeyelashes:

LOL, I've been weird all my life! :eyebrowsmile:

And ... :hmmmm: ... the subject of metaphysics came up just recently within this same circle ... interesting ...

One of your more endearing qualities Graytail. :laughtwo: :kisstwo:


Congrats and love Sue.

Thank you 36. It's very humbling, and comes with big light upgrades. That's an encouragement to participate in some other contests. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Wow :thedoubletake: Sue actually slept.

Good job, Sue!

Yes, yes I did. :laughtwo: It surprised me too. Hahaha!

SSSSSHHHHH!!! Don't wake her!! :peace:

:love: :hug: :love:

SweetSue's Joyful Return ....and some sleep. :love:

Pretty magical, huh? LOL!

weeeeeeee mommie's homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Sssssshhhhhhhhh........inside voice. :battingeyelashes:

Some hugs for when you wake up. It's good to have you home. :hug::hug::hug: :love:

Just what the doctor ordered. :love: :hug: :hug: :hug: :love:

Get yur lazy butt outta bed young lady... you have things to attend to.
Oh... Welcome home! I certainly enjoy my home bed when I've been traveling... never sleep well in strange places.

In another setting this conversation would have taken a completely different direction. :laughtwo:

It's amazing how much better your own bed feels. The bed I've slept in during vacation is tooooo soft. Losing a night's sleep certainly contributed to my sound sleep last night. I stayed up until I was afraid I'd fall over and damage something the next time I nodded off. It was a party, dammit!! LOL!

It's so good to be home. :love:

Me thinks the brownie was a wee bit strong. :) :peace:

But oh my goodness, was it ever delicious. :laughtwo: The one I just had was tasty too. I may have another before I head out. I'm still celebrating, aren't I?

It's so very good to be home. Even with the fallen ceiling tile in the living room that greeted us when we got here. Actually, thinking back, that was probably the strange crash I heard earlier but chose to ignore. Hmmmm.... It still needs cleaned up. My fridge needs a thorough scrubbing and purge before restocking. I have laundry to get out of the way, groceries to buy, soil to check, thrips to eliminate, boxes to unpack, plans to execute.

And today I'm going to relax, go out to breakfast, drink lots and lots of water and stay high. I may get a couple packages in the mail, then again the world will be just fine if I stop at that shortened list. I'm sure I'll check on soil and that fridge looks a bit critical, but I think there's room to compromise on the suggestion of this "purge".

Priorities: catch up on sleep, feed me!!!, stay high, drink more water.

Looks like a plan to me!! I'm going to spend my day as a joyful celebration of my homecoming. Whatever your reason, get out there and express it. Spread that joy. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Now, into the shower. :ciao:

I hear you Emmie, cinnamon and honey. I'm on it right now. :circle-of-love:
All in one sentence ...
Welcome Home Sue, I hope you feel better soon, congrats on the MOY 2015, and any other thing I should have remembered to say!

I'm sure your daughter will be thrilled to have her Mommy home too, best of luck.

Best Of Buds

Get up woman. We've work to do.

Joking...hope you're getting caught up on the very elusive rest.
Welcome home.

*Yawn* I hear ya. My body doesn't care what I think I hear. :laughtwo: It is time to get moving though. There's no food in the house.

I hear ya Cajun, this is so exciting, Sue is starting a whole new grow from scratch. Its like the dawn of a whole new era. :slide:

:laughtwo: It's intimidating, is what it is. LOL! Interesting that the first job at hand is clean up from fallen plaster. Life, who knew?

She's sure got a lot of nice toys to play with!

:slide: *giggle*

All in one sentence ...
Welcome Home Sue, I hope you feel better soon, congrats on the MOY 2015, and any other thing I should have remembered to say!

I'm sure your daughter will be thrilled to have her Mommy home too, best of luck.

Best Of Buds


Thank you JB. :hug: We talked for hours. It's probably why my throat feels raw.

This was nice to find when I finally woke up. :battingeyelashes: :love: Let me roll out of bed at long last and get going. I still need to find honey. And food. Food would be good.
Good morning. :love:

I may be all caught up on sleep now. :laughtwo:

First job up today is cleaning up the mess created by having the plaster from above the dropped ceiling fall. Then onto soil matters. I've decided to plant with the new moon on the 8th. Let's bring all the cosmic forces we can into play this time, why not?

I found out this morning that my new tent is 39x39x70. A challenge for placement and stealth. :hmmmm: But a nice size for a monster plant or two.

Time to get started. I'll save the shower for after this job is finished. I still have to tear the plumbing apart to see what's blocking the water pressure. :straightface: Breathe girl. Isn't it great to be back home? :laughtwo:

Ok people. You know the drill. You. Joy. Spread it around. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
Good morning. :love:

I may be all caught up on sleep now. :laughtwo:

First job up today is cleaning up the mess created by having the plaster from above the dropped ceiling fall. Then onto soil matters. I've decided to plant with the new moon on the 8th. Let's bring all the cosmic forces we can into play this time, why not?

I found out this morning that my new tent is 39x39x70. A challenge for placement and stealth. :hmmmm: But a nice size for a monster plant or two.

Time to get started. I'll save the shower for after this job is finished. I still have to tear the plumbing apart to see what's blocking the water pressure. :straightface: Breathe girl. Isn't it great to be back home? :laughtwo:

Ok people. You know the drill. You. Joy. Spread it around. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Morning Sue!! I have 2 tents that size (only 1 set up at the moment). That is what I am using for flowering. Put your seeds in the paper towels. By the 8th, you should have some great taproots starting. Great to have you back. :circle-of-love::peace:
Good morning. :love:

I may be all caught up on sleep now. :laughtwo:

:laughtwo: Apparently I was wrong. LOL! I've been sleeping all day long. Time to go at the mess again.
Hey Sweet Sue!! I wanted to stop by and welcome you back home as well as give you a huge congrats on the MOTY award!!!! You deserve it fully and wow, you get some awesome prizes too!!! :) I can't think of a more deserving member :) Congrats!!!!!:circle-of-love::bravo::party::party::party:
Back in the saddle again...

Welcome back to your grow room and congratulations on the "Moty" award. :cheer:

I just stopped by today to let you know that I'm also back with a new journal: Growing With MysterySeeds - To Infinity & Beyond!

It's not gonna be fancy and I'll probably only post every couple of weeks, but it's gonna be some dankity-dank buds so stick around. Just popped a couple of Harlequin CBD seeds; if you ever make the move to CO, I'll be glad to give you a couple of clones from my "keeper" collection. Anyway, I'm just rambling now. Until my next visit, keep your hands in the dirt and your head in the clouds!

May the brix be with you. :Namaste:
Hey Sweet Sue!! I wanted to stop by and welcome you back home as well as give you a huge congrats on the MOTY award!!!! You deserve it fully and wow, you get some awesome prizes too!!! :) I can't think of a more deserving member :) Congrats!!!!!:circle-of-love::bravo::party::party::party:

Thank you Icemud. :circle-of-love:

I've been lost for a couple hours now looking over seed catalogs. So many strains, so little time. :laughtwo:

I did some unpacking this afternoon.

I bought this intending to need to destroy a thriving community of thrips when I returned. I'd topdressed with neem meal on my way out and had my daughter spray to surface with some regularity, but we all know how it goes when you leave someone else in charge.


Lo and behold, there don't appear to be any thrips dancing through my soils. :woohoo: Should I ever need the treatment in the future, I have a lifetime supply standing by. :battingeyelashes:

Supplies for edibles and topicals, as well as the bottles of essential oils to enhance trichome development.


Seeds!!! New additions to the collection.


Photos going into this grow.


Autos going into this grow. The tube is Dark Devil Auto.


Standbys. I'm still mulling over these. I need a third one for a tent. My new tent is being shipped, but I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet.


I need to review ShiggityFlip's germination technique. I'm pretty sure it calls for vermiculite, and I don't have any on hand.
How you gonna fit all of those strains in a 3'x3' tent? If you only pop one seed of each variety, I believe that's at least 4 autos and 3 photos. Gonna make for a tight party. :party:

What equipment is going in your 3'x3' tent? And do you have another tent going up? Or the tiny closet?
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