The Mega Crop Thread

i think the thing to remember with this stuff is it works with a number of different methodologies.
there is no single approach. take a breath.

my dad takes care of the plants in flower for me. part of the reason i went with MC was the relative simplicity. he loves it. we came from AN nutes line.

the way i explained it to him was AN was working with tweezers, while MC was a set of pliers.
he got it instantly lol.
Yes, I mentioned the SG of Mega Crop is 1.206 ±0.02 above. One gram occupies 0.829... ml, or a ml weighs 1.206 gm.

So for you, 1 tsp = 6g more or less. With my spoons, 1 tp = 8g. My result was consistent between 2 different bags of v2 when first opened. I guess the moral of the story is, if you are going to dose by volume rather than weight, know what YOUR weights are for the volume you are using. I'm sure there is some difference between measuring devices. Some spoons may have a little line inside showing a fill mark, meaning the spoon is slightly larger than 1 tsp, others its a level spoon. That or the user uses a slightly mounded spoon rather than completely level (I'm more of the first so that could be part of the difference in our results).
Keep It Simple Stupid. This is just an acronym that's often used in North America, when folks try to make things more complicated than they have to be.
Thanks man boy I need to go out more for shure lol but I agree with u totally don’t beat ur head lose zzz over it
well, tweezers are like small pliers..... :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahaha this nute is def a good pair of pliers :D :lot-o-toke::yahoo:
Stop the presses! DO NOT equate the weight of a solid, measured by volume, to the volume of a liquid! A 1/2 tsp may be 2.5ml but it DOES NOT mean its 2.5g. Example, 1 tsp of talcum powder does not weigh the same as 1 tsp of lead powder. There will be vast differences in weight between solids when measured by volume. Mega Crop is approximately 8g per tsp, so 1/2 tsp is 4g. Mega is also about 150ppm per gram, so 1/2 tsp = 4g x 150ppm = 600ppm. I'm assuming the other 300 is your water or anything else you may have added.
I never believed or said that the specific gravity of mega crop was one.

I probably did generous measurements of MC and under estimated what 1/2 gallon looks like in a gallon jug.
Measuring PPM might be the best way for me to be super accurate. Tap water is 40-45 ppm
i was certain we had him crapping the drawers fairly early lol

the place is super friendly but we sure have opinions.
even folk with opposing positions generally get on ok here tho. and the info is amazing if you can sift thru it all.

We all have the collective goal of growing top shelf bud as fiscally responsible as possible. There is no "one" way to get there and most of us recognize that, I think thats why its very civil here and will listen to reason.

companies that monitor forums have teams that do it. "Sara" from mars hydro could be a half dozen people or so, just as an example. it's easier for people to identify if they feel it is an actual person behind the keyboard.

Im so glad you said that, I had my doubts that Sara was a single person, or even a girl at all. It is in fact, a well oiled public relations machine.
Yup that’s hard enough lol wen I opens the bad I was like huh what’s this lol n smells like baby poop lol

And dusty AF, too!

But they should put on the bag scale is needed wouldn’t trust the scoop it came with

Mine didn't come with a scoop, but it did come with a nice bag clip that I will get more use out of. :)
And dusty AF, too!

Mine didn't come with a scoop, but it did come with a nice bag clip that I will get more use out of. :)
Yup super dusty n wtf no scoop boy they put u to work from the start I started out with the scoop didn’t add out I guess all I kno I threw it
Away since found out a better way that works work me n a few others on here so far
We all do whatever works best, or is the easiest for us. Your way and mine may differ, but what's important is they work for us. That's a nice thing about this forum, you get exposed to a lot of different methods of getting to our goals. We all get to pick and choose our own path to the finish line.
Damn...didnt read far enough down and Salt already said what i said....:(
I second the notion then!
So for you, 1 tsp = 6g more or less. With my spoons, 1 tp = 8g. My result was consistent between 2 different bags of v2 when first opened. I guess the moral of the story is, if you are going to dose by volume rather than weight, know what YOUR weights are for the volume you are using. I'm sure there is some difference between measuring devices. Some spoons may have a little line inside showing a fill mark, meaning the spoon is slightly larger than 1 tsp, others its a level spoon. That or the user uses a slightly mounded spoon rather than completely level (I'm more of the first so that could be part of the difference in our results).

Yes. To get this as accurate as I could, I used a Class A 100ml graduated cylinder, and calibrated scale.
The procedure I used is:
  1. calibrate the scale as per factory instructions;
  2. weigh the empty graduated cylinder;
  3. use calibration weights to verify the weight of the graduated cylinder to the nearest gram;
  4. fill the graduated cylinder to the 100ml mark with Mega Crop
  5. weigh the graduated cylinder with the Mega Crop;
  6. use calibration weights to verify the weight of the graduated cylinder with Mega Crop to the nearest gram; and
  7. Subtract the weight of the empty cylinder from the one with 100ml Mega Crop, dividing the result by 100.
My calibration weights are within ±0.003% of the weight stamped on them.
I never believed or said that the specific gravity of mega crop was one.

I probably did generous measurements of MC and under estimated what 1/2 gallon looks like in a gallon jug.
Measuring PPM might be the best way for me to be super accurate. Tap water is 40-45 ppm

My apologies. Rereading, you did not. My mind went somewhere else. That and I missed half gallon rather than a gallon. Guess it happens sometimes when you've been up 24 hours. You miss little details. Your results would be in the ballpark with mine. 1/2 tsp I would come out with about 600ppm per gallon. So 1/2 tsp in half gallon would be around 1200. If your half gallon was a little over, its right there.
Yes. To get this as accurate as I could, I used a Class A 100ml graduated cylinder, and calibrated scale.
The procedure I used is:
  1. calibrate the scale as per factory instructions;
  2. weigh the empty graduated cylinder;
  3. use calibration weights to verify the weight of the graduated cylinder to the nearest gram;
  4. fill the graduated cylinder to the 100ml mark with Mega Crop
  5. weigh the graduated cylinder with the Mega Crop;
  6. use calibration weights to verify the weight of the graduated cylinder with Mega Crop to the nearest gram; and
  7. Subtract the weight of the empty cylinder from the one with 100ml Mega Crop, dividing the result by 100.
My calibration weights are within ±0.003% of the weight stamped on them.

My approach was less scientific as I do not own calibration weights or graduated cylinders.

1 Place empty teaspoon on my digital scale acquired from Harbor Freight (I'm sure its not top of the line for $12).​
2 Tare scale​
3 Fill teaspoon with Mega Crop​
4 Reweigh filled teaspoon​
5 Repeat steps several times to see if I get similar readings (they were +/- .1g, most likely due to smaller sample size and trying to approximate the number of balls in the scoop to what the overall product mix is. +/- .1 g was good enough for me).​
6 Repeat steps 1-5 with different (smaller) sized spoons to see that they are in alignment with a full teaspoon (they were).​
here is the white cookie i blew up...

sooo crispy..


truth is after a few grows i got tired of tightroping to make it happy. i never really got this one right, but i never catered to it.

a week ago i flushed, then reset the nutes down lower. assumed i'd read excess as deficiency. it quit taking anything. i knew it had decided to leave even before the reset.

should have just hucked it in the trash but pulled what i could for canna pills, topicals, maybe shatter.


figger i just pushed it too hard, and it was PK excess. maybe root issues, it had them earlier

anyone wanna take a stab ?


yikes lol
My approach was less scientific as I do not own calibration weights or graduated cylinders.

1 Place empty teaspoon on my digital scale acquired from Harbor Freight (I'm sure its not top of the line for $12).​
2 Tare scale​
3 Fill teaspoon with Mega Crop​
4 Reweigh filled teaspoon​
5 Repeat steps several times to see if I get similar readings (they were +/- .1g, most likely due to smaller sample size and trying to approximate the number of balls in the scoop to what the overall product mix is. +/- .1 g was good enough for me).​
6 Repeat steps 1-5 with different (smaller) sized spoons to see that they are in alignment with a full teaspoon (they were).​

I appreciate that. You made a very valid point about different spoons and fill levels affecting the weight.

I mentioned earlier that not everyone has the equipment. As I had the equipment, I simply did the test, and shared the result.
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