The Mars Hydro FC4800, Prescription Blend And Weed Seeds Express 3x Sponsored Grow: The Amazon Pt I: A Flowering Paradise


Remember her? Our AK-47 droughter?

She's a month cured now and I can't wait to try out this smoke tonight. Tested her a couple weeks ago but she wasn't quite ready yet at only 2 weeks...






Other than always have one coming, no lol. I usually do a group of autos that will get harvested within that month different weeks and run a photo that will be ready about when the last auto is ready. By that point I have veggers ready to move in and more autos starting flower and then veg the photos behind them for another 3 weeks or so then start over...idk if that makes sense at all
Perfect sense, thanks! It sounds like one of my schedules. One that kind of makes itself as time goes on.
Good afternoon!

Wanted to focus on Bubs and her weight rather than her coloring today. She is really a dense, dense, dense girl. Her buds are huge on top of it...things that you can't really tell from pics and gets overlooked by her coloring.

Also realized after these shots, that I think I prefer not using a flash...they get hazy this way

Happy Football Day and much love to all your growing girls (plants-I know some people refuse to call them a lady)









Good lord have mercy - I still cant get past what a stunning beauty she is!
OK I think I finally can start this again after posting 2 separate feeds to the wrong journal...I need to smoke more...

This is a multi thread...G has a focus with lights off never done that before so yaay! And then some Bubs and group shots...

In this first set, the last pic is the very most bottom branch of G, so sugary even all the way down there!

Limelight is in the back in the tent with Onyx up left and Gigi up right when you get to the next threads...

Thank you for scrolling and putting up with me...I've been out all day so went into overdrive tonight:)








I love the pics of Bubs... such a beautiful plant. That tent is looking awesome too.
I love the pics of Bubs... such a beautiful plant. That tent is looking awesome too.
Thanks buddy, sad she is going soon but I love moving the two tents around during the day...always have different girls in that flower veg tent is getting crowded during the day though so when Bubs is done, I need to move another plant into the flower tent during the day.
Sweet colours!!
Hey Verb! Thanks man! Bubs will be pretty trimmed up and G is gonna have a really nice color to her, too (obviously no rainbow though lol)
Thanks buddy, sad she is going soon but I love moving the two tents around during the day...always have different girls in that flower veg tent is getting crowded during the day though so when Bubs is done, I need to move another plant into the flower tent during the day.
I hear you. My veg tent is filling up quickly with just the three plants. I am hoping my first grow will be done in the next couple of weeks so I can move them around. I like the idea of having a veg tent and flowering tent and having plants in different stages at all times. However, for now I do not know how I would even try to keep track of that.:lot-o-toke: So, I will just keep two 'batches' instead.:yummy:
Happy Growing!
I hear you. My veg tent is filling up quickly with just the three plants.

That's a good thing!
I am hoping my first grow will be done in the next couple of weeks so I can move them around. I like the idea of having a veg tent and flowering tent and having plants in different stages at all times. However, for now I do not know how I would even try to keep track of that.
believe me, it will flow after you start doing it...
:lot-o-toke: So, I will just keep two 'batches' instead.
That works for me though, it's easier than it seems to have the two separate cause they aren't necessarily separate if you know what I mean...I mix the veg and flower girls around. Keep a calendar next to your tents, it helps. I also put the feeds I need for each plant on mine and special dates or notes so it helps manage everything
Happy Growing!
Same to you Budman! All growing is happy anyway :yummy::passitleft:
This collection will be added to soon
...and don't worry the one meter that says 57 is 5 off from the's really 62 :)


Got a few of Bubs late last night through the side panel


Be back with a Jasmine post harvest check in in a few
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