The Mars Hydro FC4800, Prescription Blend And Weed Seeds Express 3x Sponsored Grow: The Amazon Pt I: A Flowering Paradise

Wait a minute! Where did you get that emoji!! I need 420 support!! @Paul Squiggle , where is my loooooong open jaw faced blue man head?!

All seriousness, thanks a lot ECM, I really appreciate it. Been trying to do better and better every time...once I got that 4800, I knew my girls would take off. Really am stoked for you and the 6500, I'm not really jealous...more of an adoration. Plus I loved your grows anyway and it's been so long!!

Happy to take a compliment from a grower like you any day..
Thank you for the kind words, I also am a adoration.
I will always try to do better and better every time, it's a passion, and the benefits oh my lol
I'm flattered but I still feel kind of a newbie lol
G shots...

Tried to get some flash to see if you guys could see as much sugar as I see over here...

Be back with Bubs...



Cancel the SOS!! I had no idea that did that! I just thought he was a deranged face!
Thank you for the kind words, I also am a adoration.
I will always try to do better and better every time, it's a passion, and the benefits oh my lol
I'm flattered but I still feel kind of a newbie lol
You and me both my friend....New to it but loving it all the way through. It preserves your soul, this grow life. I wouldn't want anything different.
G is sick right now!
You and Mrs.K need to meet. We ran a bubblegum for years. She always called it bubs.
Awww...see, I told you, me and the Misses can hang and the boys can play. Woman after my own plant naming heart and the man behind her...
Every time you show her off it seems to really get better it could just be me but F'n gorgeous looking, if looks could kill we'd all be dead o_O:thedoubletake:o_O
Thank you I wish I could say it's something I'm doing but I think she is just finishing up really strong :) and I'm glad they can't!!!
Good Morning from the flower tent and the @Mars Hydro FC4800


Peek-A-Boo shot...G is still asleep for another hour and 45

Limelight is tucked in there, too


Bubs is showing her drought @ day 6.
Her Black and White photo I thought was pretty cool cause her sugar looks rad in it

Very nice to wake up to :cool:
Liking the unusual monochrome pic
Thanks Grow and thanks for stopping by! Between the two tents, they're sunshine for for the pic...I thought so, too. Something different :idea: looked cool so figured I'd drop it in the mix

Hi again guys and gals..

Just following up with a group shot of the day time flower tent girls since you already had a side view of the night time inhabitants this morning :yummy:

Nice stages. Do you have a certain schedule you like to keep for harvesting?
Other than always have one coming, no lol. I usually do a group of autos that will get harvested within that month different weeks and run a photo that will be ready about when the last auto is ready. By that point I have veggers ready to move in and more autos starting flower and then veg the photos behind them for another 3 weeks or so then start over...idk if that makes sense at all
Other than always have one coming, no lol. I usually do a group of autos that will get harvested within that month different weeks and run a photo that will be ready about when the last auto is ready. By that point I have veggers ready to move in and more autos starting flower and then veg the photos behind them for another 3 weeks or so then start over...idk if that makes sense at all
Man, we need gif's up in here
Sparkly trichs!
Nice stages. Do you have a certain schedule you like to keep for harvesting?
Other than always have one coming, no
I usually do a group of autos that will get harvested within that month different weeks and run a photo that will be ready about when the last auto is ready. By that point I have veggers ready to move in and more autos starting flower and then veg the photos behind them for another 3 weeks or so then start over.
So...yes. ;)
@InTheShed , well yes....I guess I do then don't I? Just kind of flow into it never really realized I have a little thank you? :rofl::high-five:....her trichs are pretty! Just not ready yet....

Full spread of the nightly ladies tonight for Shed and everyone else...

These girls make me :circle-of-love:

Much grow love and good juju!








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