An auto!!!They were definitely hungry, I see them greening up more since last feeding and this mornings feeding. Temps and humidity are staying consistent, ppm is 505 ec 1.2, power from light is around 60%.
I need to think about training soon, most will be LST but thinking I will top the bigger Blue Dream, maybe Quadline.
Charlotte's Web are looking great I fed them this morning. will be happy to get them in the tent soon.
Train Wreck is a slow start hopefully it isn't another dud.
Speaking of duds the 2 Charlotte's Web I tried to crack in soil hasn't done anything yet, I tried @Moony , I have no doubts this would have worked with good seeds.
I definitely plan to start getting better genetics from sponsors on here.
So with all the talk about auto's I couldn't resist, I'll make room lol
Soaked a Cotton Candy auto flower seed in water last night and just planted it in a 2 or 3 gallon pot, I had Gaia Green amendments, I stayed low I think adding to the soil/promix, I can top dress when needed.
1 tbl all purpose 4-4-4
1.5 tbl power bloom 2-8-4
1 tbl oyster shell flour
few handfuls of worm castings
couple tbl powdered toasted egg shells
few tbl epsom salt.
I'm sure there's other supplements I could be adding please feel free to chime in, I'm still kind of a newbie lol
I also have soluble seaweed extract 0-0-17. I can either use as a foliar spray which is recommended or feed to soil.
Should I be wetting the soil out farther?
I figure I should be spraying water inside the bottle couple times a day?
Weather is crazy today it's been non stop, won't be fun digging out tomorrow with this bum shoulder ugh
Stay safe stay medicated
And a Cotton Candy?! Gonna be sooo pretty! Girls did look hungry some, they will get their coloring back in no time!!! Looks great, yaay for it all and especially the newest little!