Strange. I thought the government seed plant had been harvested once already
Haha government seed plant, I love it! We did do a Hindu Kush harvest a few months back, no Pink Lemonade though!!
Digging the purple!
IKR! Looking forward to seeing it deepen and/or spread through the rest of the plant.
Well, I figured it was a good time to start another attempt at sex reversal for pollen chucking. I made three bottles of GA3 this time; .05g/L, .06g/L, and trying to test the longevity of mixed GA3 I diluted my previous mix of .09g/500mL with another 450mL of distilled water. (After the last go round the bottle was left with 450mL, so to dilute that in half I added the same amount of 450mL water). This was my highest concentration of four bottles last time, in which there was no female plants reversed to the male sex.

Fingers crossed for a different strain, and lower concentrations!

Here I’ve made my markers to hang on the branches to identify which branch gets which concentration. (Fun fact; to remove permanent marker, scribble more permanent marker over what you want to erase, and it wipes right off!!)
Turned into;
This works on most smooth surfaces, glass, metal, plastic etc.

And here’s the plant all trimmed and trained on day one of spraying.

She will be sprayed daily for 5 days and then moved into the flower room. Here’s hoping for better results!!
Short update tonight, I was reading back through my notes and was reminded to try .1g GA3 in 1L distilled water, so that is what I’ve done. It’s on day 3 spraying. When it is complete it’s 5 days, the plant will be flipped. This means the other branches will have been sprayed an extra 2 days, let’s see what comes of that.

Here’s a few flower room shots on day 46 post flip.

A few spots showing up on some upper leaves.
I upped her feed to 6g/gal MC from 5.5g, and still 5ml cal/mag. Not sure if there’s something else I should do?

And the big man has hung around high above the flowers on the Budget LED
Hopefully spreading that North Pole frost around!
Day 52 post flip in the flower room

Pretty pleased with how this plant is coming along.
Moved the reversal project into flower as well.

Also turned the heat up just a little bit. We’re due for some lows of -30F this coming week. I love it! Exhaust fan now comes on at 77F, and heat on at 73F.

And my go to cheat day treat!

Vanilla ice cream and peanut butter Chex.

Happy growing everyone!
I’m off to have a super bowl, before the Super Bowl.
I shall call the the big pink lemonade cola stantec
Stantec she shall be named.
Good luck with this round of's gotta work on something!
IKR! I’m really hoping it works on this Pink Lemonade. The smell and look of her alone makes me want more seeds. I can’t wait to try a tester nug in a few weeks!!
We had a little surprise last night while feeding; the power went out in the flower room. After some stoned searching, I noticed the surge protector had kicked the outlets off! A quick reset and power came back on and feeding continued. When I checked on things this morning, wouldn’t you know it, the surge protector had kicked again, after an hour of their 12 hour light cycle. Everything in the flower room runs off the same protector; the light, circulation fan, exhaust fan, supply fan, and electric heater. I luckily have spares for most parts so it was no bother to change the surge protector out. I hope 23hrs dark is better than 23hrs light at this point!!
We had a little surprise last night while feeding; the power went out in the flower room. After some stoned searching, I noticed the surge protector had kicked the outlets off! A quick reset and power came back on and feeding continued. When I checked on things this morning, wouldn’t you know it, the surge protector had kicked again, after an hour of their 12 hour light cycle. Everything in the flower room runs off the same protector; the light, circulation fan, exhaust fan, supply fan, and electric heater. I luckily have spares for most parts so it was no bother to change the surge protector out. I hope 23hrs dark is better than 23hrs light at this point!!
Flower room photo dump!

Clones on 5g MC & 10ml terpinator/gal

Big momma on 5g MC & 15ml terpinator/gallon

Happy Valentine’s Day all!
Flower room photo dump!

Clones on 5g MC & 10ml terpinator/gal

Big momma on 5g MC & 15ml terpinator/gallon

Happy Valentine’s Day all!
And a beautiful photo dump she is !!!!! Hell yeah brother #bbw #frosty
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