Around 50 Dutch. I'm painting it on with a brush. This time I'm trying once a day. Last time at twice a day I got transformation but no pollen so I'm changing it up a little.
I like that approach. I plan on two plants with CS, and another two with GA3 again. I will make one of the CS a brush on plant.

I have also been doing more reading on GA3 treatment, including notes on treating it like CS application. Instead of spraying 5 days prior to flip, and then no more, it is suggested to keep spraying until male flowers form. I will be utilizing this new (to me anyways) idea.

I am determined to make this work!!
I love your determination with the GA3!
I have enough of the stuff to last a lifetime! Might as well use some up.
I hope you have 15' ceilings!
About 6’ from top of pots to the light is what we’re working with. I’m hoping to outsmart the plants with my training and bending abilities!!
Good looking nugz.
Excellent haul DAB. :bravo:
Yes really nice bowl full of buds, they look really dense and frosty. Hope you get a lovely result from them!
Wow DAB, amazing haul of frosty nugs! Looks tasty!

Thank you all!!
I’m very happy with those results. She veg’d for 86 days, had a 91 day flower, total 177 days. Or 1.39g/day.

Something I did notice was my light timer is actually set to 11/13. I’m pondering if that led to my longer flowering than breeder suggested. That one hour adds up over a course of 90 days to, well, 90 hours. Plus one period of darkness (due to a power bar failure) equals 101 hours of light missed. This is 9.18 days (using the 11hr on period as a complete “day”). Or a week and a half. Bredders estimate of 8-8.5 weeks flowering plus say 2 weeks for transition gives us 10-10.5 weeks from flip. Big Momma went 13 weeks. I think it was worth it this time to wait, but I will be tuning the timer into 12/12 for the next crop.

Stoners mind just ranting, I’m done for the night. I just tried to hit spacebar, but double tapped the phone’s home button by mistake.....
I've always read that going less light than 12/12 shortens flowering (which why folks with long-flowering sativas often run that way).
Hmmmm, I was aware of 11/13 in veg to keep the veg short and trigger flowering as soon as the plant is matured, but I don’t see how it can actually shorten flowering?
I'm guessing that the later in the year from the Autumnal equinox (12/12), the closer the plant thinks it is to winter. So it hurries up to finish before the first frost of the season.
I feel that makes sense, because I am running a Strawberry Cough outdoors which is sativa dominant and was 2.5 weeks later showing pistils than the indica dominant hybrids that I am also growing. I was thinking it won't be ready until perhaps the end of April but here in the Southern Hemisphere it is the second month of Autumn and the temps are getting cooler, but now the plant looks like it will finish earlier than I was expecting, so it seems to me that it is indeed hurrying to finish.
I can understand that, fellas, it just leaves me to wonder if there was yield “left on the table” this run due to the lighting hours lost.

I guess I’ll have to try another run to see if there is any merit to this thought.... le sigh.
I don't know if I'm reading everything correct "hope you have 15' ceiling " I'm cooked but it seems like you are worried about stretch , I just read an article on keeping night tempatures consistent or even higher then day temp prevents stretch and helps with node spacing the entire grow , I'm going to be running my intake fan / breeze fan on timer to keep the night temp from dropping In hopes of preventing stretch,,,,,, I think 11/13 is almost better for flower the more I read , if you have the light power to blast them that 11 hours they will love it , and after reading more I don't think you missed out on anything ? You got an awesome yield of quality product on 11 13 ,
With the right lights you can hit the DLI in 11 hours if you need to.
Very true, I have this 330 watt budget bucking on full, the plants seemed to really do well under it, I’m probably over thinking it.
after reading more I don't think you missed out on anything ?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m very pleased with what she yielded, my mind just tends to think; what if....
You got an awesome yield of quality product on 11 13 ,
Thanks, brother HashFart. (I’d like to add HashFart now autocorrects for me haha)
I was referring to the idea of continuing to spray them with GA3 after flipping!
Oh she’s, going to stretch!!
Very impressive haul you got there DAB! :bravo:
I’ve done the 11/13 schedule a few times on my Candida clones and I haven’t noticed much of a difference one way or another with yields. But it does save on the power bill!
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