Thanks TF I was hoping you'd come along. I think I have that same book- Marijuana Botany. I'm not sure I believe that part about the resin though...
I've had that book for twenty years. I confess I haven't read it all that much because most of the material isn't stuff I really need day to day, but it looks like it will be gold if I ever get into breeding.
Basically- I think I'll have to get a decent microscope that attaches to my phone/camera and check this out further. I have a feeling it will always be a mystery until it can be seen. If it even can.
I never presumed that the ice hash process separates the THC in any way- just the resin. And most people do think the resin is our main target, nothing else.
So the story as I've read it is that all these little round resin globs, which are delicate globes of syrup-like stuff perched on stalks, become more like little hard balls when they're chilled, and snap off of the stalks and sink.
Another tangent...
As I understand it- and this topic has been hashed out on the forum many times if you'll excuse the pun- the stated THC content of buds that we read is an
actual percentage of the bud.
By weight or by volume I can't remember which.
But a lot of members, such as Graytail and a bunch of others, who are better growers than me and probably smarter than me too- have stated this fact. Though I still have my doubts about it too...
So- say a bud tests at 20% THC. That supposedly means the dried bud is actually composed of 20% THC. Which is an almost outrageously high number really when you think about it.
The reason given that this could be even possible is that buds actually have a
massive amount of surface area, due to the many folds of leaves and calyxes hidden within them. I'm wondering if it's all that hidden surface area that's saving the day in the hash making process.
When I look at a roughly handled bud through a microscope I see very few intact resin glands on the outside. Some look like a crushed and melted ice cream cone. Most look like water balloons that have popped and spilt. Possibly all the internal ones have fared better though.
I can see a couple possibilities. Either the damaged resin is separating and sinking in productive quantities, or it's mostly not, in which case our bubble hash is mainly coming from undamaged glands.
Which means it would make sense for me to start treating the process differently to try and waste less. I can think of a few experiments to test the ideas- but all quite unscientific ones.
Like for example- making hash from a batch of untrimmed bud vs an equal size batch of trimmed bud and trimmings.
And/or running some alcohol through the leftovers.
Pissing rain today and unless it stops so I can do the work I have to do- I may just smoke one and go do some of that experimenting.
Really- seeing the process through a microscope would be the best way.
Thanks a lot for the replies guys!