You might salivate at this a little bit @Graytail - these are a few shots of the Fohse OI6, 1200 watt beast. Imho Fohse makes the worlds #1 LEDs, and it’s not even close. Check their site sometime. But my buddy Yoda in Oregon just got 9 of these to compare side by side with 9 of his 1200 watt Gavitas. A greenhouse situation obviously. This beast would be way too big for us in tents. But the Aries….that’s my dream lightt. They also just came out with an 800 watt bar light for home growers that I think is my next light buy. But get a load of this monster.
Is that a single driver? :thedoubletake:

Heheh yeah, that's for an industrial ceiling height. Mount those suckers up 15 feet and get all the daylight you want!
You might salivate at this a little bit @Graytail - these are a few shots of the Fohse OI6, 1200 watt beast. Imho Fohse makes the worlds #1 LEDs, and it’s not even close. Check their site sometime. But my buddy Yoda in Oregon just got 9 of these to compare side by side with 9 of his 1200 watt Gavitas. A greenhouse situation obviously. This beast would be way too big for us in tents. But the Aries….that’s my dream light. They also just came out with an 800 watt bar light for home growers that I think is my next light buy. But get a load of this monster.



Bet they run hot
Is that a single driver? :thedoubletake:

Heheh yeah, that's for an industrial ceiling height. Mount those suckers up 15 feet and get all the daylight you want!
Yeah, one driver. Insane.
Yeah, that looks pretty easy! Go on 'baba and look for a 700ma constant current driver that can deliver 65-100 volts. I didn't look but I'd guess less than $15US apiece?

I checked it out - no such luck. :straightface:

I forgot that high voltage isn't normal, like 12-24 volts is. You need 65-100, so no selection. MeanWell would have drivers but they're pretty spendy - not necessarily worth fooling with.

Day 7 of Flower.

I had to release all restraints. They are stretching faster now.



This is the front left one. Its so bright compared to the other 3. Its a beast of a pheno.


This is the front right one, the shorty. Look at the color difference.




Here is the tall lanky pheno that split at the trunk.

The 1st picture was 24" tall at flip. Its 31" tall now.

I checked it out - no such luck. :straightface:

I forgot that high voltage isn't normal, like 12-24 volts is. You need 65-100, so no selection. MeanWell would have drivers but they're pretty spendy - not necessarily worth fooling with.

Well dang. Oh well, it served me well for 6 full years.
Day 7 of Flower.

I had to release all restraints. They are stretching faster now.



This is the front left one. Its so bright compared to the other 3. Its a beast of a pheno.


This is the front right one, the shorty. Look at the color difference.




Here is the tall lanky pheno that split at the trunk.

The 1st picture was 24" tall at flip. Its 31" tall now.

Day 7 of Flower.

I had to release all restraints. They are stretching faster now.



This is the front left one. Its so bright compared to the other 3. Its a beast of a pheno.


This is the front right one, the shorty. Look at the color difference.




Here is the tall lanky pheno that split at the trunk.

The 1st picture was 24" tall at flip. Its 31" tall now.

It looks like that tall lanky one that split you tried using one mode for the entire plant? Do all the colas come from that one node?
It looks like that tall lanky one that split you tried using one mode for the entire plant? Do all the colas come from that one node?
I stripped off nodes 1 and 2, and topped above node 3. The 2 branches that popped out of node 3 were topped above their 1st nodes, and those 4 branches were topped above their 1st nodes, leaving the 8 branches you see there.

So everything comes out of node 3. Thats how I manifold all my plants. All 4 of these were done that way.

Technically it was topped above node 3, those 2 branches were topped above node 4, and those 4 were topped above node 5.

All plants will give you at least 5 nodes of opposite phyllotaxy (unstaggered nodes), most 6 so you can easily get to 16 level tops before alternating phyllotaxy (staggered nodes) start, and about half of the strains/phenos I have grown will give you at least 7, so you could go to 32 equal tops if you wanted.

I tried 16 and it was messy.

The tops were too close together and some got lost and went runty and got pruned out, leaving an unbalanced plant.

They still grew really well with 12 or 13 tops each but some areas of the canopy were mangy and crowded, some OK.

8 per plant giving me 32 tops total usually ends up in 1 or 2 runts still getting pruned but overall I find it a good balance between a manageably full tent and nice big colas.

Then as different phenos are taller than others, you simply toss a spacer under the plant and raise the whole thing to make all 8 tops even with the other plants, or pop a spacer out to lower a lanky pheno.

This grow is actually on the sloppy side. Moving them all from the flower tent to the veg tent and back to the flower tent destroyed their normal training regiment, but they still came out fairly well.

Then as the tops veg out you remove side branching up to your desired levels so you don't waste pot nutrients growing out larf and head into flower.

I have wires running just above pot height around the 4 outer edges and across the middle that I strap the boughs to to get them into order. I use green rubber wire for the hooks and green twist tie for the wires on the tie-downs.

I don't tie them to the wires, I only bend the twist-tie once over the support wires.

That way if stretch pulls too hard or some stoner hooks a wire with his elbow they release instead of breaking a branch.

I also run cross wires just below the light to tie support hooks to so I can support or manipulate colas.
So my soil PH. It's low. To be honest, once flower starts I rarely do anything other than some LST and the odd brix check, so it is entirely possible that every grow lowers PH at this point, but I haven't seen it. If this is the 1st time, its pretty much gotta be the mulch.

So heres my dilemma....

I purposely don't use mulch until flip so the roots don't get up into the top 1.5" or so of the pot. All the EWC and topdressing from veg is there. Some of it leaches down, but a lot of it is still there. It's my stretch battery.

So if I remove the mulch I will injure new feeder roots for sure, right at stretch. If I leave it alone, maybe it lowered my PH or maybe the plant/myco system did because thats what the plant dictated.

I am leaning towards letting it be and watching.

The plants aren't perfect, but they are generally healthy and brix is slowly creeping back up with the added light.

They are drinking well and increasing their water intake every day, and every time I turn up the light they say thanks. They just aren't praying yet and they should be.

Drinking is my main concern. If its good the plants are usually good.

So do I strip the mulch or let them be?

The mulch is composted Douglas Fir bark and wild salmon guts. So nutritionally speaking, its Da Bomb. Outdoors it works wonders. This is my 1st time using it in a pot.

What say you all?

My stash is very large so I don't need the weed, and if it goes south I do need the worm food so thats not a factor, should we watch and do bi-weekly soil PH's, or strip it?
Ok I know Jon, Carmen, Stone, and Keff have journals going. I'm not sure about the rest of you. Can anyone with a current journal going please post a link in here so we can all tag along. Organic, synthetic, it doesn't matter.
Here's my 'Plant Alchemy' thread.

In it I detail many of my KNF and Jadam experiments as I learn to make my own nutrients. Lately I've been experimenting with different soil mixes as I wanted to replace CSPM/coco with something I can make myself or source locally.

It's basically a quest to produce everything I need for a grow from my backyard.
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