So, it turns out that I have a TDS meter which shows results in ppm's. Any thoughts on what I should be targeting when I feed my various extracts?
Geez I have no idea. I am going to mix some fish ferts later so I will take a reading there. Soil conditioners need low and slow, as they effect things globally for all functions, feeds can be whatever the system can handle at that precise moment.
Geez I have no idea. I am going to mix some fish ferts later so I will take a reading there. Soil conditioners need low and slow, as they effect things globally for all functions, feeds can be whatever the system can handle at that precise moment.
Ok, thanks. So since I have no prior knowledge to compare things what are typical ranges? The meter says it measures up to 999 or something, but I have no clue as to what is low or high.
Ok, thanks. So since I have no prior knowledge to compare things what are typical ranges? The meter says it measures up to 999 or something, but I have no clue as to what is low or high.
I never really check to be honest. I checked my runoff the other day and it was 1040ppm but mostly I just use it to check my water and if I add something like dolomite water. Then I usually try for 50-60 ppm. Otherwise all my nutrients are in the soil and I don't test teas.
Oh Its coming!😎😎 She just doesn't know it yet!🤣🤣🤣
I have another swicky pad thats much more absorbant, so if this one fails again I will add the other one and see how that works. I'm debating whether or not to set this pot into a dunk tank to prime it instead of top watering. 10 wet gallons is sooooo heavy tho.
Reading Octopots sip manual they say teas should be administered from the top.

They also recommend top watering to begin to settle the soil. That makes sense, fully prime the soil to start the wicking.

I think I will continue to use the top watering to add ewc and fish ferts and let the swicking feed only RO water until it flowers or a problem arises.

Next pot will get top watered to settle the soil and a feminized seed or a clone right from day 1. Probably a seed just to see how it does.

No uppotting and minimal water work would be a win in my books, a better grow would be a double win.

Even with the swicking issues I already have more roots sooner than before, by a fair margin👍

Breaking the swicking action has slowed the plant.
Well you certainly have the climate. I would start a test patch immediately. Work in a good calcium source like ground oyster shells and a fair bit of dolomite. Clays have excellent colloidal value but too much requires too much electricity to run it all so it needs to be cut down.

Calcium is in now so add a bunch of carbon like too many leaves, or coco for a quick test and then chuck in some compost for organic matter to activate it, water it for a month, then plant something in it.

If that clay soil is really mucky and clumpy in the rain then magnesium is high and the calcium will help with that too.

It could be really good clay tho so I would play with it.

Calcium, carbon, organic matter, water.
Hi Gee, I can't find any local dolomite. Would gypsum be a close and usable alternative? Label says calcium sulfate dehydrate 80%, calcium 19%, sulfur 15% which is odd because it doesn't total 100%. If a no go on the gypsum, you know a mail order source for dolomite?
Hi Gee, I can't find any local dolomite. Would gypsum be a close and usable alternative? Label says calcium sulfate dehydrate 80%, calcium 19%, sulfur 15% which is odd because it doesn't total 100%. If a no go on the gypsum, you know a mail order source for dolomite?
I use some gypsum but dolomite is a major source of magnesium and you need the mag. I think Down to Earth Brand is fairly common.
I mixed my regular fish ferts at the regular 1.5ml:litre of fish:water and ppm is consistently 115-117ppm
I just measured my Jadam ferts and they came in at 149 ppm.

Also, ordered my brix meter. I still get bugs so no doubt my brix levels aren't where they could be, but it will be interesting to get a baseline and build on it from there.
I just measured my Jadam ferts and they came in at 149 ppm.

Also, ordered my brix meter. I still get bugs so no doubt my brix levels aren't where they could be, but it will be interesting to get a baseline and build on it from there.
149! Thats cool stuff Azi!

That may be strong on a young plant but you could water it down. Probably perfect in flower😎

Thats a great level for slow steady feeding.

Do you think its clean enough to water down to a foliar?
Jan 30/2023 Day 1

7 of the 8 Batchelor Kush "12/12 light schedule to see how long sex takes to sho experiment" popped today. Planted in solos with wicks into canning jars of RO water. I will probably cull it down to 4, and use 3 as experiments with reservoir stuff, or 4 if the last one pops.
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