The Dude Abides

Hey man congrats she looks nice and frosty. Have fun with the chop. Do you have a drying/curing plan?
I gave up my Dyno-Myco vs Great White comparison grow.
I used Dyno-Myco on my weed clone and on my vegetable garden because I had so much of it (I ordered a big bag).
The results were very disappointing... my vegetables were struggling after being put outside and the rootball on my weed plant was laughably minuscule compared to the 7 gallon rootball I got using GW.
I watered my vegetables and weed with GW and saw a huge change by the next morning, new growth with healing leaves and flowers budding.
Dyno-myco didn't work for me. AT ALL. It just put a Shit Load of Dirt and sediment in my watering system and cost me $55. Don't shoot the messenger, YMMV.
My GW Rootball after 20 minutes of spraying away dirt, still solid.



In trim jail from 8pm to 3am last night. Looks like around 6 to 7 Oz, I'll tare the jar weight and figure out the actual amount in a few days. I left a tiny bud out to dry and then microwaved that jablonski so I could get a little flavor on my tongue. Nice hybrid buzz, good body lift and immediate giggles, like that before-school buzz from back in the day that made you geek on the buss. Tasted green but extra hashy, like a hit of straight kief. Hurt my heart to chop her, but her clones was going bananas in that nursery, and the time had come.

In trim jail from 8pm to 3am last night. Looks like around 6 to 7 Oz, I'll tare the jar weight and figure out the actual amount in a few days. I left a tiny bud out to dry and then microwaved that jablonski so I could get a little flavor on my tongue. Nice hybrid buzz, good body lift and immediate giggles, like that before-school buzz from back in the day that made you geek on the buss. Tasted green but extra hashy, like a hit of straight kief. Hurt my heart to chop her, but her clones was going bananas in that nursery, and the time had come.

Hey Rhino hope you are having a good morning.
Sorry about the Dyno, I don't understand, I've had good results using it.:(
But congrats on a fine harvest. :thumb:
Nice work.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
In trim jail from 8pm to 3am last night. Looks like around 6 to 7 Oz, I'll tare the jar weight and figure out the actual amount in a few days. I left a tiny bud out to dry and then microwaved that jablonski so I could get a little flavor on my tongue. Nice hybrid buzz, good body lift and immediate giggles, like that before-school buzz from back in the day that made you geek on the buss. Tasted green but extra hashy, like a hit of straight kief. Hurt my heart to chop her, but her clones was going bananas in that nursery, and the time had come.

Hey Rhino hope you are having a good morning.
Sorry about the Dyno, I don't understand, I've had good results using it.:(
But congrats on a fine harvest. :thumb:
Nice work.

Stay safe
No stress Bill, your Yoda-esque wisdom, and the endless positivity from that smooth ass character GDB, has led me to the promiseland of cannamilk and honey. (Props to LKA and the Hazmat too,for showing me that the new guys can get the sexy girls too) I made the purchase after the Dyno boys contacted me directly, touting the efficacy of their product and shitting on the inoculant I was currently using. I gave them every opportunity to prove their claims, from addition to the dirt at uppotting and top dress, to adding it to the water supply at each feeding. I was left with a thick clay-like sediment in my water tank, and no evidence of advanced root growth. The magical gnome-forest waters of emeral green Canad-ia might be better suited to Dy-My than the acidic and iron-rich juice that springs from the red clay here in old-home Virginia. There's also the possibility that I got a bad batch of product, abused and molested by the Amazon shipping process, then delivered by a six fingered man with bad credit and even worse karma... who knows???
Bottom line - the experiment is over and I have a large bag of product remaining that I'll gladly send to anyone who would like it for free. I've said my last negative words about a sponsor that's obviously been good to many other growers and to this site, I wish them the best, it's just not for me.
LKA, I just hung the buds in the nursery until my amber jars and boveda come in the mail. It was the only place they could stink in peace without nosey kids or customers poking around. I had to exile the baby clones to the back of the shop, under a workbench light, until the buds ripen and they can return to the box.
You should look into Grove bags for curing. I LOVE mine. No need for Bovedas or burping. Once dry, stick the bud in the bag and seal it up. I have a hygrometer in mine and it stays 58-62% humidity, and really traps in the terps.
Those buds look yummy, fantastic first harvest man. Any many more to come...
No stress Bill, your Yoda-esque wisdom, and the endless positivity from that smooth ass character GDB, has led me to the promiseland of cannamilk and honey. (Props to LKA and the Hazmat too,for showing me that the new guys can get the sexy girls too) I made the purchase after the Dyno boys contacted me directly, touting the efficacy of their product and shitting on the inoculant I was currently using. I gave them every opportunity to prove their claims, from addition to the dirt at uppotting and top dress, to adding it to the water supply at each feeding. I was left with a thick clay-like sediment in my water tank, and no evidence of advanced root growth. The magical gnome-forest waters of emeral green Canad-ia might be better suited to Dy-My than the acidic and iron-rich juice that springs from the red clay here in old-home Virginia. There's also the possibility that I got a bad batch of product, abused and molested by the Amazon shipping process, then delivered by a six fingered man with bad credit and even worse karma... who knows???
Bottom line - the experiment is over and I have a large bag of product remaining that I'll gladly send to anyone who would like it for free. I've said my last negative words about a sponsor that's obviously been good to many other growers and to this site, I wish them the best, it's just not for me.
Hey I understand. :Namaste:
I wasn't trying to change your mind.
Maby your right about the bad batch, who knows.
The bit about the delivery guy is hilarious. :rofl:
Well what ever your using now is working. :thumb:
You near LKA ?
I used to knock about in Richmond when I was in high-school.
Had a bunch of buddies down there, those were the days. ;)
You can imagine. :cheer:
Have a great day my friend.
Talk soon.

Stay safe :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'm just down the way from LKA, we haven't met yet but it's a small town, bound to run into each other eventually. Or maybe we have already met and don't realize it? I'm awfully handsome though, hard to miss...:rofl:
The Trinity Garden. Growing well now that I've gotten it back on track. My tomatoes got ransacked by wind though, broken in half, I knew I should have gotten cages instead of spikes. I don't know shit about vegetables, but so far so good. To be honest, I mixed up a few species tags, not even sure what a couple of them are - but I'm gonna f#@kin eat em!




Wheezie is having a rough day, had to tighten the bonds tonight, laid that bush flat like the prairie. Stuck the clones in there with her till Louise finishes drying.



Wheezie recovered, the clones got FIM-ed. Today the lights go out for the long 12, Wheezie's first day of flip, and on Wednesday two of the clones get their outdoor home.


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