Our sponsor @Royal Queen Seeds has a great write-up at their website on how to make your own THC Powder easily at home, how to use it, and the benefits of it.

I have a fabulous recipe result coming up soon using THC powder. Stay tuned.....

Ok, FINE! I'll try it.


I've been using much of mine ground up as Dust but the end product can be a bit bitter because of the leaf material, and I like the idea of better bioavailability, though I suspect that comes more from the sunflower lecithin than the maltodextrin which seems to be mostly a filler that absorbs the oil into a granulated sugar type end product.

I'd imagine one could play around with the ratios of inputs to make it more potent and therefore need less of the sugar input. My dose currently with the Dust is 1/8 of a teaspoon which is about 18.75 mg of a 15% strain so I'd like to get a dose of this stuff down close to that if possible.

I'd also like to try it with olive oil which can be a better choice for medical.

Thanks for posting @Lady Cannafan ! :thanks:
Ok, FINE! I'll try it.


I've been using much of mine ground up as "dust" but the end product can be a bit bitter because of the leaf material, and I like the idea of better bioavailability, though I suspect that comes more from the sunflower lecithin than the maltodextrin which seems to be mostly a filler that absorbs the oil into a granulated sugar type end product.

I'd imagine one could play around with the ratios of inputs to make it more potent and therefore need less of the sugar input . I'd also like to try it with olive oil which can be a better choice for medical.

Thanks for posting @Lady Cannafan ! :thanks:
I will definitely be experimenting with this now that I have lots of bud around. Feel free to post any changes you might have done that worked for you. :yummy:
Here's my THC Powder made using the recipe and instructions from RQS. I doubled the recipe so I could give some to a friend. I used Blue Gelato 41 cured buds and decarbed.

This made a BUNCH. I took half of it and added 1/2 tsp. of finely ground Blue Gelato 41 buds that had been decarbed as well. I want to see what the resulting effects are. Is isn't a blow around powdery consistency like you would have with flour or anything like that, it's a bit more like brown sugar consistency but a little less moist, which appears to be about the same in their photo. I think the humidity here might be affecting that, so I have a tray of it in a food dehydrator today to see if I can dry it out some more. Lowest setting is 95 degrees F., I think that will be fine.

My powder is a much much lighter color than what is shown on RQS site, probably due to the different buds used.
I did find another site with a slightly different recipe using Tapioca Maltodextrin, I'll be trying that next to see any differences. I'm not sure of the differences in the maltodextrin...yet.

Now I just need to get my dosing correct for my dinner recipe and give it a try. Photos later.

And that's because it takes all the malto suggested to absorb the oil?

That stuff has the highest glycemic index value of anything else, so the less blood sugar spikes the better.
It definitely took all of that to absorb the oil. If I had to use less, it would have been quite clumpy, but maybe that wouldn't be a problem as long as it dissolved okay?

The tapioca maltodextrin is somewhat different than regular maltodextrin from corn. I am not versed on the exact differences, but I did just read that it shares the same GI as regular maltodextrin. It has less short-chain sugar though, and something about more complex carbohydrates.

Edit, next time I make some up I'm going to use olive oil as you suggested and see if if I can get away with less malto and get a finer powder.
I love experimenting. :)
I would definitely give it a try. Just wanted to share my new recipe for Cannabis-Infused Lemon Bars! These bars are a refreshing twist on traditional lemon treats, with a delightful cannabis twist. Perfect for adding a touch of relaxation to your day.


  • Crust: Flour, sugar, canna butter, salt
  • Filling: Sugar, flour, eggs, lemon juice, lemon zest

  1. Prepare the Crust: Mix ingredients and bake.
  2. Prepare the Filling: Whisk together and pour over the cooled crust.
  3. Bake: Until the filling is set and golden.
  4. Cool & Dust: Let cool, then dust with powdered sugar if desired.
Check out the recipe and give it a try! I’d love to see your versions and any variations you make.
If there's anything I love as far as a treat, it's Lemon Bars. :)
I will be trying this one for sure. Do you have amounts of the ingredients?

Thanks for the recipe!
My issue is I do CBD and take 150mg per day so that recipe would have me taking 4 full teaspoons a day. Not ideal.

Still, I want to give it a go and compare to my Dust.
I just watched a youtube video on a review of dispensary bought dissolvable THC powder.
The ingredients he read off the package were Organic modified Cornstarch, Cannabis oil, and Organic modified Coconut oil. I believe he said there was a small amount of artificial sweetener in it. (which I wouldn't add for myself) He was adding it (10 milligram package) to water to sip on all day.

Cornstarch is lower on the glycemic index than Maltodextrin. Maybe that's an option for you?

I might try a batch with cornstarch today and see how that works out.
I just watched a youtube video on a review of dispensary bought dissolvable THC powder.
The ingredients he read off the package were Organic modified Cornstarch, Cannabis oil, and Organic modified Coconut oil. I believe he said there was a small amount of artificial sweetener in it. (which I wouldn't add for myself) He was adding it (10 milligram package) to water to sip on all day.

Cornstarch is lower on the glycemic index than Maltodextrin. Maybe that's an option for you?

I might try a batch with cornstarch today and see how that works out.
I'm wondering what makes the end product water soluble and better absorbed by the body, is it the lecithin which is an emulsifier and helps oil and water mix, or is it the maltodextrin which is water soluble and readily uptaken by the body?

And, does the malto absorb the canna oil or do they just live along side each other? If it does absorb the oil then I can see how it would be more easily processed by the body, but otoh maybe it's more of a bulking and flavor agent since the canna oil by itself is rather concentrated and pretty bad tasting.

What does the final product taste like, is it sweet? Does it mask the taste of the oil pretty well? Maybe the taste is why they suggest using so much of it. I'm going to get some malto and play around with it, but any advanced intel you have would be helpful.

If it's primarily a taste and bulking agent there are other ways to go (like the corn starch you suggested), but if the malto improves the solubility and uptake capabilities over and above the lecithin, that would be important to know.

The dispensary ingredient list is interesting. No mention of either lecithin or malto. It's possible the canna oil was made with lecithin and just not listed but I'd think that it would be required on a commercial product.

The canna oil extracted into coconut oil doesn't have the "easily absorbed by the body" factor that the malto version does, so it would seem the dispensary product claiming water solubility is kind of a stretch unless cornstarch shares that property. Oil and water don't easily mix so does simply mixing the oil with a water soluble powder get around that issue somehow?
I'm wondering what makes the end product water soluble and better absorbed by the body, is it the lecithin which is an emulsifier and helps oil and water mix, or is it the maltodextrin which is water soluble and readily uptaken by the body?

And, does the malto absorb the canna oil or do they just live along side each other? If it does absorb the oil then I can see how it would be more easily processed by the body, but otoh maybe it's more of a bulking and flavor agent since the canna oil by itself is rather concentrated and pretty bad tasting.

What does the final product taste like, is it sweet? Does it mask the taste of the oil pretty well? Maybe the taste is why they suggest using so much of it.

I'm going to get some malto and play around with it, but any advanced intel you have would be helpful.

If it's primarily a taste and bulking agent there are other ways to go (like the corn starch you suggested), but if the malto improves the solubility and uptake capabilities over and above the lecithin, that would be important to know.

The dispensary ingredient list is interesting. No mention of either lecithin or malto. It's possible the canna oil was made with lecithin and just not listed but I'd think that it would be required on a commercial product. The canna oil in coconut oil doesn't have the "easily absorbed by the body" factor that the malto version does, so it would seem the dispensary product claiming water solubility is kind of a stretch. Oil and water don't easily mix so does simply mixing the oil with a water soluble powder get around that issue somehow?
Lecithin has a low solubility in water. I just tried some mixed with an eyedropper full of canna oil and warm water, it was very difficult to get mixed up and really didn't get all the way mixed.
Just ran a little test with something else too. Be back with a pic in a bit.
I mixed one teaspoon of THC Powder into water, and then used one eye dropper full of my Cannabis Oil in water and left them sit for a half hour. I wanted to see if the oil would separate from the powder once mixed in liquid.
The cannabis oil was made with olive oil instead of coconut oil this time.
They have been sitting about an hour now since the photos were taken, and appear almost exactly the same.

Also, @Azimuth There was no sweet taste to the powder at all for me.
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