The Canna Voyages of Captain Kronic

Thanks for the update, like to see what's goin on in your neck of the "woods." Any probs w the dripper lines plugging up? That's a lot of length in each box....
No, but I only use the drip line for H20... all the feeding is done by hand. We are kind of a low fund setup.

Also, when installing the lines, I used two lengths per box in case one did clog, that way I would still have flow instead of one big clogged piece.
Thanks guys, I think by the time all is said and done I will have met the needs of my own and my card holders. My goal really is to provide the best organic meds that I am able.
This is a big learning curve this year as it is a new set up and bigger than anything else I have done outside of gorilla which is a different game.

I hope to get some more shots soon, they are really doing the do now and I am happy to see that for sure!

Yeah steve... I have to plan out the work according to the sun... I try to work on the shady side once I feel I can't take the sun anymore... LOL
No, but I only use the drip line for H20... all the feeding is done by hand. We are kind of a low fund setup.

Also, when installing the lines, I used two lengths per box in case one did clog, that way I would still have flow instead of one big clogged piece.

If that is your idea of a "low fund setup" I would love to see what "goin all out" would look like!!!
Maybe one day I will get to show you! :high-five:

If that is your idea of a "low fund setup" I would love to see what "goin all out" would look like!!!

What a day, ripped a muscle in my groin climbing/taking out a rather large and intruding cottonwood the other day... makes feeding kind of rough.

Now though it's time to have a drink, cook up some New Yorks and enjoy the evening shade... :party:
Thanks S2J... too kind!

Here are some update shots as most of the wenches are starting to flower.

Sorry for the lack of, but I figure most really want to see the money shot so I waited.........

















So captn... Holy dear sweet baby rays... Wow its just so amazing your girls are so beautiful....are you hiring??? I could just work and live on the farms.. You wouldnt even know im there....Cough...Cough..congrates brotha you sould be proud...
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