To all my friends here @ 420... if I still have any... LOL
What a long, strange trip it's been! I am still manicuring, there is light at the end of the tunnel though.
So far, I have trimmed about 25 pounds all myself, give or take a few OZs. It would not take nearly as long if I weren't so anal about a finished product that bears my mark!
I have been unable to post any new pics and whatnot as my motherboard took a shite and I have been to busy to fix/replace it as of yet!
I just wanted to stop by, pay my respect to all you 420 freaks
Soon, I will put up the pics to finish these threads and start a new one as I am launching a new project, a project of immense possibilities... w00t for me!
I need to get back in the trim room, the shite won't trim itself, no matter how nicely I ask... LOL
Suffice it to say, even through all the adversity of this last outdoor season; I am proud to say that this is hands down the best year I have ever had bar none!
I have to get back to work now but, I hope to be on here regularly from now on since things are slowly coming to an end... WHEW
To those of you who have kept these threads alive in my absence,
for being a friend!
I will also be posting pics of all my finished products... I thing some of you will be pleasantly surprised!
See you all soon... peace out and