The Blue Experience - Kharma Reborn

@InTheShed @Bonsaiweed @Derbybud

I'm thinking about trying some Barney's Farm Liberty Haze.
I'm sure you wouldn't be the first to misjudge the trichomes! That's why so many people (including me) post pics and say tell me what you see! Good move on the upgrade.

Yep I put that loupe on one of must have's list right along with the Apera PH Meter.

week eight flower

Kharma is drinking less and less water now.
It seems that it takes a good 4 to 5 days before I have to water. And I'm cool with that.
I have learned to stop paying attention to her leaves and focus more on what matters. The flowers.
I performed another thorough examination of her with the Belomo.
The trichomes are still pretty much all clear. The view using this loupe is completely flat across the entire magnification curve and removes all doubt as to where she stands for me.
I love that.
She is going to go 9 weeks for sure. And I'm starting to feel more and more like 10.
And with that being said,
and knowing that I have probably no doubt destroyed the bacteria population in the soil by now,
we have completely switched over to synthetics and Kharma was watered in with
10 ml Cal/Mag,
7 ML Micro, Grow, and Bloom.
Fingers crossed, hoping she can take it
and she responds in kind with a little more weight on her buds,
and yet another small explosion of white pistils and spirally fox tails.

I'm a shitty guesser, but I made my guess and I own it :). Those middle buds are about the same size as my AK middles, but yours are much denser, and your outside buds are bigger. I hope I'm right for ya :thumb:

I still think it's going to be 4. We're talking dried right?
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