The Blue Experience - Kharma Reborn

I need to order a fan driver so I can wire it in with my light drivers and have it all on one plug.
Alright done and ordered. It will be here Monday. There is still time. LOL
Thank you PW but this light deficit is really working my nerves right now. The camera makes it look all bright but I assure you it is not LOL. It's comparable to a REALLY overcast day for sure.
Last grow I had two males in the tent and knew I had to be real careful not to pollinate all the girls. Only one male was selected and the other composted. The keeper stayed in the flower tent for about 7 days and then spent the next 2 weeks in my bedroom in whatever sun light came through the east window. It was pretty low light for most of the day and I was truly surprised that I finally got some nice male flowers that gave me ample pollen for my seed project.

Cannabis is an amazing plant at times....:bongrip:
Last grow I had two males in the tent and knew I had to be real careful not to pollinate all the girls. Only one male was selected and the other composted. The keeper stayed in the flower tent for about 7 days and then spent the next 2 weeks in my bedroom in whatever sun light came through the east window. It was pretty low light for most of the day and I was truly surprised that I finally got some nice male flowers that gave me ample pollen for my seed project.

Cannabis is an amazing plant at times....:bongrip:

I guess I feel a little better about it. My original plan was to try and build the light over night during the dark period but that would not have worked at all. I have been back and forth to the hardware store like 6 times already. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would have kept my Vipar Spectra in tact to use as a spare and built this light from scratch. But at any rate it's only for a few more days at least. She has over a month to go still so plenty of time to catch up. And you just never know with me. I may have accidentally stumbled on a new way to double the trichome output by temporarily limiting the light LMAO.

Lead me from the unreal to the Real.
Lead me from darkness unto Light.
Lead me from death to Immortality. - Crown of the Upanishads

week four flower

Wow. I can't believe a week has gone by already. We only have 5 more weeks left to go on this one.
I was finally able to finish the new light. Kharma has been getting severely neglected this past week, however that changes tomorrow morning. I gave her a thorough watering right before lights out tonight. I installed the light in the tent just in time to zip it up for the night. She hasn't even felt this yet.

I'm calling this one the MoonShot.

All of the connections were made and placed inside the box using Wago Connectors. This is my first time using them and I could hear my Dads voice clear as day scolding me for "half assing it"
I can tell you now that I do not like Wago connectors. There are just too many what if's involved for my tastes. "What is one of the power wires slips out and burns down the house?" "What if something shorts and blows up my house?" "What if???"
No Thanks. When Kharma finishes I will be taking the MoonShot out and soldering all of the connections. I feel that Wago connectors are cool if you just want to make a quick connection to try test something but should not be used permanently. But that's just me.

This is the Vero from my old light. You can see where it had started to overheat.

And a few more pictures. I was only able to snap a few as I had to get the lights out.

Alright well this was a quick update, because I have been really busy all day.
More pictures soon.
Kharma got the wake up of her life this morning. Upon opening the tent I was blinded by the light and had to use sunglasses. The MoonShot is putting out over twice the amount of light that my size tent requires. The light now penetrates completely through the canopy and there isn't a single bud site in the shadows anymore. It runs a lot cooler now as well. The heat-sinks are just barely warm to the touch even with over 500 watts pulsing through this set up. I am pretty happy with it. And now for a multitude of pictures:

The Noctua fans are completely silent, yet powerful. There is no slow down or drag due to the high back pressure design and they blow a constant stream of air down through the sinks as well as cooling the drivers.

Kharma's flowers are still intact although a few pistils turned brown during her almost week of lower light.

But we are back on track now. We have gone from this:

to this:

This is week four. five more to go

Lots O light in thar.......
holy jesus that is some light!!

the "what if" portion of your above post is the reason i wont attempt a diy lol but if you wanted to make another...
:ciao::battingeyelashes: lol jks... Cant wait to see how she reacts under that sun. Lol

Yes PJ I am just like you. It is because of the Wago connectors. They are all jammed inside the box in the middle as well as the fan driver. I am going to take the light out during the dark period next weekend and replace the Wago's with all soldered connections. At that point I won't have any more doubts. LOL
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