The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

My heart stopoed a few times from opiate overdoses but thank god I was able to break free of their hold on me. And I know stuff is everywhere and I feel bad that I want them gone but at the same time I dont want my kids growing up across the street from a house that people od in every month
Im lucky to live in a quiet neighborhood.. there was a cop down the street yesterday for the first time since i moved here a year and a half ago. Not sure what was going on and i didnt care to find out lol hopefully they get kicked out not sure why landlords would let addicts who were using hard drugs live in their properties unless its super run down. maybe this is just me but I wouldn't want to live at a house one of my friends died in.

So.....I really do think I can notice a difference with the mammoth p they have just been bulking up so nicely. Especially the auto quarter pounder. These auto acids are definitely a diff pheno then my first acid. The buds look darker with more pistols..kinda like puff balls
I myself use to be kind of strung out on the 'stronger' opiates myself. I was self-medicated back then, it was easier than going to the doctor and jumping thru their hoops. It was strange that here I moved to New Mexico to get away from all that. Hell, they had a better selection there. Stuff I was use to in Cali,, same amount wood kill ya there. Every now and then they wood get some shit we called 911 because of the people it dropped. Man, people wood trip over their own feet to get some 'killer' shit. I can't say real bad things about it at the time, I was first in line.
Was this one guy that was a good dude,, but he let everyone party at his place. I know 3 people that died at his place. No telling how many OD's. I think that boy kept Narcan on tap. I've been off it forever. But it is sad when a person with a legitimate problem, hell I even had x-rays of a fusion of C-6 C-7. But it was easier for me to self-medicate than try to work with what the doctors wanted to do. Then you get some fool walk out with enough to overdose a horse and they really have nothing wrong. Because of the way I carried myself, and my style of life, leathers, long hair, and scooters, they assumed I was hustling them for a script. I always ask myself a question, what is a doctor for?
Oh well,, just babbling. Hopefully, the dope fiends will find another place. Yea I said dope fiends, because even tho I been there, is afew that are what I call, a functional addict, that bothers no one. I worked everyday, had my own painting biss, and was buying a home. And I was over 150$ aday, going out on BS. I finally found a doctor willing to work with me, and was time to quit. Man that was a hard one.. I don't see me ever doing without something to help with pain, but I can say I'm dwn to something manageable.

GL with the gardens And Keepem Green
Ive been up and down. Therir was q peiod where I was a functioning addict and time I was just off to the races. I cant even remember the real reason why I started in the first place. I think emorional pain or maybe peer idolization. Man they were some somber years. And I believe that years of use and abuse have affected me physiologically. Who knows It could be how I became bipolar. Doctors are the biggest pushers around
I agree cannoi i used to be addicted to pills, lots of kinds, hydrocodone, adderall, codeine, never got into opiates thankfully cause i never had real physical pain. But now im bipolar and i have a problem with adhd, cant focus on one thing at a time, cant sit still. It sucks hard, drs never prescribed anything though was just my dumbass trying to have a good time in all the wrong places.
This week has just been one of those weeks....had to kick a job yesterday and now I think I have to kick todays job.....who knows maybe they have a garden hidden back here
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