The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Just doing a drive by.. And had to chime in my 2 cents. Mother plants... I end up cloning the clone of the clone and so forth. But from the little reading I've done over the years,, they say to real keep genetics alive in the form of a mother plant,, I 'hear' it's best to keep a mother that has never flowered. And to take cuts and keep the mother alive without ever flowering it. Pot plants will mutate after awhile. Least I know this as a fact. Like 6-7'th cloning, I've had some strains get wierd. But you can keep a mother plant growing with anywhere from the standard 16/8 to 24/0. But plants need abit of dark cycle. Plants grow at night,, they spend all day doing photosystesis making sugars and grow with them at night. I use to go lay out on the ground in this barn I use to grow in, at night, and you can actually hear them grow..
GL and Keepem Green
How high were you when you could hear the plants screaming in agony from growing pains . . lol. Just kidding with ya norcal. Thanks for the info in the mother plants and cloning. I was a little lost in what I was going to do but I was under the assumption at the time that they had to be under 24/0 but thx to all of you my ignorance has been addressed
No no no,,, as soon as you see preflowers on a male,, you can bet acouple have already released some pollen. Even the preflower on a male can be dangerous. GL and Keepem Green
All depends on how well your areas are sealed and separated from each other, you don't want a male anywhere near your flower tent, in veg it does not matter, I have multiple males in my veg tent and not one female plant has ever thrown a seed unless pollinated by me :thumb: you do need to be careful though if thinking about working with any pollen, it doesn't take much at all, remember water will kill any active pollen so if you are really worried about your plants turning to seed you could always foliar drench your plants with water before moving them over to flower and should not have any issues ;)
The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

My thoughts exactly...usually quarters around here go for 80. Its pretty good

$80 quarters where the hell do you live? I got zips of thin mint cookies and Xmas cookies Jack the Ripper super blue dream alien og sunset sherbert and they are going for $150 a zip. Then again I do live in "SlowCal" lol I mean SoCal !!!! Spoiled I guess???

Thin Mint Cookies
Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

$80 quarters where the hell do you live? I got zips of thin mint cookies and Xmas cookies Jack the Ripper super blue dream alien og sunset sherbert and they are going for $150 a zip. Then again I do live in "SlowCal" lol I mean SoCal !!!! Spoiled I guess???
I live in SoCal too, the top shelf zips go for 180-200 tops! 10 dollar grams all day, ya we spoiled!
Good morning peoples. Even though I have a bunch going on ive been thinking about germing my auto berry rider just because im looking forward to growing her out and would prefer growing her in the sun.

Quote for today:

We know who we are, but know not what we may be.....William Shakespeare
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