The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Re: The Birth & Evolution Of A Dragon

Good morning 420 fam. It's a little cool this morning but I was still happy to see my babies standing proud and soaking up some rays when I woke. Hope everyone has a great and stress free garden today.

I cant change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.....(Jimmy Dean)

Hes good for more them just sausage lol
. .
I feel like Garfield I hate Monday's lol. Just drove an hour out to do my job and the dumbass apartment complex forgot to mention that all the apartments are without power. I just love waking up on a monday and driving an hour each way plus wasting 20 bucks on drinks and lunch only to have to turn around and drive back home with no money for today whatsoever....gotta love mondays
Hey pennywise or demonic ive never really tried to keep mother plants/clones so my question is.....if you wanted to keep a mother or clone do you keep them on 24 hours light to keep them from growing monstrous?

I haven't either, but I'd keep cutting them back to near nothing. I'd say Feral would be the best one to ask.
I wouldn't bother setting the lights to 24h, means all the other plants in there will be on the same schedule, can be achieved in other ways ;)
When i keep parent plants i use different methods of keeping the strain alive without it taking over and it all comes down to how many clones and how often you need them. Personally I'm only taking clones here and there so my first approach is small pots, let them get to the point they are rootbound, keep feeding them, keep them happy but they just wont get any bigger :thumb: if i need clones i will step up to the next pot size and they take off again. If I'm only looking at taking one clone at a time i will veg the plant and get it ready for flower, take a couple of clones and pick the best before moving the big plant over, that clone then become the new mother or veg plant ;) Another way to keep them down is a lot of topping and defol, will maximise amount of nodes and when ready for clones just leave it go for about a week and should have multiple branches long enough to clone :) can cut them right back, as long as there is a node left on the branch each time you take a clone, it will continue to supply clones for a lifetime :thumb:
Awesome thx feral I like the root bound method that sounds awesome. Now why do you flower the mom and keep the clone. I thought the more you keep cloning clones the strain starts to change a little more each generation. So if you only flowered the clones wouldnt they all be 2nd generation
Tbh i like my plants to have lush fresh new growth, if you keep a mother long enough in veg the stems will harden and get to a point where they will not like to be cloned, means taking forever to root or a lot longer veg to get new growth before you can take healthy clones. When talking generations you are talking mothers producing seed, that seed is then the second generation and so on, clones are an exact copy of the plant they are taken from and as long as the plant and clones are kept healthy there should be no strain degradation :thumb:
You were saying take the clone then flower the mother and then the next run take clones and flower the plant that you took the clones from again and just repeat?

Basically if you use the small pot method like me and step up a pot each time you want to take clones the pot doesn't stay very small for long, might get a few up pots before taking a clone for a new mother plant if using that method ;) if only trying to keep the strain alive i treat it as any other plant in veg and get it ready for flower, before it goes to flower i take clones to keep in veg if that makes sense ;)
Found a new connect...thank goodness for the little hoodlums I watched grow up around here lol. Not bad for 50 a quarter
Hey pennywise or demonic ive never really tried to keep mother plants/clones so my question is.....if you wanted to keep a mother or clone do you keep them on 24 hours light to keep them from growing monstrous?
Well they will always grow but if you keep the light a bit closer I and the lights are intense it might slow them down
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