The Answer's Hydro Revelations

Hey Theanswerto1984is1776 brilliant! :goodjob:
Rep+ Friend!

Thank you for the kind words my friend!!

That setup is coming together nicely. Looking good.
Not sure if your going to seal it with the primer and glue, I'd suggest silicon if anything is used. That way you can get the unit apart. The only thing that really would need sealing is the high end caps, other then that all the other connections are above the res.

Not sure if this link will last but it's some fence post for other that might be looking, 4 3/4"x4 3/4"x 98". Veranda 4-3/4 In. x 4-3/4 In. x 98 In. End/Gate Post (V-20) - 73084172 at The Home Depot

Great minds think alike, that is exactly what I did! I only sealed the endcap with silicone and the rest seem to be fine(no leaks). If they do leak, they are over the reservoir, like you said. Thanks for the link, they didn't have them in stock in the store! I might upgrade in the future.

Hey Theanswerto1984is1776, every time I look at your set up it looks like that's what I need to do. I'm getting closer and closer every day to building one, but I've got to get the 6 +/- other projects I'm in the middle of finished!

Yeah I am really liking this setup! I can't wait to see it in action, but the guy who originally designed it had great success. Before I was doing two reservoir changes a week in the flower room, now I'll only have one! I know what you mean about to many projects, I am the same way. Its always:

:smokin: then :idea:
Thank you for the kind words my friend!!

Great minds think alike, that is exactly what I did! I only sealed the endcap with silicone and the rest seem to be fine(no leaks). If they do leak, they are over the reservoir, like you said. Thanks for the link, they didn't have them in stock in the store! I might upgrade in the future.

Yeah I am really liking this setup! I can't wait to see it in action, but the guy who originally designed it had great success. Before I was doing two reservoir changes a week in the flower room, now I'll only have one! I know what you mean about to many projects, I am the same way. Its always:

:smokin: then :idea:

Yup, then it's to the hardware store to buy the parts which are piled up in the garage! I need more time!!!
Chapter 1 Verse 4

Here are some pics of my church plants after I moved them to the flower setup. Four of them are fairly large and the other 2 are runts. Not bad considering it was my first time cloning and they were taken off of sick mother plants. They seem to be suffering from a mag defiency, so I upped the cal-mag a bit. This is just a trial run anyhow, to help get the new setup tuned in.




Thought those earlier pics were missing something???? Good to see the green in the new setup. Be looking forward to the next few days updates see how they adjust to the new diggs.
In 1776, the Free Masons started our government. They were the first BIG BROTHER, and Governemnt Conspiracy, which the book 1984 was about.

Very true Roseman! The most powerful of Freemasons are the 33rd degree masons, who are more commonly know as the Illuminatti. Secretly, along with other mystery schools(ie.-Jesuits, Skull and Bones, Knights of Malta) they write the policy for the world and decide our fate behind closed doors. People are so foolish to think the president is anything more than a puppet. Last real president we had was JFK and they blew his brains out! Now more than ever our freedoms are fading away.
Very true Roseman! The most powerful of Freemasons are the 33rd degree masons, who are more commonly know as the Illuminatti. Secretly, along with other mystery schools(ie.-Jesuits, Skull and Bones, Knights of Malta) they write the policy for the world and decide our fate behind closed doors. People are so foolish to think the president is anything more than a puppet. Last real president we had was JFK and they blew his brains out! Now more than ever our freedoms are fading away.

Right !!! We are able to vote just to keep us shut up, it really means nothing !! Do you enjoy Jon Stewert ? Thats pretty much my news show ,that and Keith Olbermann. Oops no politics :peace:
Roseman, I have a quick question for you ; how can I lower the humidity in my grow room (closet) other than buying a dehumidfier ? I'm at about 35-37 % and I think thats a bit high,and were in the middle of a 2 wk rainstorm here so it ain't gettin any dryer outside ! Thanks guy.. just pacing back and forth here not much to do with all the rain,,take care..:peace:
I wish I knew, I had 40% all during my Flowering and it nearly worried me to death! It rained and rained and rained for weeks, and I was just lucky, I guess. I did keep two fans on them.

Maybe some charcoal or boxes of baking soda or cat liter would work.

I have a friend who buys very large sacks of LIME, and puts it under houses in crawl spaces, to lower moisture and rpenvet mold. Maybe you could try some LIME ???
Hey olhippy, and roseman, I thought at some point in some other world wasn't Damprid mentioned. It says it pulls moisture out of the air. Prolly not cost effective.

My suggestion would be silica gel. Just looking at one site it is 15 for 1kg. Not cost effective.
The other would be to run a/c if you have it. A/C is a dehumidifier.
Hey olhippy, and roseman, I thought at some point in some other world wasn't Damprid mentioned. It says it pulls moisture out of the air. Prolly not cost effective.

My suggestion would be silica gel. Just looking at one site it is 15 for 1kg. Not cost effective.
The other would be to run a/c if you have it. A/C is a dehumidifier.

Ahhh, yes, good thought, the compressor will wring water out, that's why you need a drain on them. I'm sure ol hippy would be able to figure out how to set his so it doesn't cool but only de-humidifies.
Right !!! We are able to vote just to keep us shut up, it really means nothing !! Do you enjoy Jon Stewert ? Thats pretty much my news show ,that and Keith Olbermann. Oops no politics :peace:

I do like John Stewart, he hits on some good points(and hits a joint-420). Every once in a while Oberman will say something meaningfull, but he works for the elite controlled media, so its all scripted. Lou Dobbs(who recently "retired" due to pressure) was one of the last real news anchors who told it like it was. He had in his contract FULL control over his show and could say what he wanted. Too bad he "retired"!!
Roseman, I have a quick question for you ; how can I lower the humidity in my grow room (closet) other than buying a dehumidfier ? I'm at about 35-37 % and I think thats a bit high,and were in the middle of a 2 wk rainstorm here so it ain't gettin any dryer outside ! Thanks guy.. just pacing back and forth here not much to do with all the rain,,take care..:peace:

I think your only options are to run an A/C like the others said or get a dehumidifier. I have never gotten mine below 40% and have never had a problem either.
Thanks all,I can feel safe now that I've heard that 30s aren't harmful ! :peace:
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