The 420 Fotographer Collective: Advanced Cannabis Photography

Beautiful! Both of them.

I did a little practice this week using the tripod to get some closeup bud shots wth better depth of field than the auto ‘macro’ setting gives me. I can’t work for long periods of time so wasn’t able to experiment much but I took about 10 shots and lots of them were good - depth wise. All I can tell you about settings is that, in full manual mode (but auto focus), I used the smallest aperture possible and adjusted the shutter speed, taking test shots, until i liked what I saw on the view screen (which i think varied btw 1/30 - 1/50 depending on if the sun was out. ISO was 100.

And zoomed in on that one :)

It really pays to use a tripod :)

Oh! And I don’t have a remote shutter thingy ;) so i use the ”touch-shutter” function which seems to work pretty well for eliminating shutter motion-blur and most of the time i sucessfully touch the right spot for the focal centre (it’s a bit unreliable on more distant/landscape shots tho)

So that was aiming for as much depth of field as possible in the light conditions. Next practice session is messing around with the aperture to change the bokeh amounts for different effects.

One day I’ll work out how to post my settings the way the CM does. It’s really helpful! :thanks:

If I remember correctly you can set up your camera to step the aperture up or down when taking a macro, does wonders for your depth of field.
Thanks Agemon, I forgot the term. Brilliant pics by the way, I'm assuming you're using a tripod, but what kind of lens is on your camera? This is the closest I've been able to get my Olympus TG5 to set up.

I think we talked a bit about bracketing and auto-bracketing when Urban first started this thread. It’s not a tech that suits me very well because it involved time spent on computer in post-production and that’s something I can’t do a lot of. Thanks for mentioning it tho, warmguy :)

At the moment my priority is getting some better lighting options together. Aiming to get it right in the lens :cheesygrinsmiley:
I think we talked a bit about bracketing and auto-bracketing when Urban first started this thread. It’s not a tech that suits me very well because it involved time spent on computer in post-production and that’s something I can’t do a lot of. Thanks for mentioning it tho, warmguy :)

At the moment my priority is getting some better lighting options together. Aiming to get it right in the lens :cheesygrinsmiley:
It is generally done in camera. Best use for it is when you don’t have time or ability to tweak the exposure while photographing a subject.

For me it lets me find the best lighting without spending much time pissing around. But, since most of my photography now takes place inside, I always have time to get a good balance of light before taking the photo.

Just another tool folks have at their disposal. Some use it some don’t.
I think we talked a bit about bracketing and auto-bracketing when Urban first started this thread. It’s not a tech that suits me very well because it involved time spent on computer in post-production and that’s something I can’t do a lot of. Thanks for mentioning it tho, warmguy :)

At the moment my priority is getting some better lighting options together. Aiming to get it right in the lens :cheesygrinsmiley:
Like UrbanAchiever has said it's generally done in camera these days but I was referring to aperture bracketing, it allows for increase depth of field in macro photography. On my Olympus TG5 I can set up the number of f.stops it jumps and the camera automatically adjusts exposure times, only problem I have is that I can't get my tripod close enough to the buds to take real advantage of that function, it's too big. Once my girls start getting more photogenic I'll have to see about finding a smaller tripod.
Autob bracketing will yield three exposutes that change in 1/3, 1/2, or whole stop increments. If you use aperture to be the variance then the shutter speed will stay the same. You’ll see an increase in the focal plane while the exposure will shift incrementally based on your initial choice of exposure points: ie -1, 0, +1. New set-up, shoot 3 more and so on.

3 versions of the same story...
@Cola Monster :adore: My god man! :jawdropper:

can set up the number of f.stops it jumps and the camera automatically adjusts exposure times
Oh that’s what y’all meaning by auto-bracketing. I’m doing that all the time. (I was thinking you meant something more old school maybe). Anyway, yes I do that, and the other way that Agemon described as well (setting shutter speed and letting the aperture auto adjust).

That post you were responding to of mine from back in April, was me deliberately doing it manually looking for different effects. I don’t always like how the camera ‘sees’ light :)
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